Ich (MICU journal)


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Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/385151/ich-micu-journal/40#post_3380751
Aw sorry to hear..
Oh.... hi! didn't think I would be running into you.. Ya she put up a good fight but it was just to much for her. We had a love hate relationship, sometimes I loved to hate her and she felt the same about me sometimes. Lol......Sorry to hear of the carpet surfer, I can relate. The Pygmy (gypsy) was along for my ride too.


Active Member

Sorry to hear it.
I'm thinking next time I try an angel I'm going to be ready to go with a copper treatment. It now seems the better way to go with angels...
How is everyone else in the MICU doing?


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Just for what it is worse I had a similar scenario with my hypo two weeks into it my coral beauty developed more spots. I lost my angel as well soon after the two week mark. Everything else did fine, they are all back in the new DT and doing great.


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thanks guys..... the leonpeels is doing great tho. Eating and no behaviors at all, and most importantly no spots.
yanni..... I think I agree with you on the copper..... just real nervous on that medicating thing. Hopefully someone will post a threat on copper treating, like a journal or something


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ooooooohhhhhhh iwas talking to my lfs guy and he said that once you treat the fish with copper, you can empty the tank, bleach it out and let it dry, and you can use it for coral, I thought that once you treated with copper you had zero channce of putting coral in it forever. I also read that somewhere. I this true??? Any thoughts? I should add that this is done in a QT not in the DT.


Active Member
In a QT with now rock sand etc. Clean system with just some PVC and a hang on filter yes I would agree. There is a lot of anecdotal stuff out there about copper leeching back out from silicone but I have yet to find anything that really supports that. I am not sure why the bleach as it is a disinfectant and don't know what purpose it might serve as it relates to copper but certainly for disinfecting the overall tank I see that.


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Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/385151/ich-micu-journal/60#post_3381523
In a QT with now rock sand etc. Clean system with just some PVC and a hang on filter yes I would agree. There is a lot of anecdotal stuff out there about copper leeching back out from silicone but I have yet to find anything that really supports that. I am not sure why the bleach as it is a disinfectant and don't know what purpose it might serve as it relates to copper but certainly for disinfecting the overall tank I see that.
Do you believe that after a copper treatment in a QT as you describe (mine is that exactly), a total water change and running cuprisorb for an appropriate time would "safe" the system?


Active Member
Agree totally..... but like the wife and I were just talking about, the silicone leaking copper back into the system makes alot of sense, but I've learned that there are just some things in this hobby that makes no sense. Lol....


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Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/385151/ich-micu-journal/60#post_3381525
Do you believe that after a copper treatment in a QT as you describe (mine is that exactly), a total water change and running cuprisorb for an appropriate time would "safe" the system?
I can't see a reason why not. Are your intentions to then use the tank for purposes other than a Quarantine - Hospital tank?


Active Member
I'd never treat my DT with copper. Even if it was a FOWLR. With my luck I'd forget I had used copper and put the rock in a reef or something.
I agree with you Kiefers that I'd prefer not put medications in the tank, but with the angels it seems like they can't cope well with hypo. So I think copper is the lesser of two evils when it comes to angels.


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Originally Posted by yannifish http:///forum/thread/385151/ich-micu-journal/60#post_3381528
I'd never treat my DT with copper. Even if it was a FOWLR. With my luck I'd forget I had used copper and put the rock in a reef or something.
Yes this was discussed earlier I believe, and the Display should not be treated, only the Quarantine - Hospital or in this case the Marine Intensive Care Unit tank.


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forgot the MICU reporting here...
Did a big W/C and the salinity sitting at 1.007 still. Ph is 8.2 anf fish appeare doing fine. i have been monitering the lemonpeel closely, (magnofying glass) and she is clear of any spot. She has continued to current surf and is active and healthy. The possum wrasse was looking a little pale before the W/C and has returned to his normal color.
Have continued to use the Prime and stability but the ammonia, checked last night is 0.
Been switching up the food though, not allways giving mysis but giving some flake foods and small pellets. I have een switching it up everyday to give them a different variety and to see if this helps in the ammonia staying down. (doubt it) but worth trying.
so there you have it. Down to 4 fish in the unit.


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Originally Posted by mproctor4 http:///forum/thread/385151/ich-micu-journal/60#post_3381533
Someday the wife may want to QT corals in that tank because Kiefers wants to make the biocube a seahorse tank.
I think first that going back and forth from a Hospital for fish to a QT tank for coral would be inviting a possible mishap just statistically in terms of the additional chance for a mistake in cleaning along the way. But to change the tank to a totally QT for coral yeah the cuprisorb to remove the copper then a few days - week to run some Poly Filter to really check and see what there may be left in copper in the system.
Poly Filter
General maintenance comments:

Poly-Filter turns color when removing medications. Aqua to Dark Blue: Copper or Copper salts. Orange: Iron. Bright Red: Aluminum. Bright Yellow: Ammonia, Amines or Solvents. Dyes: Color of the solution when added i.e. Methylene Blue: Pale Blue. Malachite Green: Light Green, Tannins/Humic acid: Dark Brown, Organic Wastes: Light Tan progressing to Dark Brown. Poly-Filter extends time between water changes. Add de-chlorinated water to make up for evaporation loss. If pH shifts below acceptable level change water and add a new Poly-Filter. Heavy slime producing water conditioners can surface coat Poly-Filter and interfere with absorption performance. In marine water, soak in 3% hydrogen peroxide then rinse (in freshwater) well. In freshwater soak in 10% marine salt water solution then rinse (in freshwater) well.