ID please!


thanks for all the inputs. and yes missouri is pretty hot right now the temp is always around 100 and the humidity just makes it so much worse. so i guess im just gunna go buy an insulin syringe and joe's juice and see if i can kill off the aptasia


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
i got syringes from some test kits is there anything around the house that i might be able to inject them with and kill them now?
i dont know if anyone has said this already or if theyre gone but if you inject them with vinegar theyll die :]


vinegar huh? well exactly how much should i inject into each one? i dont want to put to much chemical into my tank. im already having problems with cyano and green algae. i guess thats what happens when you get lazy with you tank for about 6 months!


ok. yes, i did a google search on both aiptasia and tulip anemone and it does look exactly like a tulip anemone. so in this case what should i do? are those ok? they have mulitplied though. i started with one and now their are four of them?

bang guy

Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ok. yes, i did a google search on both aiptasia and tulip anemone and it does look exactly like a tulip anemone. so in this case what should i do? are those ok? they have mulitplied though. i started with one and now their are four of them?
They are just as prolific as Aiptasia but they are 100% easier to remove. Just slowly scrape them off with a wooden skewer or a plastic spoon. A fingernail works perfectly but I strongly advise against scraping anything off your Zoanthis with a bare finger.
If you like the looks of them you can keep them, they're no more harmful than your Zoathids. I would keep the numbers low though.
I use Tulip Anemone to host baby Clownfish. My buyer likes Clownfish that instantly go into Anemone and baby Clownfish enjoy the Tulips.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ok thanks so they will just pop right off the rock and ill be done with them then? sounds simple enough.
Pretty much. If you disturb them and they hunker down then it will take more scraping to get them off. Unlike Aiptasia, Tulips don't reproduce easily when you rip them. If you tear an Aiptasia you could end up with a hundred more popping up later, I have not seen this behavior with Tulips.


ok. so it would be ok to keep one and maybe place it somewhere else? how big do they get? if it got bigger could my clown fish maybe host it?


no. it looks nothing like that. i guess since i can see it in person i got the best view of it. i dont have the best camera in the world so i know its hard to tell what it looks like but i saw a pic on google of a tulip anemone and it looked 100% the same as what is in my tank. im thinking because it is an anemone that it is competing with the zoo's for territorial purposes and thats why its stinging them. but idk?

bang guy

Aiptasia have tapered tentacles that end in a point. The Anemone pictured has rounded tips on the tentacles, therefore it's not Aiptasia.