Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ok. yes, i did a google search on both aiptasia and tulip anemone and it does look exactly like a tulip anemone. so in this case what should i do? are those ok? they have mulitplied though. i started with one and now their are four of them?
They are just as prolific as Aiptasia but they are 100% easier to remove. Just slowly scrape them off with a wooden skewer or a plastic spoon. A fingernail works perfectly but I strongly advise against scraping anything off your Zoanthis with a bare finger.
If you like the looks of them you can keep them, they're no more harmful than your Zoathids. I would keep the numbers low though.
I use Tulip Anemone to host baby Clownfish. My buyer likes Clownfish that instantly go into Anemone and baby Clownfish enjoy the Tulips.