ID this weird weird "thing"


Active Member
Ok, so why listening to a sermon online my son was looking at my 125...
He yelled what is this ??
I looked and have no idea and grabbed the cam.
I took some pics it was like bulbis as you can see and then when i moved it withh the net krill and other foods came out of it. I left it in the tank ass I have no idea what it is good or bad let me know. It is now going back to the original shape and moving towards the corner. It when moved was flat somewhat and openedd up somewhat like a jellyfish or something.
shuld it stay or should it go ?






I moved it as you can see by the net and dropped it back onto the sand.
It went back into the same form it was before and it pushes up and down and you can see tiney what look like tentacle feet or something surrounding the outer edge moving and or sticking to the sand.
Maybe it is nothing but it sure seems alive to me help would be great.


Active Member
polyclad flatworm ? is it good or bad ? I would certainly like to know soon so I can toss them id they are bad.


Active Member
The one flatened out is about 2 and a half inches long and the other is in a ball.
It is in my pred tank which has galaxy coral and some GSP way up high and two large muchrooms about 6 inches from end to end. Should I toss them ? they are eating my krill. I have no idea where they came from either.. They look like snot tbh.


Active Member
Ok, read this and it made me say this is not a polyclad flatworms. This thing has no color the only color was from the krill shining thru it. The speckles you see are simply sand. This has n hard texture that I CAN TELL. I have not grabbed ahold of it yet to check it out as without knowing I'm like uh no thanks to having someone pee on my hand to make the burn goo away or lose a finger to some creature that looks all defenseless until you touch it then I pull back a nub from some transformer freakish looking monster.
This web site is devoted to the study of polyclad flatworms (Phylum: Platyhelminthes, Class: Turbellaria, Order: Polycladida), a group of large, free-living marine flatworms which are mainly found in tropical coral reefs. Although not related to molluscs (Phylum: Mollusca) they are often mistaken for sea slugs (Order: Nudibranchia) because of their brilliant color patterns.


Active Member
well thats good that you did a search on it but theres thousands of species most brilliant in color some clear and some white.


Active Member
Well, as long as your 100 percent sure its them and bad I will try and find it.. It has moved and I dunno whhere to start lokking lol.
What fishh eat them that would go in a predator tank ? I have a foot long eel snowflake and 6 dominos and 6 yellow yails all which get along right now running in a pack


Active Member
im 99.9 percent sure. its not a terrible thing its just that if it was my tank i would get it out next time i saw it. to get a second opinion give bang guy a p.m.


looks like a bacteria blob. I guess thats one of its deffence mechanisms. bacteria blobs that are consuming dead items look very simliar to that. of course with exception they dont move on their own.


Active Member
I am not sure what a bacteria blob is and or if this thing actually has feet. One of them the smaller one is suckedd up against the overflw so will be tossing him in a bit. It seemed like it just floated around and gathered eccess food.