Ideas for 10 gallon?


I have an empty ten gallon tank collecting dust. Anyone have ideas for it? Something simple though, I'm not interested in a small reef set up. I like fish-only.


To be honest. I would use it for a sump for a larger tank. I have had a 10 gallon tank with 2 clowns, LR, and LS for three years. I have spent enough to buy a nice large aquarium setup. The water evaporation is so quick, it changes water variables everyday. I have top it off every day, trying to keep it stable. If you went fish only, It could be easier. I was in over my head when I started my 10gal mini reef. JMO.


If you want a nice fish only 10 gal. you could get 2 clowns and a firefish or a jawfish. Then you could have 4-6 hermits and some snails. I think that would be simple but very nice. JMO



Clowns need a MINIMUM of a 30 gallon tank (a very few biologists say a 20 is the MINIMUM).
There is NO use for a 10 gallon tank in the saltwater fish hobby, unless like someone said, it is used as a sump.
Good Luck!

bang guy

Percs will do wonderfully in a 10 as long as water is maintained at a high level.
I would suggest larger for Ocellaris though, perhaps 20.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8

Clowns need a MINIMUM of a 30 gallon tank (a very few biologists say a 20 is the MINIMUM).
There is NO use for a 10 gallon tank in the saltwater fish hobby, unless like someone said, it is used as a sump.
Good Luck!

well that was very negative! many people have 10 gal tanks. i have one, bang guy has one, there's several threads with pictures from so many of us that have one.
i have 2 ocellaris in mine. i also have a hermit crab, turbo snails, an emerald crab, and several mushrooms.
of course i would love a much bigger tank. but i live in a dorm. so that's pretty much outta the question.
and a 10 gal is not so ridiculously hard to take care of like everyone makes it out to be. at least not for me. sure i have to top it off like 5 or 6 days a week. and do a water change every week. just like in a larger tank. i change two gallons of water at a time.
the only problem i've had is an outbreak of hair and slime algea when i upgraded from my 5 gal. that's right i had a 5 gal. but i cut down the length of time my lights are on and the algea situation has already started to improve. i've had no other problems with water quality, evaporation, or anything. so it's really not that bad.


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
well that was very negative! many people have 10 gal tanks. i have one, bang guy has one, there's several threads with pictures from so many of us that have one.
i have 2 ocellaris in mine. i also have a hermit crab, turbo snails, an emerald crab, and several mushrooms.
of course i would love a much bigger tank. but i live in a dorm. so that's pretty much outta the question.
and a 10 gal is not so ridiculously hard to take care of like everyone makes it out to be. at least not for me. sure i have to top it off like 5 or 6 days a week. and do a water change every week. just like in a larger tank. i change two gallons of water at a time.
the only problem i've had is an outbreak of hair and slime algea when i upgraded from my 5 gal. that's right i had a 5 gal. but i cut down the length of time my lights are on and the algea situation has already started to improve. i've had no other problems with water quality, evaporation, or anything. so it's really not that bad.
Bang has a really really really nice 10gl. Post a pic Bang.
Yes you are right, that was negative.


i have a purple dottyback and a maroon clown in my 10 gal..maroon is happy at this point..was given to me due to it was gettin picked on..eventually will be returned to lfs when its sold...but i think a 10 gal has plenty of potential as long as well maintained..i agree lots of people say they are harder to keep stable..i am a lucky one...amm o nrite o trate 0..good luck with urs..


Oh yeah, I have had a Clarkii in a 20gl. Kept him for two years.
I have also kept 2 Oscelleris in a 20gl. I still have them, but they are in my 30gl now.


Ok, sorry, didn't mean to be negative, just stating what I have read and believe...

But we have went through this before, NO clown should be any anything less than a 30 gallon (a few biologists say 20 gallons).
It is not just my opinion (which really means nothing) it is the opinion of every major marine biologist and noted marine aquarist that I know of.
Foster, Fenner, Michael, Smith...... these guys wrote the bible on our hobby.
Just because someone has them in their 10 gallon and they "seem" to be ok (whatever that means) does not make it right...

If someone locked you in a 5x5 closet and fed you, you would "seem" to be ok...

(room to swim)


Thanks everyone! Well almost everyone!
I was thinking about using it for a pair of clowns. That would be adorable. And some snails or a shrimp or something would be cool to have, seeing as I can't keep anything of the sort in my 29 gallon. The 10 gallon is being used as a hospital tank at the moment. Scary Ich. But here in a month or two, once I see that the ich is gone I was thinking about turning it into a nice little fish-only tank! :joy:


Whats up with the "police" why is there always someone bashing other people's fish choices. I mean 6 people said 2 clowns would be nice. And all of a sudden you have someone saying "NOOOOO NEED A MIN. OF 30 GALLONS." 2 Tank raised percs dont even know what 30 gallons mean! Just MO

2 percs will be fine in a 10 gallon. :happyfish


Well actually we are all wrong if your going to say something about making it right. IMO God put these animals in the ocean. NOT in tanks at peoples houses. Its just mankind trying to make a buck, dont start giving me that extinct bit.


Hey, sorry, I wasn't bashing anyone....its called educating....
Why is it the minute someone says something they don't want to hear, its bashing or negative?
I am sorry, if 6 people said it would be ok...those 6 people are wrong. Its nothing personal and I am not bashing them at all.

The marine biologist and noted aquarists that I named have been working in the hobby for years and years - it is their life, they know what they are talking about.
I am sorry if you don't want to hear the truth because clowns are cute and you really want them - but for sakes, if you really want then at least have the decency to listen to people who know what they are talking about have to say (the biologists, not me) and buy a 20 gallon tank.


Personally, I find the "police" to be extremely rude. They make the most extreme statements about tank sizes, and I know that they do it out of being cautious, but in many cases I've seen a lot of these things proved wrong. A porcupine puffer can thrive in a 29 gallon tank. A pair of clown fish do absolutely fine in a small enviroment. As long as you keep good water quality, and give the fish the proper care, they're happy.
And to those of you with small tanks that are doing amazing, congratulations!


Saltwater, sorry but not everyone can afford a 300 gallon like you probably have. Some people have to work with what they have. IMO i think a 10 gallon is a GREAT starter tank for a couple reasons. the evaporation is so fast and the levels change so much that you have to take care of it. It was my first tank and i NEVER had a problem. But i was simply saying that two "TANK" raised percs have no idea what the size of the tank is nor do they care one bit. The fish will take forever to grow large enough for there size to be a problem. To the 10 gal. owner TAKE CARE OF YOUR TANK. AND GOOD LUCK!