Ideas for 10 gallon?


No it doesn't. No matter what you're tank is TINY compared to the OCEAN. So if you really feel that strongly about having appropriate tank sizes you probably shouldn't rob them of the ocean in the first place. Seeing as your "huge" tank is so nice compared to 29384298385098309482095094285028039810975024750985209803481093850986420986029834091380809852098460 gallons of ocean.


I think as human beings we forget about the luxury of not having to spend every day of our lives trying to fight off predators and stay alive. I'm sure fish enjoy that luxury also.


Originally Posted by kaytiiie
Seeing as your "huge" tank is so nice compared to 29384298385098309482095094285028039810975024750985209803481093850986420986029834091380809852098460 gallons of ocean.
That pretty much summed up what we are dealing with here....
I noticed no one bothered to mention the statistics I put up there from the aquaria doctors… convenient for you, huh?
Do what you want, you will anyway...
Have fun.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
That pretty much summed up what we are dealing with here....
I noticed no one bothered to mention the statistics I put up there from the aquaria doctors… convenient for you, huh?
Do what you want, you will anyway...
Have fun.

My percs. swim in one tiny little spot (about 10" x 10" area) in my 55 gallon.
I have never seen them anywhere else in the tank.
Percs live in their anemone in nature and NEVER move but a few inches from it.
So, if the water quality is kept up, then I believe it is perfectly acceptable.
Just my opinion.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Saltwater8
I noticed no one bothered to mention the statistics I put up there from the aquaria doctors… convenient for you, huh?
What statistics?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
What statistics?

He is talking about his copy and paste from the live aquaria website.
I don't trust that websiteas far as tank size suggestions, but that's just me.........and many morepeople on this site.


Back to original question............. I would put a nice peacock mantis in there with a castle for him to hide in.


Originally Posted by kaytiiie
I have an empty ten gallon tank collecting dust. Anyone have ideas for it? Something simple though, I'm not interested in a small reef set up. I like fish-only.
Lets go back to the orginal post, IMO, 2 percula clowns would be good in a 10 gallon.
Most, but not all on here agree. (It's your choice.) You **WILL** be sucessful, if you want to be and try to be. Which I'm sure you do and will. There are number of possibilities with a 10gl. Not as much as a larger tank, but thats fine. This is a hobby with a lot of trial and error. I say go for it.

Now, JMO,I suggest that this thread get stopped before people get carried away and start saying things they shouldn't. I believe everyone has made their points.
Kay, I hope you succeed and keep us updated. Good luck and have fun!


I agree like stated before. End the post, kay you will be fine with 2 tank raised percs. Like i said before make sure if you want an anemone you buy 2 percs already hosting with one at your LFS. Saltwater8 wasnt trying to offend you but like i said, some people only have so much to work with. If its 10 gallons you should agree she will be fine.
If you disagree, enjoy your 100,000 gallon PERFECT tank!


Originally Posted by ShrimpDady
He is talking about his copy and paste from the live aquaria website.
I don't trust that websiteas far as tank size suggestions, but that's just me.........and many morepeople on this site.

You don't believe two life long vets that specialize in aquaria....
You don't believe a renowned aquarium journalist...
You don't believe an advisor to leading public aquaria...
You don't believe a former college-level marine science and aquariology instructor...
Yes, I know, they are ALL wrong, and you are right...

bang guy

Originally Posted by Saltwater8
You don't believe two life long vets that specialize in aquaria....
You don't believe a renowned aquarium journalist...
You don't believe an advisor to leading public aquaria...
You don't believe a former college-level marine science and aquariology instructor...
Yes, I know, they are ALL wrong, and you are right...

Was that post for a Clarkii? Percs don't get 3.5", they don't often get past 2" and I've never seen one longer than 2.5".


Active Member
Saltwater8 - You have made your point. You have given your "facts" and "opinions", can't you stop now. :notsure:
I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish. You continue to be negative. You are going to scare the newbie off. We are here to help

You have given your advice, I don't think it is helping for you to keep arguing.
Not trying to be ugly so please don't take it that way. You dont' agree with the majority on here about this so lets just let it go.
IMO - percs would be just fine in a 10 gallon. Keep up your water parameters and everything will be fine. As far as tank raised clowns hosting. They may or may not. I have 2 and it took them about 2 weeks to figure it out. I did hang pictures of clowns hosting in a BTA on the sides of the tank. When they started trying to actually "host" the pictures, I took them down. Took them about 3 more days to jump in. It can happen given time


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
You don't believe two life long vets that specialize in aquaria....
You don't believe a renowned aquarium journalist...
You don't believe an advisor to leading public aquaria...
You don't believe a former college-level marine science and aquariology instructor...
Yes, I know, they are ALL wrong, and you are right...

Dude-- chill...


First off, I am NOT arguing...
Why is it that when people hear what they don't want to hear it's arguing or negative?
HERE IS THE EMAIL RESPONSE I RECEIVED TODAY FROM BOB FENNER. Those of you who actually know something about this hobby know who Bob Fenner is. For those of you who don't, he is an advisor to leading public aquaria, a former college-level marine science and aquariology instructor, and the author of books which are considered to be the bible in this hobby.

I am hoping you can help me and others...
Will try.

There are A LOT of people asking if it is OK to keep a pair of clownfish, or any clownfish, in a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium. It is my understanding that any clown should be in a MINIMUM of a 30 gallon tank (a few say 20 is OK).
I would say for most aquarists, nothing should be kept in a five or ten gallon tank.

Can you help us out and shed some light on this subject please?
While clowns are tough fish, and actually pretty well suited for aquariums, 5 or 10 gallons just isn't enough space or stable enough.

It's really disheartening to see others tell newbies that clowns in a 10 gallon is just fine...
I often think of wearing earmuffs to the LFS so I don't have to hear the advice they give new fish keepers. Often dooming them to failure. One of the reasons 90% of fish keepers drop out of the hobby within a year.

No matter how much you tell them that the vast majority of noted marine biologists say otherwise, the "it's cute and I want it no matter what" syndrome kicks in...
A real shame. Seems to be a common problem whenever a living thing is involved.

Thanks again, I just wanted to make sure I right for a
Well, the best you can do is try to educate people and hope they apply it to their friends.

Thanks for caring.



Active Member
Maybe they say it is arguing and negative because of the way you continue to use all caps and keep coming back at anybody who disagrees.