1) Obama and the democrats said that Bush ran up the national debt and deficit. Obama has more than doubled the deficit and tripled national debt in 1/4 time Bush did it-AND HE WANTS TO SPEND EVEN MORE. 2) Obama will sign the UN small arms treaty which forces any country that signs it to register all firearms and force any gun sales to go through the government first-backdoor gun control. Another of his "under the radar" gun control he told Handgun Inc and The Brady Campaign he was working on. 3) Once the Fed quits printing money faster than Charmin makes toilet paper (to hide the true depth of The Messiah's spending and deficit), we are going to have inflation that will make our money almost worthless. 4) He sued Arizona for passing a law that mirrored Federal law because the cartels are out of control here, yet when California and New York pass sanctuary laws in direct conflict with Federal law and that completely usurp Federal law by shielding even criminal aliens from deportation, he does nothing. Funny, that. I thought it was about Federal supremacy in immigration? Now if you think that's really just about policy-2 hours after the SC decision he ordered ICE and Border Patrol NOT TO COOPERATE WITH ARIZONA to deport known illegals. And now on Monday they announced that they were moving half the ICE and BP staff to other "higher priority" states. Arizona is the #1 port of entry for illegals and drugs from Mexico, yet he is lowering the number of agents after the SC said it was solely the Feds responsibility to enforce the law. We have to depend on the Feds to enforce immigration and he is pulling out half the resources. 5) He and Eric Holder have sued states who want to end voting fraud. The Justice department released a report that, in Florida alone, there was about 186,000 illegal votes by felons and illegal and legal aliens last election. So Florida started a voter verification program(not a voter purge like the democrat bought and paid for media calls it) to ensure aliens and felons weren't being allowed to vote-The Messiah and Holder want those votes and sued Florida to stop them from verifying who was actually voting. 6) Obama poured billions into "alternative energy" companies and every penny has been pissed away into his big donor's bank accounts-Solyndra was just the tip of the iceberg-think in the order of $20 billion to GE.
Now, Snakeblitz, how about whoever else IS NOT Obama?