I like them both, but I prefer the sixline. I do not recommend a pair. They may not get along (same with gramma's). My sixline flares at his own reflection in the glass.
Ant, your making a great choice. I love my 6 line. It found a hole in one of the rocks and curls itself up evey night in it unless the emerald gets there first that is.
what's so great about the 6 line wrasse. i've never had one before but a lot of people like them. they don't look like anything special and they sure aren't that colorful. please enlighten me.
6-lines are colorful. Mine has colors ranging from pink to orange to green and blue. I love my sixline.. I had a gramma when I first started up the tank and they have nice colors as well but I love my 6-lines personality.
That's funny Who Dey! I'd love to get both except I'm trying to respect the space available and fish I have and this will be my last fish to add. Thus the inquiry.
They are reef safe. Supposedly they eat pyramid snails,bristle worms, pods and mini-stars. I saw him eat a starfish once.Now I have none.I also dont see as many worms or pods. All mine does is hunt in and out of cracks and spaces between rocks.
my 6 line is awesome, would highly recommend....very active, very cool to watch go sliding between all the rocks and spaces, they are fast, gorgeous colors and he is buds with my maroon pair. very likeable and fun fish...here is a pic.