Im Gettin' A Cube!


So I just found out Im getting a NanoCube for Valentines Day and Id like some suggestions as to what to put in it. I really like the yellow cups that a lot of you have. Id like to get a clown but what can I get to host thats small enough? Im getting the Deluxe version. I was also thinking about getting some cheato for the back.
Any ideas? Lets hear em!


Active Member
If I were to get a NanoCube, I'd probably put a couple clownfish, a couple crabs, and a shrimp in it. The yellow cup would make a nice addition too. You could go for some soft corals if you wanted--zoos, mushrooms, polyps, etc. Also, if you didn't want a pair of clownfish, you could replace one of them with, say, a clown goby or other fish. If you feel you could keep an anemone, I would go for one of those, but there's no guarantee your clownfish would host it. It's pretty much up to you. Good luck with your tank! :D


Active Member
No anemone in such a small tank, 20 gallons minimum IMO. The water parameters change a lot in a smaller tank. You can try some hairy mushrooms or a frogspawn for those clowns though.


Active Member
I've seen the anemone/minimum tank size argument in a few different threads, and according to some, it is possible to have one in a 12g. Maybe not the best choice, but definitely not impossible. :)


Active Member
I've seen such threads too, but I still have yet to hear of any anemones living long term in a small tank like 12 gallons. The nano cube DX doesn't have enough lighting in it for any hosting species of anemone either. It only has 48 watts. A tulip anemone or mini-carpet could work though, but most likely would not host a clownfish. And when I say mini-carpet, I am not talking about any small carpet anemone, I am refering to Stichodactyla tapetum. Those stay small all its life.


Yeah, Im not gonna chance it with the larger anemones. I know better than that, lol. But Id still like to find something for the clown.
What about clean up crews? Whats the right quantity?


Hairy Mushrooms, Hammer Corals, Frogspawns, Ricordias...I've known clowns to have hosted these...they would work with 48 watts.


Active Member

Originally posted by DVS
What about clean up crews? Whats the right quantity?

Just a few scarlet or redlegged hermits and some snails like turbo or nass. 5 hermits and 5 snails would work fine, and maybe a shrimp like a scarlet or peppermint.


Active Member
Not really big. If you get a branching type, you can just frag off a branch or two when it grows too big.


The problem with a frogspawn in a cube is that they have to have a good perimeter around them...those sweepers can irritate neighboring corals pretty easily. A hammer has shorter sweepers and tentacles but still need that perimeter. They're fairly easy to frag though so if you did get any you could always just frag at the calcified part and just trade/sell it to keep its size down.


If I was you I would try the anomone.Atlong as the tank is stable and you have good lightning such as MH it should be ok.
My BTA is doing good and I have it in a 10g.


There are some auto top offs that will detect up to 1/8 (sometimes even 1/16th of an inch) of evaporation...this will help reduce the sg fluctuations in your tank and will help keep it stable enough to keep the anemone happy and healthy.


Cool. Any good brands or any bad ones I should stay away from? How much do they usually cost?
Thanks again...


Not to hi jack the thread or anything, I am thinking of getting my wife one of these, so anyones experience would be welcome. I am also especially interested in auto top off systems for these tanks. Also anything people didn't like?



Originally posted by ManjiSann
Not to hi jack the thread or anything, I am thinking of getting my wife one of these, so anyones experience would be welcome. I am also especially interested in auto top off systems for these tanks. Also anything people didn't like?

No troubles, Ive never had one either.