Im Gettin' A Cube!



Originally posted by DVS
Im narrowing down my live stock list. Id like to ge a clown, a goby (not sure what kind) a shrimp, a boxing crab, frogspawn, a yellow cup. Is this too much? Could I add more? Maybe a snail or 2?
And yes, I know I have to wait, lol.
Patience is a virtue!

I think you should do a bit more research on the boxing crab (or better known as pom-pom crabs). They either have short lifespans or don't do well in captivity and those "boxing gloves" he holds are actually reef pests called aiptasia. If he dies he will most likely drop it on your live rock and you will have to buy a pest repellent for it. Chances are, it will die though (or so I hear--I wanted one too but I did the research first, but don't take my word for it...I encourage you to do your own).
As far as the fish...2 fishes are fine...depending on the kind of goby though and the kind of clown. False percs do well in nanos, true wild ones I hear are more aggressive and require more territorial space. Regarding corals, you can have as many corals as you want :) their bioload is almost undetectable so should have no worries. 5 hermits and 5 snails would do your tank good too...
Keep in mind that clowns can be just as happy without a host as it would with a host so I can't stress enough--don't get an anemone for your clown because you just want a host for it. I made that mistake once and I regret it and I would like to keep other people from doing the same. And I'm glad that you're looking into a frogspawn :)...mine hosts a powerhead...go figure...
I personally am biased to my sexy shrimp, I think he's completely fascinating and if you can find one in your LFS I say go for it. They're very small and they're animate li'l creatures.
Regarding your nano cube...there is a DIY kit that I know if that will allow you to install a 13w fuge light in the back (depending on what generation cube you get--it would fit in the sump area--1st gen will not work, only 2nd gens). This will allow you to keep chaeto back there and will help keep your nitrates down (to re-iterate, it's ammonia - > nitrates - > nitrites ; in other words, with less nitrates coz of the chaeto, less need to do water changes). I highly recommend chaeto above all macro algaes because this type of macro algae is not asexual and will not overrun your tank.
As far as filtration...take those bio balls and ceramic rings out immediately, they are nitrate factories. Try adding some sort of chemical filtration though like carbons and phosban...I've found those to be very helpful. If you need any help with your nano please let me know, I love my cube...also you might want to take out all the sponges except for one...they can be nitrate factories too. I just keep 1 sponge by the intake and clean it when I do water changes.
Also, the stock pump SUCKS, so get a minijet 606...I tried the Maxijet 1200 and noticed that it increased my temperature tank way too much--then again, you don't have the same lighting as I do, it might work for you...but I've found the flow on a maxijet 1200 with a splitter to be perfect for my nano.
Just look at my tank and see what I've added, except for the acan lord and the favia (I'm not sure how they would do at 48 watts--but I'm pretty sure they're low-light requirement corals), those corals would all do great in your don't feel that you're limited to the frogspawn and the yellow cup. I hope I've helped a bit...have fun with it!


Wow! Thanks rbaby!
I didnt know about the boxing crab. I guess Ill be rethinking that idea.
Im gonna get a False perc and I was thinking a banded firefish or Goldline Neon. Still undecided.
Ive always liked frogspawn and if I can get it to host thats great but I had planned on getting some anyways. Maybe some shrooms and a few zoos too. I really like the teal ones.
Ill have to find that DIY kit cause I def want to keep some cheato back there. If you have it can you email it to me please. jen_latini at yahoo dot com. Thanks!
I knew about removing the bioballs but was unaware about the rings. What kind of carbon should I get? And where exactly would it go?
As far as the puump, I have a maxi 600, would that work? If not I can always get a different one.
Hey prune, I am lucky. He's a great guy! :yes:
And once again... THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!! If it wasnt for you guys Id be standing in the dark with a very unhappy tank. Ive been here for almost 3 years and thre isnt a day that goes by that I dont learn something new.
:cheer: :happy:


Firefish is pretty but I hear they jump--which is why I hesitated to get if you get one and find that it's missing, your best bet is to find the bugger in the sump/fuge :).
Maxi 600 would work, definitely wouldn't hurt to try...but just keep track fo your temperature as I've noticed they have more heat output than the minis.


For $8.99 that piece surely doesn't have that much coralline. When looking for live rock, look not only for pieces that you can work with for aquascaping, but see if you can see any pods and/or lots of coralline algae growth. That's what determines how expensive it is really...



Originally posted by rbaby
For $8.99 that piece surely doesn't have that much coralline. When looking for live rock, look not only for pieces that you can work with for aquascaping, but see if you can see any pods and/or lots of coralline algae growth. That's what determines how expensive it is really...

I know, Im workin with what I got, lol. It was $8.99 a pound and thats a 2 lb rock but the kid put $8.99 on it. Im gonna use my base rock for aquascaping. Ive got some "friends" that came home with it. Ill try to get a pic, Im still screwing around with the macro mode.


I have to go get a stand for it and Im still waiting on sand. After that... it set-up time!

oh yeah... what kind of fish is this? I think its some kind of catfish but not sure. Any idea what they eat? Do they require special lighting?


promisetbg: You might want to look up what aiptasia is an anemone...just a very fast breeding type of anemone which is why they're reef pests...they will overrun your tank if you don't take care of the problem. Small little creatures but reproduce way too fast for its own good...
Jen that's the most adorable kitty :)...the cube is great for households with cats (I have a cat, her name is Witney)...the canopy makes the tank look sleek and keeps all of those curious paws away from our little fishies.


Active Member

Originally posted by rbaby
promisetbg: You might want to look up what aiptasia is an anemone...just a very fast breeding type of anemone which is why they're reef pests...they will overrun your tank if you don't take care of the problem. Small little creatures but reproduce way too fast for its own good...

No need to look it up..I know very well what it is.I also know that boxing crabs have anemones in their claws..but they are NOT aiptasia.I work at an LFS..and own 2 boxing crabs.I have been very thorough with my research for well on 2 yep..I know exactly what aiptasia is..I have almost completely eradicated mine in my reef...finally.


Yes but your statement implied that aiptasia and anemones were two completely different things, when in fact they aren't. Aiptasia IS an anemone, just a different species...and actually, those pom poms will grab anything as pom poms. I've had friends whose pom poms lost their anemones and they tried to cut off other pieces of corals to hang onto instead. These anemones do not live inside the pom pom crab at all, the crab just *holds* them.
Wether or not it is aiptasia specifically, all of my friends' pom poms that died ended up dropping their anemones and it ended up overrunning the tank, which I would still consider to be reef pests.


Someone once said that theyre only stupid questions if you dont ask them so here goes...
Why do they call it a 12 gallon when clearly its not? I went and got (6) 2.5 gallon containers of R/O water. I used 3. Then I had to take out some water when I put the LR in. :notsure:
Anyone else notice that?
rbaby, heres a better pic of kitty. She looks a little bewildered, lol.
Thanks everyone!
:joy: :jumping: :happy:
:happy: :cheer: