Im Gettin' A Cube!


Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I have a hitch hiker in the tank! Its a hermit crab but Im not sure as to what kind. He appears to be solid black, none like Ive seen on here. Ill try to get a pic, Im still screwing with my macro settings. Anywho... do you guys think he'll survive the cycle?


So yeah, Ive been staring at my tank for the past hour or so. Ive noticed some red-orange spots on my live rock, the same texture of the coralline. Any suggestions?


Happy vday baby glad you liked it! The tank is looking sweet I can't wait to see what else you do with it keep those pics coming. And try not to stay up all night staring at it you need your rest to put all that sand in tomorrow lol
ps are you sure that was a catfish???!!



Originally posted by prune_tang
Happy vday baby glad you liked it! The tank is looking sweet I can't wait to see what else you do with it keep those pics coming. And try not to stay up all night staring at it you need your rest to put all that sand in tomorrow lol
ps are you sure that was a catfish???!!

Yes, I love it! I cant wait to get the sand in there and start cycling. I had to take the catfish out, someone said it was too big for the tank and I dont think there was enough lighting. Oh well. Now Im just waiting for you to get your butt over here and take a look at it.
:joy: :jumping: :happy: :cheer:


Definetly put some mushrooms, hammer corals, oh and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND long tenticle plate coral because they look just like an anemone with its tenticles and my clownfish host in them very nicely. They prefer this coral then my frogspawn that I have. And I also have an elegance coral that my clownfish hosts in. I havnt had ANY luck with keeping an anemone. The longest Ive kept an anemone was prolly for 5 - 8months. They say BUBBLE TIP ANEMONES are somewhat easiest to keep but I havnt had luck with ANY of t hem... :( Good luck tho.
p.s Definetly get a long tenticle plate'll love it.