I'm in the hospital


Well-Known Member
I have blood clots in both lungs...Nothing hurts but I can't breath if I try to do anything...I'm bored


flower you were the first person to answer my question on here. I wish you the best of luck and hope you beat it. You are a very sweet person and a wonderful person.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, if you get an SOS from Flower, my mom is in trouble caring for my horses. I hope those lifter pumps don't fail on her.


OH FLOWER...I hope you will recover quickly......Sure wish we were closer so I could help you out
will keep an eye out for any questions she may have.....
How long do you think you will have to be there????


Well-Known Member
Your mom and horses are in good hands here, Deb. Just get yourself patched up and home safe soon. You're in our thoughts.


Active Member
Those PE's really take it out of ya huh? sorry to read your not feeling well. You are in out thoughts. Stay down and let the heperin do it's job.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what happened. I took out the trash last Sunday and I thought I would die before I made it back to the house, I was so out of breath. After that, everytime I did the least little thing I felt like I had run 20 miles. It took me 2 hours to feed the birds and the horses this morning. I had to keep stopping to let my breathing calm it was so labored.
Needless to say I had hopes it would go away and since it didn't I finally went in to the doctor. I guess I could have died. I never had anything like this.
I called my daughter, she is on her way so she can help Mother. The Kuda tank blew a fuse and she didn't know how to reset a breaker. I had her call my brother in law and he had to come do it. She is upset about me and can't think ...I think the horses are okay..but the power was off 5 hours at least. I told her how to log on to SWF for help but I doubt she remembers what I told her. The clots are on the outter area of each lung...I have no idea what that means.


Active Member
Doesn't really mean anything other than you have blood clots in your lungs. The good news is you got to the hospital in time. The oxygen was being blocked to your heart and making the heart work 10X harder than normal. You do realize Deb that if you can't breath thre is something wrong right? Lol...


Active Member
I have something called a greenfield filter because of clots hitting my lungs after the car wreck. I had severe upper leg trauma which tends to cause clots. Wasn't fun. Felt like I could take air in but couldn't exhale. Nearly snuffed me twice. Nothing to mess with.
Hope they get it all worked out for you.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital#post_3480366
Doesn't really mean anything other than you have blood clots in your lungs. The good news is you got to the hospital in time. The oxygen was being blocked to your heart and making the heart work 10X harder than normal. You do realize Deb that if you can't breath thre is something wrong right? Lol...
LOL...I wanted to go to the doctor and the earliest appointment was July 10,(they said if it got worse I could go to the walk in) but I was so tired and out of breath and I really thought it was asthma or an allergy. There has been no rain here and since it felt like an asthma attack...(which I had 10 years ago when we pulled up a carpet and I had to use a puffer for a year.) I figured the allergens in the air must be thick. When it took so long to care for the critters when it should only take 10 minutes tops....I decided to go to the doctor's acute walk in clinic. They said my oxygen level was very low and gave me a nebulizer (spelling?) treatment. Well my oxygen level improved but 3 minutes after the treatment my oxygen dropped back down...so he sent me to the hospital for an x-ray. Then they did a CT scan and found the clots.
Now they are worried about my heart. They did some kind of blood test in the ER and at first said no problems, but the hospital I was transferred to took more blood and said I have a little problem showing up, so I have some tests they want to do in the am.
I can't move in the bed without running out of air .I feel like I have held my breath under water and I'm running out of whatever air I sucked in before the dive when I try and drink water.
My mother was home alone and was so upset she couldn't figure out how to re-set a circuit breaker while I was on the phone explaining it to her...so I called my daughter two hours away to come stay with her. I'm worried about the Kuda horses, after the electric was restored to my bedroom Mother couldn't find the horses. I'm not surprised, she could see which breaker was tripped. When it gets a decent hour I will ask Lena how they are. I had such detailed instructions all written out...for nothing, Mother is too upset to do anything...Poor thing, I hope this PE crap doesn't make her get sick. Old folks don't handle stress well, I'm supposed to be taking care of her.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital#post_3480366
Doesn't really mean anything other than you have blood clots in your lungs. The good news is you got to the hospital in time. The oxygen was being blocked to your heart and making the heart work 10X harder than normal. You do realize Deb that if you can't breath thre is something wrong right? Lol...
I did some reading....I had no idea how close to death I was. I was feeling so good just last week, doing my water changes and cleaning up the pots tank of diatoms...the tank will look like puke by the time I can service it properly again. I just remembered...I don't have the skimmer online either...it was overskimming so I unplugged it.
Maybe I can get Lena to contact you guys and see if she can do something and get the skimmer online at least. I had used red slime remover and did the water change but the skimmer is still way overskimming. I thought about raising it higher in the sump, and never got to try it to see if it would work.
Please tell me someday I will breath again. I don't see how that heparin (spelling?) works. I will be a hemophiliac by the time they are finished. How can thinning my blood to water get rid of a clot? My Dad died of COPD...I really had no idea how bad it feels to not be able to draw a breath.


Active Member
I'm not sure if you are on heperin or not. It all depends on your history and current condition. However, blood thinning agents such as heperin and or coumidin are anticoagulants (blood thinners) that treat and prevent blood clots. It (in lamen terms) thin out the blood to prevent future clotting, sometimes before surgeries, and dilutes the clot therefore breaking it down to where the body can take care of it on it's own. Certain blood test will be done to check the effects of the thinner like a PT (Prothrombin time) which determines how long it takes for your blood to clot (clotting time). Once it gets to a certain level, they may discontinue the drug or reduce it. The important thing here is hydration, mobility(once cleared), and hydration.
I hate to say this Flower but try and not worry about home right now. The kid will take care of your mom and the other critters. It's ganna be a hot one today, stay down and try and enjoy the air condition in the hospital.


Staff member
Wow, Flower. Sorry to see you got hit with this. Take good care and get back to health soon.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital#post_3480386
I'm not sure if you are on heperin or not. It all depends on your history and current condition. However, blood thinning agents such as heperin and or coumidin are anticoagulants (blood thinners) that treat and prevent blood clots. It (in lamen terms) thin out the blood to prevent future clotting, sometimes before surgeries, and dilutes the clot therefore breaking it down to where the body can take care of it on it's own. Certain blood test will be done to check the effects of the thinner like a PT (Prothrombin time) which determines how long it takes for your blood to clot (clotting time). Once it gets to a certain level, they may discontinue the drug or reduce it. The important thing here is hydration, mobility(once cleared), and hydration.
I hate to say this Flower but try and not worry about home right now. The kid will take care of your mom and the other critters. It's ganna be a hot one today, stay down and try and enjoy the air condition in the hospital.
My mother, the fish tanks, birds and dogs make up my houshold family. I do feel much more at ease knowing Lena is there taking care of everything. My oldest son called me this morning. The boys seldom call or come around except special days like Fathers day or the childrens B-days and sometimes not even then. So being sicks has one little perk.
LOL...AC. my elderly mother can't stand it and won't allow it on until it hits 90 in the house, and now there is an old lady in the next bed who complained about hte AC being too cold, it is sitting at 75, I asked to drop it to 70 so I could breath (cool air seems easier to inhale) well, she yelled and the nurse went to find a fan for me....I had an echocardiogram this morning but I haven't seen the doctor to find out what they found if anything. The tech wouldn't give any clues, I know it isn't allowed but they slip up sometimes and talk about what they find as they go.
My blood pressure is just a little high so now I have a pill to take for that. I am on bag #2 of heprin, and I still can't breath if I so much as change my possition in bed. If I live thru this I promise to go immediatly to the doctor for every little thing different than normal. I always thought folks were paranoid when they got a little older and did that...now I undestand... we seriously fall apart after 40 and it's all the important major organs at risk.
Thank you everyone for keeping me company....