I'm in the hospital


Well-Known Member
I just got moved from Critical care to acute care....it's still a private room but much smaller and farther from the nurses station. I am not considered at risk for my heart and they need the room for heart patients. Such news was music to my ears so I don't care if the room is the size of a closet....LOL, it is about the size of my bedroom at home.
Doctor says once my INR is at the right level...they want a #2 before they take me off the heprin, then they will watch me for a day or two to be sure the level is stable and not jumping around...so he said three to four more days at least.


+1 praying for you, flower....
Jeff, you had him fixed!!?! WHY?! Sell the donkeys on craigslist lol.


Active Member
sip there are donkeys for sale eveywhere around here. cheap $60. flower i can sum up your situation in 3 words...GETTING OLD SUCKS
when we were in our 20's anything that happened healed up in 3 days. once we hit 40+ it aint the same. get well soon sis.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital/120#post_3481465
I just got moved from Critical care to acute care....it's still a private room but much smaller and farther from the nurses station. I am not considered at risk for my heart and they need the room for heart patients. Such news was music to my ears so I don't care if the room is the size of a closet....LOL, it is about the size of my bedroom at home.
Doctor says once my INR is at the right level...they want a #2 before they take me off the heprin, then they will watch me for a day or two to be sure the level is stable and not jumping around...so he said three to four more days at least.
THAT'S GREAT I knew you could do it.
Oh don't dance that may cause re-laps. just funin get well soon your horse's need you.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital/120#post_3481465
I just got moved from Critical care to acute care....it's still a private room but much smaller and farther from the nurses station. I am not considered at risk for my heart and they need the room for heart patients. Such news was music to my ears so I don't care if the room is the size of a closet....LOL, it is about the size of my bedroom at home.
Doctor says once my INR is at the right level...they want a #2 before they take me off the heprin, then they will watch me for a day or two to be sure the level is stable and not jumping around...so he said three to four more days at least.
YES!!! The light is at the end of the tunnel!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/392131/im-in-the-hospital/120#post_3481485
sip there are donkeys for sale eveywhere around here. cheap $60. flower i can sum up your situation in 3 words...GETTING OLD SUCKS
when we were in our 20's anything that happened healed up in 3 days. once we hit 40+ it aint the same. get well soon sis.
LOL...I just noticed this...Getting old beats the alternative, I will take old any day of the week. But your' right, we sure don't heal like we used to.