Importance of a Cleaner ?!


New Member
Was reading and looking into maybe getting a cleaner shrimp soon. But before I drop $20 plus on one figured I would ask the board. How important are they ? I know they clean the fish and can keep them happy. But are they really worth the $ ? I dont wanna buy one then it gets picked on in the tank. I saw that coral band. can be fish killers I am assuming that Cleaners are the opposite, let me know what you think appreciate it.


Important???? They are worth the money if you want one. They are not necessary for a fish to survive.
They are not viscious like cb's can be

bang guy

I suggest getting at least two if you can swing it. I wouldn't consider them part of the "tank health" crew but they are very entertaining to watch. One will work, I say two because they are a lot more at ease in groups and will interact with you and the larger fish more when there's more than one.


Well-Known Member
A cleaner shrimp is full of is a critter like any other you put in your tank. They do serve a purpose, but that isn't the only reason to have one. I loved my sandsifter...but I didn't want it to clear my sand of all the fauna in the tank, so I had to let it go. Others purchased a sandsifter for that very purpose.
So if you like a critter, consider how your tank inhabitants would be affected, and decide if you can keep it and if you don't like a critter don't sweat it...whatever they do that's useful...there are usually other critters that can do the same thing that you would enjoy looking at..


New Member
Yeah I know they are not going to be the main reason the fish are going to live but yeah I like how they look and I heard they do good for the fish also.
@Bangguy- 2 is good ? I have a decent size green emerald they get along ? I may be able to swing 2 but could def go for one right off the bat.
@Flower- Yeah I gotcha I wanted a sand sifter I saw how good they clean the sand up but I also saw how they make burrows and can make a mess at the same time I just beefed up a few extra hermits and snails they do a decent job now I just wanted to add some color to tank with a shrimp and get something out of it. Not sure if CB is the way to go seems the cleaner will do a better job for me in the tank


Active Member
I have two cleaner shrimps in my tank and they are a lot of fun to watch. I don't see them clean the fish much. Every once in a while I will see one try to clean my clown or reef chromis for a few seconds. but that's it. They add a lot of color to the tank and mine don't hide too much (except after a molt), they like to just sway back and forth. I say go for a pair if you can swing it.
Stay away from the CB shrimp.


I have never seen my shrimps cleaning any of my fish lol however it does jump on my hands and try to clean them while I'm cleaning the tank or feeding it.


New Member
Awesome..yeah they add some nice color to the tank thats what im looking for looks like ill be making a trio to the store this weekend


Awesome..yeah they add some nice color to the tank thats what im looking for looks like ill be making a trio to the store this weekend
I got one for the color and diversity of the tank inhabitants. I have a blood red fire shrimp. I absolutely love it. He's extremely fun to watch and as Siptang said it will try to clean my fingers when I'm in the tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by SaGxMAN http:///t/391290/importance-of-a-cleaner#post_3469419
I got one for the color and diversity of the tank inhabitants. I have a blood red fire shrimp. I absolutely love it. He's extremely fun to watch and as Siptang said it will try to clean my fingers when I'm in the tank.
The Blood red arent really "cleaner" shrimp though correct? I am assuming they are pretty much "show" type shrimp right? Looking like I am going for the cleaner this weekend :)


Active Member
Theyre 25$ each here! Ughhh. I recommend them even though I have none the future haha.
They are known to clean ich of fish even, besides legitimately being the most active shrimp that's vibrant and interesting to watch.


I totally agree with everyone on the great amount of personality they have. Mine is huge, and he's always busy. My fish don't want anything to do with him, however I think I've seen him try to clean them a few times. When I feed my fish, the CS comes up to the surface of the water and will actually take food straight from my tongs. They are most definitely not shy or timid!

bang guy

Originally Posted by CValli649 http:///t/391290/importance-of-a-cleaner#post_3469427
The Blood red arent really "cleaner" shrimp though correct? I am assuming they are pretty much "show" type shrimp right? Looking like I am going for the cleaner this weekend :)
Yes, Blood Shrimp are Cleaner Shrimp as are Peppermint Shrimp. The Skunks are the most friendly on average.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/391290/importance-of-a-cleaner#post_3469324
I have never seen my shrimps cleaning any of my fish lol however it does jump on my hands and try to clean them while I'm cleaning the tank or feeding it.
Mine used to jump on the gobies back and go for a ride. I had ich in my reef for a few years, my fish would spread thier gills to let the shrimp clean them up.


I want a fireshrimp as well now... I have 2 peps and 2 skunks... should I get a pair of fire shrimps or would 1 do well by itself?