Originally Posted by
Kiefers http:///forum/thread/383314/interesting-reef-video#post_3352116
You know, this can get me into alot of trouble so I am going to have to be very very careful here...... the Japaneese and other asians are inteligent people and it amazes me to no end that they do this to their reefs and land. I understand that fish are there main food staple but why not farm? Yes... it can be expensive to get something like that together, but won't it cost more lets say in 10-20 years when they have to import their fish because they fished there reefs and ocean dry?
They can re-train the fishermaen to grow and (heard) is that a good word to use, I don't know....... It really @#%&# me off. While serving in the Navy I went to Hong Kong and I saw men painting Navy ships while out in the harbour. The paint would spill into the water. I went into town and watched them slaughter these "baby" sharks just for their dorsal fins.
In contrast.... I went to San Fran and seen almost the same thing. One would think Governments would start to think that this can happen only for so long before the reefs are tapped dry. Just my opinion......
that just shows how the world we are living in says we are protecting the reefs when we really not...