Originally Posted by srfisher17
When you don't feed the trolls, they go away.
im no troll guy!! just like a active tank.have you ever done 1 "active tank"in case i lost u.o yea i forgot thats "mean ""the active tank" but then are we all not mean????????vs letting them go in the fish are better shape than yours>so why dis my stuff? if people listen just one side,yours.
which is like 90 %of you and tellin others that triggers can not live, long or short term with each other is wrong!!in some cases. im just doing things alittle or alot differnt than you. i wish you luck
When you don't feed the trolls, they go away.
im no troll guy!! just like a active tank.have you ever done 1 "active tank"in case i lost u.o yea i forgot thats "mean ""the active tank" but then are we all not mean????????vs letting them go in the fish are better shape than yours>so why dis my stuff? if people listen just one side,yours.