is 29 too small


well i guess thats better but dont do anything too complicated as your equipment does not sound great. Do like a pair of clowns and some inverts


If you wanted to go ultra aggressive with something that could live it's entire life in a 20, look into Mantis Shrimp. There are some that look wicked and could kill anything in a reef tank. Also some of them get like 5 inches. They're usually pretty cheap too. The hardest part about them is finding a place to buy them.

Also, you could do like another member here did with his 10 gallon and block off a small part on one side of the tank to put a nice skimmer and some bioballs or some ceramic/LR rubble. Then you could set it up Longways and have nearly a 360 degree view.
I seriously considered doing this, but I've heard they can make a loud clicking noise when they hunt at night and the tank has to be in my bedroom so that kinda went out the window.
I really want to do this when I buy my own house though. For now, I'll just have to hope that you can pull it off, so I can live vicariously for another year or so.
Best of luck. I couldn't think of a cooler idea for a 20 gallon tank since you've already got a reef setup.


Active Member
Most species of Angler would do fine in a 20gal. tank. However, just a single Whisper filter is not going to be adequate. They are messy fish, yet require almost pristine water conditions. They are very intolerant of nitrates, ammonia, etc. You'd at least need a skimmer on the tank, to support an Angler.
Mantis, while having a bad rep of breaking glass, are quite interesting pets. I've kept a few, over the years and they've been my favorite little critters. They'll actually sit and stare at you, follow you and try to intimidate you. The main reason they break glass is because they're trying to burrow...they get to the bottom of the tank, think it's rock and give it a whack.
You can solve that problem by laying down a piece of acrylic into the bottom of the tank.
Just as Anglers, they are too messy eaters. A Whisper filter is do-able, but you'd have to religiously keep up with your water changes, etc.

sign guy

Active Member
I think ill just do damsels cuz I need to start saving for the 125 and i dont want to upgrade the filter yet thx