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Originally Posted by bionicarm
What ficticious data? The latest reports I've seen are that consumer spending has started to slowly come back up, and unemployment numbers have gone down slightly. Obama stated from the onset of the stimulus package that it wouldn't fix things overnight. He didn't expect any major changes to occur for at least a couple of years. The stimulus was intended to slow down and hopefully stop our economic system from going from a recession to a depression. As complex as the economic system is in this country, I don't see how anyone could expect any change, whether it be a stimulus package or dramatic spending cuts, could show any major results overnight. No matter what plan Obama tried to use to turn the economy around, I would expect it to take at least two years, if not more, before any positive results were shown.
You missed all the reports about jobs created in none existent zip codes, the 5 jobs created by the government buying a single pair of work boots, the 9 created by buying a lawnmower?
"Some of the stimulus data actually reported needs additional scrutiny, GAO's lead auditor told members of the House oversight committee. Almost 4,000 designated recipients who have not yet received stimulus funding reported creating or saving more than 58,000 jobs, the report said. Another 9,200 recipients reported no job creation, despite receiving a total of $965 million. "
"Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.
Discrepancies on government Web site call into question stimulus spending.
There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.
And ABC News has found many more entries for projects like this in places that are incorrectly identified. "
"The first report found that the plan has saved or created 640,329 jobs since February. Almost immediately, however, states, contractors and newspapers found errors in the numbers.
According to the Chicago Tribune, for example, Illinois reported the North Chicago School District saved the jobs of 473 teachers with stimulus money, even though it employs only 290 teachers."
Here's my favorite
"According to USA Today, the Texas recipient of a $26,174 roofing contract reported erroneously that 450 jobs were created or saved when, in fact, six were."
How long can a 36K contract keep even 5 people employed