Is It Dead??


Active Member
:confused: This is in a FOLWR tank, but I would think you guys are more experienced. I had a tiny star polyp on a piece of LR from 4yrs ago. Since then it have taken over the whole rock and doing great. But it closed a month ago, and has not opened since. I was told that if it starts to "fall apart" then it is in fact dead. This is not happening, and I dont want it to. Is this normal for such a long period of time?? About a week ago I did see some small guys pop on up and wave in the water, but only for 3 hrs and none since then. Most of the time its smooth looking except when the lights first come on, thats when it looks like the millions will pop up (pimple looking) but they dont.
here is before and after.


Active Member
Sorry, lights have always been 2 - 48" 1 - 20,000 1- actinic 40w. I was told these polyps dont need strong lighting, and they've been doing fine with these types for years.


Active Member
One other thing, I have never stared at them before this has happened, although I catch myself doing it now, but it also looks as if its shiny - like wet looking. I know it sounds weird, I just hope its not a bad thing


Active Member
Hmmm sounds like your Trites a re bit high - I'd do a water change and see how they react to lowering that trite


Active Member
That is the lowest reading on the card that comes with the test kit - less than 0.3mg/l. Should the result of the test be clear? It is s NO2 Tetratest with the lowest color being yellow - highest red. Mine was yellow.


New Member
You should have NO NitrItes at all...if you have any readings on your NitrItes, take action, find out whats wrong,do a small water change.
And also, in Reef tanks, you want your salinity to be.023


Active Member
:notsure: Dont understand how can I get it lower than the lowest reading? All test have a lowest reading, and this is the lowest for trites - brought a sample to the LFS and they said water looks great. I will do a change and increase to 1.023 though.


Active Member

Originally posted by stuckinfla
:notsure: Dont understand how can I get it lower than the lowest reading? All test have a lowest reading, and this is the lowest for trites - brought a sample to the LFS and they said water looks great. I will do a change and increase to 1.023 though.

You should buy a better test kit - one that shows 0 trates/trites....
Slowly raise the salinity. Also - how old are your lights?


And you might want to up the pH a bit, too. They suggest 8.2 for reef tanks.
Not only that, but salinity of 1.025 will be an even happier level for reef animals, and it won't hurt the fish at all. Some of the literature has us keep salinity lower than sea level to control infection, but if your stock is healthy, 1.025 will keep the coral happier.


For trites, in every test kit I've ever had, not only is there a zero result, but that result (a clear, light blue) is markedly different from any positive read on the trites. It is essential to have ammonia and trites at zero. Most reef animals can withstand a little trates (but really, the lower the better!). In every test kit I've had it's the trates card that goes from yellow to red.
Water changes -- maybe 25% every other day or so -- and keep testing the water.


Active Member
Lights are only 2mo old. I change every 6mo. Did 5% change yesterday, will do another today. Salinity at almost 1.023. Heading to store to p/u better nitrite kit.
One thing I forgot to mention - back in the end of December I changed tanks, removed the old sand and put in new LS. I dont know if this has something to do with it. My fish, snails, hermits hairy & green mushrooms are doing fine. Just this polyp closed on 2/3. Could this have something to do with it? Is it in shock? Is she doomed?:help:


I had a similar experience with my Green Star Polyps. They are the size of a softball and always looked really healthy then one day it looked as if only half of the polyps were out. The next day nothing. It stayed liked that for nearly 3 weeks. I thought for sure it was a gonner until I read that people have had similar experiences. Low and behold its back and going strong. Try to be patient. I don't know what to tell you about the LS question. Somebody else may have a better idea. Good Luck.


Active Member
LFS didnt have another kind of kit, and said the results from his test in the store did not show trites (different from the one I bought). He did say to increase PH a little, but that should not cause them to close. He is pretty much clueless too. Holloway, thank you for your encouraging words. I hope this is the case and they come back soon. It does not look sick or anything. It looks like it does when the lights first come on.....sleeping or something. If you hear any loud noises, its just me banging my head on the desk. More opinions appreciated. I just sit here and sweat it our i guess.:nervous: