is my Lawn mower blennie way too skinny?


It looks like he is not getting enough food. Try getting live brine shrimp. He might start eating live critters again. Just remember that brine shrimp is not a very good source of nutrients. Mysis shrimp could be another choice.
How old is your tank?
Do you have a visible population of pods in your tank?


Active Member
You should try nori or even macro algae from someones refugium. I bought a LMB once because I had a horrible hair algae problem in my tank, but it wouldn't eat it, or nori or anything else I put in the tank and did starve to death, it was very sad, but nothing I did would help. Hopefully yours finds something it likes to eat.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Just for reference I just now snapped a pic of Oscar...

OMG he looks like Jabba the


He won't eat nori or lettuce, i even soak it in garlic, will he eat mysis shrimp?
I have always watched him just much away on my rocks and I always have an excess of algae so i thought he was getting enough I'm not trying to starve the little guy, he's my favorite!
Please help, bang guy, how often and what kind of mysis shrimp?? I thought they only ate algae


Good lord! :eek: My LMB is like the fat one pictured. Jabba, LOL, good description. Mine eats everything. Pellets, flakes (if they sink and the tang/angel doesn't get it first!), mysis, brine, and his favorites are ocean nutrition angel formula and formula two. He also loves the seaweed selects on a clip (nori). That's what he started out on. I'd feed him that ASAP. He also grazes on the glass and rocks, biting at things I can't even really see.
P.S. My LFS has a LMB in his show tank - I swear it's the biggest, fattest LMB I've ever seen. The guy is huge. At least 6 inches, if not more. It's hilarious watching him take bites at things, because his mouth opens so wide it looks like he's going to swallow the rock he's eating. I only hope to get a pic of it. Man, I need a digital camera. :nope:

bang guy

It won't look very good but avoid cleaning the diatoms off the glass for a while until he puts on some weight. I use Piscene Energetics Frozen Mysis. I think any brand will be fine though.


Active Member
dont want to sound too stupid, but bangguy, what is that blue and black thing in the corner of the picture of your blennie? its gorgeous


see I never clean the glass because thats the only thing i see him eat off of besides my LR, What are some signs of bad health in LMBs? I've noticed sometimes his dorsal fin leans over. He grazes the rocks and glass an average of about 3 hours a day, in face he's doing so right now...
So frozen brine is kinda like junk food for fish?
I need to change their diet then, cause thats all I have fed my bicolor psuedochromis since day one, he looks fat and happy to me, but i guess i should change to mysis shrimp huh... Anyway, he has been that skinny since i bought him, but looking at pictures of LMB on the internet i got to thinking, mine is emaciated.
Also, I don't have a refugium, but I do have a five gallon that I was going to make into a coral only tank..
I'm just confused because all that i have ever read said that they only eat microalgae and detritus (sp)


PS the nori i have been feeding them isn't made just for fish, my wife is japanese and we always have an excess of japanese food, so i just feed him sun dried seaweed sheets, is there a difference between that and the fish kind?


My LMB eats the seaweed select sheets that I hang from the clip for my angel. I never see him eat anything else I feed to the tank. Good luck, I hope u find something he likes!

bang guy


Originally posted by Kablamo
is there a difference between that and the fish kind?

I believe there is. IMO the Nori you are feeding is probably better ;)

bang guy


Originally posted by JacknJill
dont want to sound too stupid, but bangguy, what is that blue and black thing in the corner of the picture of your blennie? its gorgeous

It's actually just a run-of-the-mill Tridacna Maxima Clam.
If you think mine looks good then you'll probably soon see some that will make your jaw drop. Just do a search on Maxima or Crocea in the Reef Forum.