Originally posted by Bang Guy
Try spot feeding him Mysis Shrimp. They ar eskiddish so find a way to feed without spooking him.
The problem with butch, is that he will hide until there is no movement outside of the tank for at least 15 minutes, and he will stay completely still, and say, if i get out of my chair while he is out, he will immediately hide, and he gets so scared that sometimes he won't swim away, he just freezes right where he is, I really want to help him, but today being labor day, the LFS is closed, and plus I've got the Flu as well and im sick as a dog and don't want to think about going outside.
I will wait till tomorrow, to take care of him,
Also, I work while the LFS is open, the only place open after I get off is petsmart, can you get mysis shrimp at pets mart?
Also, Right now I'm watching him munch down on the glass about a foot away from me, is there anything that will increase the amount of food for him to graze? My rocks are dark dark brown with diatoms and algae and stuff, but I would like him to be able to feast on the only thing he will eat.