is my Lawn mower blennie way too skinny?



Try algae disks, my LMB and my Yellow Tang just love them!
They fight over them, all the time.
My LMB is plenty pudgie!!!

a short

You should post in the disease board especially since he has always been like that. I know gill flukes can make them work extra hard to osmo regulate or something like that to do with breathing and make a fish emaciated even when they have a good diet, just a thought . My Hog Head as I call him among other fat, eat every thing in the tank names likes Hikari Marine S formula ( a pellet food) Better than flakes and he doesn't much like the sheet stuff, but they all have a preferance.

a short

Here is Budda Belly (another fat name) catching a flake in mide air! If he thinks its feeding time he starts doing a dance at the glass like he is saying "look how cute, now get over here and feed me!"


I will try algae disks, and also i will post in the disease forum and see if anyone has an idea,
Bang, the problem with the nori that I'm feeding him is that he doesn't touch it, it eventually just desentigrates to nothingness.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Try spot feeding him Mysis Shrimp. They ar eskiddish so find a way to feed without spooking him.

The problem with butch, is that he will hide until there is no movement outside of the tank for at least 15 minutes, and he will stay completely still, and say, if i get out of my chair while he is out, he will immediately hide, and he gets so scared that sometimes he won't swim away, he just freezes right where he is, I really want to help him, but today being labor day, the LFS is closed, and plus I've got the Flu as well and im sick as a dog and don't want to think about going outside.
I will wait till tomorrow, to take care of him,
Also, I work while the LFS is open, the only place open after I get off is petsmart, can you get mysis shrimp at pets mart?
Also, Right now I'm watching him munch down on the glass about a foot away from me, is there anything that will increase the amount of food for him to graze? My rocks are dark dark brown with diatoms and algae and stuff, but I would like him to be able to feast on the only thing he will eat.


Active Member
i have a q about the lawnmower blennies can one be kept in a 30g with two clowns and are they very aggresive or what


I am having the same problem with my fish atm. He used to be such a big eater but I believe he acquired something as he got just as skinny as your fish. Right now he's in a QT tank and I'm tryin to spot feed him small chopped Mysis but he won't eat it.
I think it's pretty much overs for my li'l fishy :(...
The other tankmates however have the opposite, their appetite is very healthy and they have healthy weights. I guess it's one thing if your fish has a skin/ich's another if they don't want to eat. I can't force a tube down this fishy's mouth :(...


Active Member

Originally posted by Magic_Carp
i have one with 2 clowns, a sailfin blenny, 3 green chromis, 1 scissortail goby, and a mandarin goby, and soon to be a couple yellow molys.
they are very pasive, they dotn harm anything (but algae :D ) i really love mine, alot have great eprsonalitys.
Kab, how long have you had it? my scissortail goby didnt like me until after 3 weeks or so.

is that for a 30g


Active Member

Originally posted by A short
I know gill flukes can make them work extra hard to osmo regulate or something like that to do with breathing and make a fish emaciated even when they have a good diet, just a thought .

do you know any medictaion or anything to cure this?


Active Member

Originally posted by Magic_Carp
nope a 55, but there will get along.

thanx a lot my tank will be finishing its cycle in the next week so im planning on getting one of those so
thanks for the help
Andrew :hilarious


Yeah, he doesn't touch the Nori, I put some in there anyway, in case he changes his mind,
I remember I was watching him take huge bites out of some little plant in the LFS tank he was in right before I got him, they gave me some macro algae, it was dark red, and it had really thick branches that all intermingled, anyway, yeah, he never ate that. I have had him for about a month,
He will come out when I am around now, and I can even stand up and get close to him, but if i make any sudden movements, he will go into his hiding spot.
See, hes eating right now, I just wish he was fat and happy, I just feel like he would be happier if he was all pudgy like you guys' LMB, But he is eating all the time.. Can you get Algae disks from petsmart? They are the only place open when I'm not at work


Active Member

Originally posted by Magic_Carp
wait for a while to get one, lol they eat algae, thats their main diet, so you need to get build up of some.

k thanx ill do that ill wait for algae to buid up a bit before i get one


I just talked to a friend of mine that has a major microalgae infestation in his tank, which is a 40 gallon and has been established for several years, If spot feeding, lettuce, nori, garlic soaked nori, and algae disks don't work, then I will give him to my friend because I feel like maybe he has a better chance in that tank, heck maybe I can trade it for a meat eating fish that is easier to take care of.
I will let you guys know what happens


Yeah, he doesn't get back in town for a few days, so I will try out various foods in the time i have, and if he really likes something, then that will be that and I will keep him.
Since he's been like that since i got him and he eats like five hours out of the day, is it possible he's just naturally skinny?

a short

I still think you should check out a disease as the culprit, Terry B had some good stuff in the disease forum about this stuff. I don't think he is a member here anymore though? Just do a search under his name and you should be able to find the thread I am talking about. I know how frustrating all this can be when you have a fishy problem. Hope you have a good outcome, and no I don't think he is naturally skinny.

a short

AMS 153 --
A lmb should be fine in a 30. I had mine in a 10 with 2 clowns for a while after terring down my 80 and now have him in a 20 high with 2 clowns with no problems at all. But he went nuts over a fire fish gobie I put in and constantly chased him and took bites out off him every chance he could. I was thinking about putting the gobie back in the 10 when he jumped out to his death last week. Probally a planned suicide because of the harasement. My LMB also killed a royal gramma I tried before the gobie so don't get anything that likes rockwork like a lmb they can be territorial in smaller tanks like mine.


Active Member
ok thanks for all the info ill watch what fish i get with it but if youre tank doesnt make a ton of algae then will the lmb eat the little algae pellets that u can buy cause mine really doesnt make a ton at least not yet im planning on getting live rock soon though and i already have ls so i dont know if that will help or what


What are the algae pellets called and how much and yadda yadda yadda, im going to try that,
Half of the Nori strip i put in yester day is gone,
Hopefully butch ate his fill of that, i didn't see it, but i have circumstantial evidence that the problem is taken care of.


Active Member
well just so u know ***** caries tons of different kinds of algae pellets and there like 6 dollars or so but theres a ton in the pack so theyll last a while