Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A high price insures only those who know what they are doing purchase a rare and magnificent coral...
Those coral have frags all over the internet. That color and those coral are like toilet paper, you can't swing a dead cat with out hitting a frag.
Yeah thats what i want to do, pay some idiotic price because it prevented some one timer from buying it, yup let me be the dope and pay that price. Don't think so.
My god man check the big auction site all the time they are on their, for 25 bucks.
Insures only those who know?? You seem to have been in this hobby and around the block. Champagne wallet idiots will walk in see that coral and buy it. Why cause the price. Not knowing how to care for it. Just plop it the tank and say “see that coral? It cost me a grand”
In reality its a 500 dollar rock. Whos kidding who? A real keeper would and could buy and care for it. Frag it out as it grows and be done with it. But no people come running to the rescue because i hope for snot to flig in his eye, why?
A high price insures only those who know what they are doing purchase a rare and magnificent coral...
Those coral have frags all over the internet. That color and those coral are like toilet paper, you can't swing a dead cat with out hitting a frag.
Yeah thats what i want to do, pay some idiotic price because it prevented some one timer from buying it, yup let me be the dope and pay that price. Don't think so.
My god man check the big auction site all the time they are on their, for 25 bucks.
Insures only those who know?? You seem to have been in this hobby and around the block. Champagne wallet idiots will walk in see that coral and buy it. Why cause the price. Not knowing how to care for it. Just plop it the tank and say “see that coral? It cost me a grand”
In reality its a 500 dollar rock. Whos kidding who? A real keeper would and could buy and care for it. Frag it out as it grows and be done with it. But no people come running to the rescue because i hope for snot to flig in his eye, why?