Is This Dangerous???


Is skinny sickly?
NO, BIGUN (the other horse) is in a 10g QT right now for some sort of lesion (??) on his tail....I have spent a fortune flying stuff the live brine arrives.....I have athread...BIGUN HAS A BOOBOO that explains all I have been doing....


Active Member
Lois, if you are really worried about it get a pc. of rock that will fit snuggly in the hole you see it through and us some super glue gel to glue it in place. Seems like a bit of overkill to me but I know how you worry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
WELL I didn't know what it was at that I do, I'm not going to duplicate the thread....
Just know others may disagree with me. I don't visit the seahorse forum. I'll go peek now just for curiosity. I believe I saw Ann posting in there recently so I know she'll take good care of your horse's ailments.


Originally Posted by spanko
Lois, if you are really worried about it get a pc. of rock that will fit snuggly in the hole you see it through and us some super glue gel to glue it in place. Seems like a bit of overkill to me but I know how you worry.
ME!!! WORRY!!!
....Just trying to be a good Mommy..


Active Member
I pray he takes those brineshrimp. You have a few old seahorse folks working with ya in that thread, like Tom.
Ya wanna see some pics of things my seahorses recovered from? You be amazed what they can do. If they are strong they fight very well.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I pray he takes those brineshrimp. You have a few old seahorse folks working with ya in that thread, like Tom.
Ya wanna see some pics of things my seahorses recovered from? You be amazed what they can do. If they are strong they fight very well.
YES....I would love to see some....I wasn't very worried at first (I don't worry much SPANKO)...but at first he was eating......


Active Member
Some of these are gross... you may want to put "graphic" in your title. :)
Full recovery.

These wounds healed but I had to put the horses down in the end.



How looked at mine right??? Doesn't even come close (thank goodness) to any of those pics....
Did it take a long time for recovery?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Did it take a long time for recovery?
Months. If yours refuses food your road will be alot harder and much shorter lived, I'm afraid.
The second set of pics all the wounds healed but I had to put them down because they had myco. It was going to be one ailment after another... it wasn't fair for them.
The first guy did give up eating for a bit. But he is an absolute miracle horse. No one thought he would live.


Well I am hoping for the live brine to work...his wound still seems the same, but yesterday was day 1 with the furan 2....He's a good sized horse, and was always a good eater, so I am hoping that helps too...
You had the horse in QT for months????


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
you looked at mine right???
Ya, but I'm not saying a word cause I guarantee the peeps in your thread know their business. Tap on Ann for more input. When the first horse got sick we were trying stuff that wasn't being used yet. Thw myco boys were sick from Nov 19, 2005 to when Iput them down in Feb 13, 2006.There was nothing I didn't try including a 200 buck visit to the vet. O.O
Originally Posted by meowzer

You had the horse in QT for months????
I had one crew in QT for almost a year. I'm a QT pro now... LOL.
I did swabs and pouch flushes and tube feedings and different ointments twice a day... the list goes on. The time spent was just crazy. But these were our first home grown boys... they were special.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Ya, but I'm not saying a word cause I guarantee the peeps in your thread know their business. Tap on Ann for more input. When the first horse got sick we were trying stuff that wasn't being used yet. Thw myco boys were sick from Nov 19, 2005 to when Iput them down in Feb 13, 2006.There was nothing I didn't try including a 200 buck visit to the vet. O.O
I had one crew in QT for almost a year. I'm a QT pro now... LOL.
I did swabs and pouch flushes and tube feedings and different ointments twice a day... the list goes on. The time spent was just crazy. But these were our first home grown boys... they were special.
Yeah...I think I am in good hands...I just hope BIGUN is...I am also talking to a Dan at SH...