It hatched!!!!


guy's he's only going to be in there till i get him eat then he'll be going in to the 125 and that shouldn't be long atleast i hope it won't


Active Member
Originally Posted by draconis321
you no you kinda just insulted your self considering that you live texas and thats pretty south to me
just wanted to point that out
wow.. that was epic fail territory right there.
the only insult was at your stupidity..
say what you want... I'm not the guy starting a thread about hatching sharks in 10gallon tanks.. if you can't afford to actually keep one, don't.
Let's see this imaginary "125" or 12.5.


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
no clue LOL so how big is your tank? or did i miss that one? LOL and is that the only sw fish you got? what else ya got :p
these are not in all the same tank!!
yellow tang x3
purple tang
scooter blny x3
stars and stripe puff
porc puff
dogface puff
hawwian blue spot puff
niger trig
juvi blue line trig
pink tail trig
humu humu trig
lunar wrasse
emperor angel
green wolf eel
black damsel
marine betta
golden marroon clown
saddle back clown
sixline warsse
mandrin dragonet
randali pistol
mantis shrimp(in a speices tank)
And probably a few i've forgotten


hes a nice looking cat shark, i hope he feeds for you, but as said to keep perfect water quality for this guy u should put him in at least a 20-30g, then if something goes wrong you have more time to fix it, but good luck with feeding him


Originally Posted by draconis321
guy's he's only going to be in there till i get him eat then he'll be going in to the 125 and that shouldn't be long atleast i hope it won't
Wait a second, are you going to put the shark with puffers, triggers and an angel? Have you done any research once so ever? Please give this shark to someone that can care for it properly.PLEASE!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Wait a second, are you going to put the shark with puffers, triggers and an angel? Have you done any research once so ever? Please give this shark to someone that can care for it properly.PLEASE!

Not just any Trigger, but a Blueline. One of the most aggressive fish in this hobby.


Active Member
Your 125 is overstocked, your 220 will be overstocked. Your stocklist is all over the place and your angels and triggers will tear that shark apart.
Your blueline trigger alone will be 22+".
I have no problem with hatching a shark in a 10g and getting it to eat, but I do have serious issues with hatching a shark to a 10g tank, moving it to a 125 that is already overstocked with fish that will torchure it to death.
Bio is correct, give the shark to someone that knows what they are doing. Benthic sharks are peaceful and are very delicate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by draconis321
these are not in all the same tank!!
Perhaps you could elaborate, the picture you show is of a 125 (which you said the shark is going into) with a large Emperor Angel, Porcupine puffer, and what appears to be a growing Blueline Trigger, these are 3 fish that belong nowhere near a Shark. We are just concerned about the shark.


Active Member
Guys, I think some of the posts here have been unnecessaarily harsh. If draconis has a 125 and a 220, then I'd assume that he can move his fish around to make sure that the shark is only with appropriate tankmates. Whether or not his tanks are overstocked is another issue but we don't exactly know what he will be keeping in his 125 when he moves the shark over, or in the 220 eventually.

Draconis, good luck with this guy. I'd recommend keeping a couple of white shrimp in the tank so that the shark may get tempted to start feeding on those.
What are the dimensions of your 220? If it is the 72" x 24" base then you may have to make other arrangements in 4 years or so. Good luck.


Good luck with it. I had one a while back and got it to start eating with krill and a long set of tongs. I would have to stick it right in front of his face. It eventually started eating on its own. Again, good luck.


Originally Posted by draconis321
these are not in all the same tank!!
O.k. so please enlighten us... what's going to be the shark's tank mates in the 125? As KJR said, the picture of your 125 shows a puffer, trigger and an angel.


Wow, why would any new member want to join or even post here? Look at all the negativity. No need to act like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brianbeme80
Wow, why would any new member want to join or even post here? Look at all the negativity. No need to act like that.

im a new member, and ive been blasted before for several different things, but, i figured out very very quickly that everyone was just trying to help, its just that people on here are extremely passionate about the hobby and about providing as good a home as possible for any and all fish, corals, and inverts that we in this hobby keep, so if you think its negativity, its people being highly concerned for the well being of the fish or coral or invert in question that is all


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
im a new member, and ive been blasted before for several different things, but, i figured out very very quickly that everyone was just trying to help, its just that people on here are extremely passionate about the hobby and about providing as good a home as possible for any and all fish, corals, and inverts that we in this hobby keep, so if you think its negativity, its people being highly concerned for the well being of the fish or coral or invert in question that is all
There is a fine line between being concerned, and just being a jerk.