It hatched!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by brianbeme80
Wow, why would any new member want to join or even post here? Look at all the negativity. No need to act like that.
Well to be fair, there was about 10 people who replied, and the only sort of a abrasive one, was from a member who is known to tell it like it is. Keep in mind this is the faceless internet forum, where they're minimal social limitations. If you don't have thick skin you won't last in any forum, even a supposedly 'nice one.'
Honestly though, he posted that massive fish list and leaves it up to us to decphier it ourselfs. So far gathered that he has 4 tanks, the 125, the 220, the 10 the shark is in, and the mantis shrimp species tank.
Even then going by the one picture posted, there's still tons of left to be drawn. The Blue Line is in the 125, so when he moved the shark in there, the BlueLine is then going to be in the 220gal, with 3 scooter blennies, a mandarin, etc? How's that going to work?

small triggers

Active Member
Im hoping in a month hes buying a nano to put all the smaller non aggressive fish in :) and another 125 for the shark :) Its just really hard, people are happy for him and hope he will provide the best life he can for all of his inhabitants.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brianbeme80
There is a fine line between being concerned, and just being a jerk.
not really, a jerk is just all in how one views the comments, i dont view them as being jerkish at all, but as in some extremely constructive criticism, but then, thats just me


ok i understand all of your concern so let me lay it out so all u no what is happening
I don't have the 220 yet(I'm saving up)
and yes the shark is't going in to the 125 with all the fish that all of u have said not to put him in with but, all of my fish are still babies, i have been doing resheach from a veriety of sources and it has led me to conclude that it's very temprmental on the fish wether it attacks the shark or not so i'm going to try it out and moniter the tank constantly if they attack him i'll put him back in the 10 and get rid of him immeaditly I am just as conserned for the sharks well fare as all of you are thank u for all the construtive critisim
. I no a lot of u are going to object to this and u have every right to. but I have always wanted a shark and when i got the chance to i took it, if it ends up that I have to get rid of the shark it will have bin worth the experience.


Active Member
Originally Posted by draconis321
ok i understand all of your concern so let me lay it out so all u no what is happening
I don't have the 220 yet(I'm saving up)
and yes the shark is't going in to the 125 with all the fish that all of u have said not to put him in with but, all of my fish are still babies, i have been doing resheach from a veriety of sources and it has led me to conclude that it's very temprmental on the fish wether it attacks the shark or not so i'm going to try it out and moniter the tank constantly if they attack him i'll put him back in the 10 and get rid of him immeaditly I am just as conserned for the sharks well fare as all of you are thank u for all the construtive critisim
. I no a lot of u are going to object to this and u have every right to. but I have always wanted a shark and when i got the chance to i took it, if it ends up that I have to get rid of the shark it will have bin worth the experience.
Just so you know, I took up for you a few posts back. But you are saying that you are going to put this baby shark in a tank with one of the most aggressive triggers and one of the most aggressive angels.... and you're justification is that you'll "moniter" the situation??
This is an absolute joke.
You clearly have done NO RESEARCH, or at least you aren't following any of it. It's really too bad. At this point, I am hoping that the shark never eats and just dies relatively peacefully, rather than being torn apart while you are sleeping.


Active Member
The whole "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" line is very applicable here...

Godspeed to the shark. It's a shame it had to be like this and something else couldn't have been worked out. I had very similar thoughts awhile back, and really, really wanted a shark. I talked to one of the LFS's and was able to hatch and raise a baby bamboo. After I felt it was doing good, it went back and to the new owners tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by draconis321
ok i understand all of your concern so let me lay it out so all u no what is happening
I don't have the 220 yet(I'm saving up)
and yes the shark is't going in to the 125 with all the fish that all of u have said not to put him in with but, all of my fish are still babies, i have been doing resheach from a veriety of sources and it has led me to conclude that it's very temprmental on the fish wether it attacks the shark or not so i'm going to try it out and moniter the tank constantly if they attack him i'll put him back in the 10 and get rid of him immeaditly I am just as conserned for the sharks well fare as all of you are thank u for all the construtive critisim
. I no a lot of u are going to object to this and u have every right to. but I have always wanted a shark and when i got the chance to i took it, if it ends up that I have to get rid of the shark it will have bin worth the experience.
EXTREMELY irresponsible of you to even attempt this, you do know that right? putting a shark in a tank with fish like that is a HUGE case of EXTREME irresponsibility


i take back what i said earlier, i am with crimzy its hard to say but to chose between either kind of death wich the one with the fish will and can happen in a flash second before you can put your hand in to save the pup, i would choose it to not even start to feed and die that way instead
.....poor poor shark


Originally Posted by draconis321
ok i understand all of your concern so let me lay it out so all u no what is happening
I don't have the 220 yet(I'm saving up)
and yes the shark is't going in to the 125 with all the fish that all of u have said not to put him in with but, all of my fish are still babies, i have been doing resheach from a veriety of sources and it has led me to conclude that it's very temprmental on the fish wether it attacks the shark or not so i'm going to try it out and moniter the tank constantly if they attack him i'll put him back in the 10 and get rid of him immeaditly I am just as conserned for the sharks well fare as all of you are thank u for all the construtive critisim
. I no a lot of u are going to object to this and u have every right to. but I have always wanted a shark and when i got the chance to i took it, if it ends up that I have to get rid of the shark it will have bin worth the experience.
First of all I would like to thank you for your honesty in this situation. However, you really have to be WAY more responsible as an aquarist. Our fish depend on us to provide for them in every shape and form, especially proper environment. If I wanted to "try" every fish that I've always wanted, I'd have a blue spot ray, black tip reef shark, epaulette shark, and many others in my 250gal fowlr. But I know that I can't provide an environment for them to thrive. You have to ask yourself this question for every fish you purchase.
Sharks are more intelligent than you think and what you're doing is simply inhumane. It's like throwing a defensless cat into a pack of snarling dogs. I know you're going to do what you want but please rethink about what you are trying to do here. I can guarantee that your shark will not survive long in any of your tanks. So please, AT THE VERY LEAST consider giving it to someone that can care for it until you get your new tank. Me and most of us here don't want to see another beautiful shark die to yet another irresponsible aquarist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Oh where's Brianbeme80 now??
I'm waiting on his commentary regarding the inhumanity to man...
eh, he'll show up sooner or later, u just know he will, cause we are being so darn hard on this guy for doing something that even me, in all my noobness, never would of considered doing, even before i found message boards


I am touched you would like to hear from me. I want to thank you guys for blowing my comments out of proportion as well.


Active Member
nice shark,
hopefully it eats for you, good luck with keeping it with the more aggressive fish and hopefully it lives so everyone who jumped on you about this can be proved wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brianbeme80
I am touched you would like to hear from me. I want to thank you guys for blowing my comments out of proportion as well.
Hey, somebody has to look out for "the flamed"