it was dumped on me. please help


is this a nuisance anemone? there are about 20-30 of these in the tank, all of them are about 1-3 inches in dia. when in bloom.


this is how deep the purple gets when the the large anemone in the center of the tank retracts. (still dont know what its called)


Things are looking good, you have a long tenticle caribean anenome. Its not a a nusance but popular because of its price. For now I would say the shrinking is normal. As time goes on this should only happen at night. If its happens during the day its still under stress due to water conditions. For now don't worry things are looking good.
Now seeing all your corals and hair algea wait another week and you will have to start scrubbing and picking it off with your fingers and a tooth brush. Get a phospate test kit and make sure the levels are 0. From that point your may have to cut down on your lighting schedule for a week or two. But it should go away provided that you don't over feed. (the most common cause for phospate levels in your water)
Feeding should be every other day or even 3 times per week will work. I could not tell but adding some red leg hermits and turbo snail would be a good step forward.
Note on feeding if you have any tangs provide algea sheets daily.


there are two anemones in the tank. one very large purple one in the center of the tank and 20-30 smaller ones. as picuted above. which one is the long tentical caribean, and what is the other one. and is that crap coming out of the center normal and what is it?


its hard to tell they all look to be the same to me. the stuff coming out is normal. There is only one opening so what ever goes in will come out the same way. Thier ******** is mucus covered so when they want to clean out they pump out the containiments with the mucus. When they die they stay deflated usually detach and will quickly begin to disintergrate. You have to watch for that as the last thing you want is for it to get chopped up by one of the power heads.


I love the watchman careful they jump
that's an asterina star...don't get much bigger....and multiply like crazy...IMO they are harmless...


Originally Posted by meowzer
I love the watchman careful they jump
that's an asterina star...don't get much bigger....and multiply like crazy...IMO they are harmless...
he only came out because i had to move everything around. how do i get him to come out more often. is there a special food or something. all i have right now is frozen brine shrimp.
i like the star though looked real neat on the glass like that.


They mainly come out at night....I am sure you have a lot more too..LOL...They will all look somewhat different.....some may have 4 legs, some 5, some 6, some look like they have odd sized legs too....all normal....


here are a couple vids. the set up is sub par IMO it seems as if there is too many small anemones and too much of the large pink tipped green core things. is there too much rock. what should i do? (i sure wish i knew what all this stuff is called, any help would be great.) i need more color or something. please give suggestions. what should i sell or trade off and what should i get.
longer vid. please tell me what this stuff is.


I copied one of your pictures and put IDs on the ones I know. The ones I've marked as pest anemone may be wrong, but I'm betting they are Majanos. Hope this helps.


that sure does help. i kind of thought that the little purple/pink anemones were pest because there are about 20 of those little boggers in there. to many IMO. whats the best way to get rid of them. (just pluck them out?)
they are the only thing i have seen the clownfish host in. he will not touch the long tentacle anemone. should i get some other type the for him to host in?