It's not fair


How do I know? Why, would you lay there and let someone kill you? If you would you are crazy. You don't seem crazy to me, thats how I know. Explain to me what you would do.
And I woudn't normally hurt anything, but if I or anyone I loved was being threatened I would kill or be killed..that simple. Extrodinary circumstances, it's not my nature to hurt anything or anyone, but basic animal instincts are in us it or not.


Active Member
Would I lay there and let someone kill me or someone I love ?.............No. I would try to stop them from doing that..............God willing, I pray that it would not lead to me takeing a life.......But I can not say what I will do, God can only know that.
I dont know if your a religious person or not and Im not trying to give you one...I know its hard for someone to understand, I struggle myself....its a fight because now, I am here in this world. I could be faceing those temptations that you outline ( natural world insticts ) at any time. Its an understanding that only my God can give me or you and cause me or you to understanding......I could quote many things in the Bible but cant make you understand any of it. You could read the whole Bible and not understand any of it. Just as I had myself, many times, until God lets one understand it then know one will. One can read Luke 12:4 or many other things that Christ said and say what the heck does that mean...Just as I did.....Or you can feel that you do understand it perfectly. I dont know your beleives, you may feel you do understand the Bible. I know that God will judge us all.
Im sorry that I can not give you an understanding of my faith, I hope you understand that I truly am....and I do not hate anyone that does not understand or believes something different, I just pray that he will give them an understanding...Now someone of a different religon or an athiest or whoever can read this and laugh and say Im wrong, but thats what religion is. Is is not ?..We all have one, one type or another, and will all have faith that its the right one....only time will tell.


Very well said, thats the answer I was looking for. Your a very smart person and it is nice to be able to converse with someone that dosen't sit there and yell, scream and berate. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
Very well said, thats the answer I was looking for. Your a very smart person and it is nice to be able to converse with someone that dosen't sit there and yell, scream and berate. Thanks

I agree. I think people have conducted themselves very well in this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I appreciate that...I understand that....
I understand war and warfare and why many fight. I understand patriotisom and country and protecting the people. I do. I understand why nations go to war and why nations have armies.
But ' I ' dont ask you to do what ' I ' see as sacrificeing your soul to safe my flesh. I love your soul more than your flesh. Again, one/you may not understand..I dont hate you for this, This is my religon,
I am an Americian. I dont like to see Americans die any more than those girls or a muslum or a Jew. BUT, God is my King of kings and Heaven is my country and it is him that I serve first.
This has been a nice conversation from most and I have been glad to join in...I dont wish to continue the topic war or of a near impossible task of explaining religons out of respect for those girls and their families and their religon. They have asked also that people dont hate this guy and to ask for God to forgive him. I dont think he will though. Nor will most here.
Thanks for loving my soul and not hating me :hilarious ... will you buy me a new reef system now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
Very well said, thats the answer I was looking for. Your a very smart person and it is nice to be able to converse with someone that dosen't sit there and yell, scream and berate. Thanks
smart.... :thinking: not sure if I agree there :notsure: thanks
The yellers and beraters
there everywhere :scared:


Originally Posted by Dogstar
I am not saying that Jesus wants people to kill or burn goverment buildings down because that '' goverment '' imposses a law that goes against God's or their personal beleives. That would be a sin in its self. If a government requires someone to sin, then the person should refuse even if it cause them to be punished...even unto death.
I may be not understanding you, but this is an example of what I think your saying.... If a goverment makes a law that must be followed, and those that refuse will be put to death and other citizens are randomly selected to kill them, and if a Christian is selected for this task, then YOU are saying that Jesus is saying to go ahead and do it because it the goverment that wants you to even though God does not....? ?
other citizens are NOT randomly selected to kill them. an executioner's position works a little different than jury duty. so if a Christian decides to be an executioner then obviously their take on the whole issue will be swayed more towards my outlook. whatever the case, i don't think that they will be judged as sinners as their duty is a civic duty the moment they are employed by the government.
Originally Posted by Dogstar

I have also stated and feel its clear that I am against the death penalty and HAVE stated in several earlier post several time as to why. Mainly as I said first, because of my faith.
Also I HAVE addressed, not you directly, but your general thought that the death penalty is a deterant to murder. I dont know if you read those post, must not have, but they are there.....
I have said that I dont think it is....As a citizen, without useing religon as a reason, this is the only way one can look at it, to justify it. Theres no way to know if it truely does reduce them, IMO, because of reasons I also said in those earlier post. Compareing states or countries with and without one and the numbers of murders in them, just dont really make the argument one way or the other.
IMO, if the numbers did justify it, then I could understand that, still not agree, but understand your position, you may think they do and thats fine. But the other reason that I would understand more, would be for revenge, as justice for the family and victims.....We use both reasons in America for haveing it, as a prevention and also revenge/justice for the family and far as torture, your not alone there either, again, teterent or revenge....I am not opposed to putting people in prison, although I feel there are innocent ones there, I will state that prison can be considered torture on its own, I know you mean something worse, and many people for the same reasons will agree with you on that too.

regarding the numbers you pointed out, people have already posted other statistics that directly disagree with yours. so i would think that common sense states that the harsher the penalty, the less offenders. and, sure, there would be (and are today) some innocent people caught in the mix. nothing can prevent this and we all know that. if you wanna make an omlette then yer gonna have to break some eggs.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I don't believe the death penalty really deters crime. I think our society has reached a point where life is considered so cheap that criminals don't care (or they don't think they'll get caught).
exactamoondo! which is why we need to have torture penalties. no 15 year appeals, no research on why the guy committed the crime, no criminal glorification. molest a kid, ---- a woman, kill someone brutally for no reason? torture. mideval, Grade A, good ol' fashion, in-yer-face torture broadcast live on pay-per-view.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
i don't think that they will be judged as sinners as their duty is a civic duty the moment they are employed by the government.
regarding the numbers you pointed out, people have already posted other statistics that directly disagree with yours. so i would think that common sense states that the harsher the penalty, the less offenders.
As to you first piont..........I will not be the one to judge you, but for your sake, you should pray that you are right about that one....
As to your second......I have not seen anyone posted any statistics....
But all that I do see in researching shows that on average, states WITH a death penalty, have a higher murder rate per capita than states without one...around 5 with to 3 without. If this proves anything to help you out with your point that it is a deterent to murder, then glad to help you out my freind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
exactamoondo! which is why we need to have torture penalties. no 15 year appeals, no research on why the guy committed the crime, no criminal glorification. molest a kid, ---- a woman, kill someone brutally for no reason? torture. mideval, Grade A, good ol' fashion, in-yer-face torture broadcast live on pay-per-view.

soto, I like the way you think!


About the death penalty, IMO death is not as bad as being a prisoner for your entire life, cut off from everyone, cut off from what makes life worth living, knowing that this is what the rest of your life will be like.
That being said, I do not like the death penalty. The perpetrator should not be punished with death b/c death will teach the person nothing. Seeing people die as a punishment only increases the fear of death itself. As for other people being scared off crime, Singapore has the highest people in prison percentage, and also the lowest crime percentage.
As for torture for a punishment, a government giving people extreme pain for long periods of time is shown to weaken the country greatly. Look in any history book about ancient civilizations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLB9
About the death penalty, IMO death is not as bad as being a prisoner for your entire life, cut off from everyone, cut off from what makes life worth living, knowing that this is what the rest of your life will be like.
That being said, I do not like the death penalty. The perpetrator should not be punished with death b/c death will teach the person nothing. Seeing people die as a punishment only increases the fear of death itself. As for other people being scared off crime, Singapore has the highest people in prison percentage, and also the lowest crime percentage.
As for torture for a punishment, a government giving people extreme pain for long periods of time is shown to weaken the country greatly. Look in any history book about ancient civilizations.

I wouldn't mind someone spending their life in prison if it were truly a PRISON. But the privileges they get are outrageous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
But all that I do see in researching shows that on average, states WITH a death penalty, have a higher murder rate per capita than states without one...around 5 with to 3 without. If this proves anything to help you out with your point that it is a deterent to murder, then glad to help you out my freind.
You are correct. States with the death penalty have a higher rate of murder. However your point has no validity due to the demographics. Florida has the death penalty as does California . Alaska does not. They are too cold to worry about commiting crimes in Alaska. North Dakota has no death penalty. People there would have to travel like 300 miles just to commit a crime. My point is that the rate of murder has nothing to do with whether the state has a death penalty or not. It all comes down to demographics.


wow i just caught this thread....imurnamine i like your views.. i also like soto's and everyones elses.. but i have to ask.. when we take lives for taking lives when does the taking of lives stop? but i like most of you, can not find an answer to the problem... the answer is not in the punishment... its in the prevention... so i ask, how do we prevent this.. cuase i would rather save my uncle? or loved ones life rather than decide what to do with the killer. but i have no clue how to do this cause humanity has this need to produce random killers. not manny but they do come... i am really interestead on what opinions in prevention.. somthing i dont think we spend enough time on...


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
exactamoondo! which is why we need to have torture penalties. no 15 year appeals, no research on why the guy committed the crime, no criminal glorification. molest a kid, ---- a woman, kill someone brutally for no reason? torture. mideval, Grade A, good ol' fashion, in-yer-face torture broadcast live on pay-per-view.
Some would argue that the "games" led to the downfall of the Roman empire. Torture, while quite possibly an affective deterent, would only lead to a lessening of civilization.


Active Member
Remember years ago when Michael Fay was found guilty of vandalism in Singapore? After pleading guilty to vandalism charges, the 18 year old student was sentenced to four months in jail, a $2,200 fine and six strokes of the cane.
Have been to Singapore four times and it is one of the safest and cleanest cities on Earth. Harsher punishment works.


Active Member
So your saying people dont murder because the whether is cold.....
Take all the northern most states , 10 with and 10 without a death penalty and the rate is equal....Take the one state thats to the south without a death penalty, not included in the ones above, ( W. Virginia 3.7 ) and look at the two of the three states that border it to the north that do have a death penalty, where it must be colder ( Ohio 4.5 and Penn. 5.2 ) Dont even look at Maryland.....
Again, Im not saying this does or does not prove anything.........I just dont see how it '' does prove its a deterent '' is all.
You like paying taxes, most all death penalty cases cost at least twice as much to procecute than a life sentence and many are just overturned anyway.....a waste of yours and my money....IMO


Active Member
:thinking: Hmm well lets see which is cheaper. Thousands spent in incareration costs or a .20 cent bullet.
Yes, I know the appeals and all of the accompanying red tape. Thats the problem, exucution should be much faster.