It's not fair


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Everything happens for a reason...
My brother was very sick with Diabetes, it was just his time to go home...


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Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I'm just not used to people throwing what I think back in my face, that's all.
I was never taught that being in love with life was a bad thing, you know?
I'm a small town girl who doesn't get out a lot, what can I say?

You're contradicting yourself. Earlier in this thread (and I've seen you do it in other threads as well) you said that people always "mock" you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Heh... thanks.
...I just... I try to be fair. I'm too soft hearted. It gets me into more trouble than anything.

I'm soft hearted also, but I feel for the victims , not the criminals.


Within weeks of self medicating and realizing what happened. I decided, the "murderer" should not be put to death but would let God/voice inside his head, take course for his loooooooooong life ahead. I feel the constant reminder to the accused is more powerful/painful/educational than just giving them a needle or chair.
Agreed-however... with people like sadaam... id torture :thinking: :hilarious


On the capital punishment...I think the victums families ought to have a say so in the offenders punishment and sentencing (of coarse after he/she is convicted without any doubt). That would be the only fair thing. Not all states have death penalties, and don't think for a min. these criminals don't know it. I know someone personaly that was raped at the age of 4, by her stepfather and then video taped it, her mother found the tape and sat there with a gun for 3 hours waiting for that S.O.B to come home from work. He never did, he was out molesting another child. They gave him 20 yrs for that crime, but he has all the comforts of home in the prison he is in, Tv, DVD player, his guitar, video games etc, while this little girl lives in poverty. He gets this girls phone number and calls her telling her he's getting out soon on good behavior and that they can "reconnect" when he gets out! Everytime her mother gets the number changed he gets it, she has been living with this nightmare now for 8 yrs. You tell me, would it have been better if he had come home? I would like to hear peoples opinions on this. And NO I won't bash you for your opinion, but put yourself in her shoes for just a min. before you answer..


the families do, the prosecution is the family or families and they recomemd death or life in prison. i know a guy whos wife was stabbed 70 times by a physco. he just wanted to have her, i just don't think its fair that he gets to ask for forgivness. I mean the nieghbors heard her scream for awhile beofre the police got there. she got outside the house and the dumby dragged her by her hair back inside. life really sucks sometimes. btw i hate that man, he is the devil.


No the families Don't get a say so, that would be the judge and jury. The prosicutor recommeds or asks them for punishment.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Well I would say because your eyes are not open. You can beleive that if wish... its your choice...Mine, Every time Jesus said '' Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!'' he was condemming their laws and the way they had twisted them from the truth...He stopped the lawfull stoneing, he said to save the sheep and heal the sick on the sabbath, the passage from 1journeyman quoted is clear, he said that what goes in your mouth ( meaning the law about food ) does not matter but what comes out your mouth matters..I hear the words from your mouth ( well, keypad,)...Jews and many iothers still beleive these old methods of applying/twisting IMO, Gods laws and thats their choice, your choice as well, and mine and anyone who God chooses not too.
God said Thou shall not kill, Moses said well, you can kill a murderer. Jesus said turn the other cheek, soto said the death penalty was a part of the law.
nope. el incorrecto me copadre. Jesus made a very clear distinction between the laws of the state and the laws of the religion. this is the very reason WHY people tried to test him by asking him about paying taxes to Caesar. they wanted to trap him and make him look like a hypocrate. they figured if he says we can reinvent and break traditions of the jewish law then he probably thinks we can reinvent and break traditions of state law.
Jesus said to turn the other cheek. you, PERSONALLY, forgive him. like those amish dudes are doin. but this thread has gone 3 pages and i've been saying the same thing all along that you and urnamine just don't wanna address. i believe in death and torture penalty, not for revenge, but to serve warning for potential future criminals.
and the romans felt the same way. so did every culture preceeding them. the whole PURPOSE for crucifixion was to put the convicted person on display to serve warning. that's why they lined the streets with crosses when Sparticus' rebellion was quelled. that's why William Wallace's body parts were sent to the 4 corners of england. sure, crimes still happend. but a lot LESS of them did.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I don't usually reply to your posts because I know no matter what I say is 'wrong' to you.
so what? at least i have the courtesy to tell you WHY i don't agree with you. you tell me that i BASH you or get in your face. i've never once personally insulted you or called you a name. i tell you (and anyone else) why i disagree and i site my reasons. if you think my reasons are wrong then tell how/where/why. if you can't think of any reasons then just say "well you have your opinion and i have mine" and leave it at that.
but enough with the martyring. in discussion boards we discuss stuff. we go back n' forth. some people are sarcastic like me and some people are right to the point. but you can't take a disagreement personally girl. i understand you're from a small town and aren't used to people disagreeing with you. but yer eventually gonna be outt've that small town and find that they will. it's not that we're bad people or SWF is a bad site. we're just simply discussing. i've been to DOZENS of other sites and they're a lot meaner than the people are here...


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Dont worry bout it. This is a BulletinBoaed, not a chatroom. I dont think some people understand that.
that rule applies to people chatting one-on-one like they're carrying on a casual conversation. it clogs up threads and creates a nuiscence. in bulletin boards you discuss stuff. as long as you don't directly insult people or say inappropriate words then it's all good.
Originally Posted by Dogstar

You dont have to lower yourself to respond to every insult or name that your called. You are always respectfull in your post even if I dont always agree myself. Some people just dont like that because they dont know how to be that way themselfs. IMO.
she's never been called a name or insulted once.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Heh... thanks.
...I just... I try to be fair. I'm too soft hearted. It gets me into more trouble than anything.
Aren't you in the other thread about a girl stealing from her LFS saying that she should be "shot in the face" ?
You have sympathy for this guy but a thief should be shot in the face??? very soft hearted

As a few others have said, i dont think you would feel an ounce of sympathy for this guy or what he has been through if you yourself had children.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
Jesus said to turn the other cheek. you, PERSONALLY, forgive him. like those amish dudes are doin. but this thread has gone 3 pages and i've been saying the same thing all along that you and urnamine just don't wanna address. i believe in death and torture penalty, not for revenge, but to serve warning for potential future criminals.
I am not saying that Jesus wants people to kill or burn goverment buildings down because that '' goverment '' imposses a law that goes against God's or their personal beleives. That would be a sin in its self. If a government requires someone to sin, then the person should refuse even if it cause them to be punished...even unto death.
I may be not understanding you, but this is an example of what I think your saying.... If a goverment makes a law that must be followed, and those that refuse will be put to death and other citizens are randomly selected to kill them, and if a Christian is selected for this task, then YOU are saying that Jesus is saying to go ahead and do it because it the goverment that wants you to even though God does not....? ?
I have also stated and feel its clear that I am against the death penalty and HAVE stated in several earlier post several time as to why. Mainly as I said first, because of my faith.
Also I HAVE addressed, not you directly, but your general thought that the death penalty is a deterant to murder. I dont know if you read those post, must not have, but they are there.....
I have said that I dont think it is....As a citizen, without useing religon as a reason, this is the only way one can look at it, to justify it. Theres no way to know if it truely does reduce them, IMO, because of reasons I also said in those earlier post. Compareing states or countries with and without one and the numbers of murders in them, just dont really make the argument one way or the other.
IMO, if the numbers did justify it, then I could understand that, still not agree, but understand your position, you may think they do and thats fine. But the other reason that I would understand more, would be for revenge, as justice for the family and victims.....We use both reasons in America for haveing it, as a prevention and also revenge/justice for the family and far as torture, your not alone there either, again, teterent or revenge....I am not opposed to putting people in prison, although I feel there are innocent ones there, I will state that prison can be considered torture on its own, I know you mean something worse, and many people for the same reasons will agree with you on that too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
Aren't you in the other thread about a girl stealing from her LFS saying that she should be "shot in the face" ?
You have sympathy for this guy but a thief should be shot in the face??? very soft hearted

As a few others have said, i dont think you would feel an ounce of sympathy for this guy or what he has been through if you yourself had children.

It's what we call 'joking'.


I didnt think you really wanted to shoot her in the face but you clearly had no sympathy for her or what she may have gone through to make her steal. You didn't make any attempt to sympathize with that person but you feel sympathy for this guy?? It seems a little inconsistent to sympathize with child murderers/molesters but want to throw the book at a common thief.
I'm sorry, everyone else may sugarcoat it for you, but to say you sympathize with a man who apparently planned to ---- then murder multiple kids is pretty horrendous. For all you and any of us know, the only thing he suffered through as a child was that HE was a child molester!! Once you carry a baby for 9 months, give birth and spend every waking moment raising them, i have a hunch you wont have much sympathy for someone who tied up and shot little girls in the head while their friends watched
Once you molest and/or murder children(much less multiple children) you dont deserve any sympathy from anyone in my book regardless of anything that happened to you. The only thing i feel bad about is he actually killed himself rather than getting locked up and receiving a lifetime of "loving" from his new roommates


Originally Posted by swlover
So if someone told you they were going to ---- and kill you and you had the chance to "shoot him in the face" you wouldn't do it? By the way if you shoot someone in the face it's pretty much trying to kill them. Civilized? you would fight like an animal to keep yourself alive. Self preservation or protecting a child feels about the same. I would take bullets for my doubt, no hesitation. I don't think any one can truly forgive something like that..they may say it but deep down inside, when they'er all alone and they think about what their children went through in their final moments... I just don't believe it. Not if their human. point


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
It seems a little inconsistent to sympathize with child murderers/molesters...
You're taking the conversation out of context.
You can oppose the death penalty without sympathizing for the sicko.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You're taking the conversation out of context.
You can oppose the death penalty without sympathizing for the sicko.

Emmit was saying it's inconsistent to sympathize with a killer but say a thief should be shot in the face. But in namine's defense, she says the shot in the face was a joke.


Originally Posted by swlover
On the capital punishment...I think the victums families ought to have a say so in the offenders punishment and sentencing (of coarse after he/she is convicted without any doubt). That would be the only fair thing. Not all states have death penalties, and don't think for a min. these criminals don't know it. I know someone personaly that was raped at the age of 4, by her stepfather and then video taped it, her mother found the tape and sat there with a gun for 3 hours waiting for that S.O.B to come home from work. He never did, he was out molesting another child. They gave him 20 yrs for that crime, but he has all the comforts of home in the prison he is in, Tv, DVD player, his guitar, video games etc, while this little girl lives in poverty. He gets this girls phone number and calls her telling her he's getting out soon on good behavior and that they can "reconnect" when he gets out! Everytime her mother gets the number changed he gets it, she has been living with this nightmare now for 8 yrs. You tell me, would it have been better if he had come home? I would like to hear peoples opinions on this. And NO I won't bash you for your opinion, but put yourself in her shoes for just a min. before you answer..
Wow, he should have come home!!


Active Member
So then it must be impossible to be a Christian and be in the will of God and serve in the military, right?
Here is the deal. You have to act on your convictions and I will act on mine as well. They happen to conflict. That is ok as well. I still like yall and enjoy reading your posts. We are all diverse. We all have different views or perhaps a better phrase would be a different interpretation of some Biblical passages. That is clearly evident by the existance of all the denominations of the Church (ie Methodist, Baptist, etc...). The truth of the matter is I think we (as a whole) may not know as much as we think we do. There is so much to be taken into consideration with the Bible such as culture and context. The bottom line is that I think we as individuals must live our lives to the fullest based on our own convictions and let those that disagree simply disagree. Check out Romans 14.


Why does religion have to be involved in this? It is matter of right and wrong. What happened to those girls has nothing to do with Romans 14, or any other biblical referance. He had no mercy, and if he was alive would deserve none! And as someone said earlier a few times... I am done with this POST