It's not fair


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
how come she never replies to MY points? i addressed this whole purpose of murder thing way back there.
i bet it has somethin to do with harry potter...

I don't usually reply to your posts because I know no matter what I say is 'wrong' to you.
Or moreso, everything I say is wrong to 99% of the people on this board.
I get mocked for everything I like and everything I do. Surprised I haven't been mocked for breathing yet. I'm sure it's soon to come.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I don't usually reply to your posts because I know no matter what I say is 'wrong' to you.
Or moreso, everything I say is wrong to 99% of the people on this board.
I get mocked for everything I like and everything I do. Surprised I haven't been mocked for breathing yet. I'm sure it's soon to come.

Drop the "pity me" attitude. You are entitled to your own opinion, but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I don't usually reply to your posts because I know no matter what I say is 'wrong' to you.
Or moreso, everything I say is wrong to 99% of the people on this board.
I get mocked for everything I like and everything I do. Surprised I haven't been mocked for breathing yet. I'm sure it's soon to come.
Dont worry bout it. This is a BulletinBoaed, not a chatroom. I dont think some people understand that. You dont have to lower yourself to respond to every insult or name that your called. You are always respectfull in your post even if I dont always agree myself. Some people just dont like that because they dont know how to be that way themselfs. IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Dont worry bout it. This is a BulletinBoaed, not a chatroom. I dont think some people understand that. You dont have to lower yourself to respond to every insult or name that your called. You are always respectfull in your post even if I dont always agree myself. Some people just dont like that because they dont know how to be that way themselfs. IMO.

Also, Namine, at least you still have the courage to say what you believe. Alot of people don't.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I was under the impression that current law forbids prisoners from profiting off of their crimes.
While we are talking about this, why isn't Mumia Abu- Jamal dead instead of making money with 2 books and having actors help him out?
I am from Philly and this is still a sore spot for our town and Officer Faulkner has been gone for over 16 years. But he has made money, just not sure if he gets or Mumia's family.
My two cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Also, Namine, at least you still have the courage to say what you believe. Alot of people don't.
And don't ever change .....


Active Member
Heh... thanks.
...I just... I try to be fair. I'm too soft hearted. It gets me into more trouble than anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Drop the "pity me" attitude. You are entitled to your own opinion, but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you.

Agree completely.


Active Member
I'm just not used to people throwing what I think back in my face, that's all.
I was never taught that being in love with life was a bad thing, you know?
I'm a small town girl who doesn't get out a lot, what can I say?


Active Member
Its interesting to learn why people think the way they do. Some folks are easy to read and others very complicated. I think a great deal of it has to do with the environment they grow up in and how hard it is to survive nowdays.
Which is why things like beer and oujia boards were invented.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I'm just not used to people throwing what I think back in my face, that's all....
Maybe I've grown callous... I'm not really seeing that in this thread. Several people have posted agreeing with your point.
Originally Posted by Bigarn

... and for all you so called "Do Gooders", you're sicker than he was! So if I get banned, I get banned.
That's a goofy comment. No one has defended what the sicko did. What is being discussed is the validity of the death penalty. I've already stated I'm all for locking up and welding shut the door on any one of these sickos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fogger
While we are talking about this, why isn't Mumia Abu- Jamal dead instead of making money with 2 books and having actors help him out?
I am from Philly and this is still a sore spot for our town and Officer Faulkner has been gone for over 16 years. But he has made money, just not sure if he gets or Mumia's family.
My two cents
District Judge William Yohn overturned Mumia Abu-Jamal's death sentence on December 18, 2001, as far as the money reaserch ' son of sam law '


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I remember in my Freshman year of high school, we had a debate on the death penalty.
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'.
If someone shot and killed someone that I loved, would I really want to shoot and kill them in return?
The pain I would feel from having someone that I love tragically stolen from me... would I really want to make someone ELSE feel that pain, too, by shooting the taker of my love? No.
If I had them killed, I would be just as bad as them.
I would BE the very thing that made me mourn.
I will not be a murderer.
A murder is not just the only who drops the axe. A murderer also supports the execution.
...I'm done.
Well said!!!
I am not going to drag this out but....... My sister was murdered when i was 19 and she was 21.. I had and still today feel the same as you... me filling up with anger (which i was angry/sad/disappointed/confused/pissed off/sad/sad/sad.) Within weeks of self medicating and realizing what happened. I decided, the "murderer" should not be put to death but would let God/voice inside his head, take course for his loooooooooong life ahead. I feel the constant reminder to the accused is more powerful/painful/educational than just giving them a needle or chair. I needed to find closure and not to have to tourment myself the rest of my life so I found peace and let life take its course. the gentleman that killed my sister is the exact age as I am and he will be up for parol (sp) in 5 more years he/I will be 33 years old. Truthfully, I do hope he doesnt get it and will most likely fight for him to continue his imprisonment until he is a old man.
I thought it would be the "healthiest" way to live my life without my sister by not thriving with anger toward this guy and wanting him dead. He will die eventually and will be up to him and God where he goes next.


Active Member
One more thing.....
Unfortunately, since my sisters death my heart has become callous, and has changed my thoughts and feelings for the rest of my life, some for good and some for bad.


Active Member
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss...
I lost my brother when I was almost 13... He was 16.
I feel your sorrow, love.


It will be interesting to see where this conversation is going to go

The killer is the molester not the molested, his revenge from 20 years ago, stems from?
Not allowing him to go on molesting children..... Yikes!

As a U.S citizen I would like to add, we are NOT the most violent nation, nor are we 2nd, 3rd or even 5th, nope not even in the top twenty.......



Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
It will be interesting to see where this conversation is going to go

The killer is the molester not the molested, his revenge from 20 years ago, stems from?
Not allowing him to go on molesting children..... Yikes!

As a U.S citizen I would like to add, we are NOT the most violent nation, nor are we 2nd, 3rd or even 5th, nope not even in the top twenty.......

Yes I have been corrected, My point was if the death penalty is usfull as a deterent to murder, of the 20 or so counties with a higher murder rate p.c. most still have or have had a death penalty up to 5 years ago or so... I am not saying if it is or is not a deterent. I dont think it is myself for reasons I mentioned in my earlier post....
These are the countries that still have it as of this year....
Antigua and Barbuda
China (People's Republic)
Congo (Democratic Republic)
Equatorial Guinea
Korea, North
Korea, South
Palestinian Authority
St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United States
I am suprised to see Japan on the list and that Isreal is not.
Im sure some will say as long as the USA is not on any list with France then its fine with them...haha