It's not fair


Hey I'll chime a good southern rebel once said KILL EM" ALL LET GOD SORT THEM OUT! Jk Hey everybody is entitled to their opinions, I think we all got off the subject at hand which was a man murdered children, unacceptable. No excuse especially todays day and age when there is so much help out there for people who are in dire straights. 20 years ago they didn't have half the help they do know, around every corner you turn, in commercials on TV, in magazines, news papers..heck even the phone book, those help lines are in the first pages. 30 yrs ago people didn't even talk about abuse, it was an embarrassment in ones family and they didn't have half the violent crimes as we do now. I'm speaking from experience, I never heard the word molestation, --- was a dirty word, we could walk to school, we rode our bikes to the next town over, we played after dark, we went every where and anywhere, schools idea of sexual reproduction involved a frog pinned to a board. We had no underwear modles showing everything they had on TV, you couldn't even say damn on TV, Married couples on TV slept in twin beds...I could go on and on. We have made it so easy, we are too lax with --- and violence, everywhere you turn it is there. Our kids are not kids,...they can't even learn without the fear of someday someone coming to their school and shooting them. Who is to blame? We all are.


Active Member
Its my beleive that Christ would never approve a death penalty. he was for one, an innocent victom of one. To me, his message was of peace, love and forgiveness, ect. He came to teach a new law to man. Those who beleive different do not know the same Christ I Know. But that is just my beleive, its my religion, I dont place any name on it because a name means nothing. My conserne is how God will judge me, not soto or any man, and I want judge them. Many religions and America/Americians give us the right to beleive what we want without persecution from others. Although many are. IMO, the Amish have already forgive this guy and his family because thats their religion.....But thats their choice, their right as Americans....ImUrNamie, soto, 1j and everyone has the right to whatever faith they choose, and for Americans to be slamming others for them is just un-Amercian to me.


the best way to source Christ is to reference the Bible. we don't have Buddy Christ. he's not customized to our own individual wants and needs. it's not like a salad bar where you can just take whatcha want and discard the rest.
Christ preached to obey and respect the law. The death penalty was a part of the law. i don't see what's so complicated about this.


No I am not in favor of death by anyones hands...but if it came down to it and someone molested my child and then killed them...there would be no where on God's green earth for them to hide. That, as a mother, is my right to protect my offspring. God will judge me, and I'm sure he will do it fairly. The first time you hold that little life in your arms and it cries your heart's pure love. For someone to come along and do disgusting things and to take it's life is more than your heart can take, you will understand when you have children, man or woman.


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
No I am not in favor of death by anyones hands...but if it came down to it and someone molested my child and then killed them...there would be no where on God's green earth for them to hide. That, as a mother, is my right to protect my offspring. God will judge me, and I'm sure he will do it fairly. The first time you hold that little life in your arms and it cries your heart's pure love. For someone to come along and do disgusting things and to take it's life is more than your heart can take, you will understand when you have children, man or woman.

I do have children, and I understand completely, and agree.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
LOL, hey silly girl. I hope that wasn't pointed at me... reread my post. I was DEFENDING your position.

Now, the Bible does say murder is wrong, BUT you have to define murder.
Be careful there as the Bible clearly justifies execution (in the Old Testament), wars, etc.
And you are right, picking and choosing what to quote out of the Bible is wrong. That goes back to my original point. That's how this Bible talk came up in this thread. People throw around "an eye for an eye" without realizing all that was said about that in the Bible.

Murder is the taking of a life. It's that simple.
I am with Dogstar. We are much more civilized (or so I would like to think) than to kill someone because 'they did it to us'.
If I stole something from you, and you stole something from me in return.
We would both be thieves.
I don't care who started it.
I'm done posting in this thread.


Originally Posted by alyssia
I do have children, and I understand completely, and agree.
I just can't imagine what those mothers and fathers are going through. I count my blessings everyday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
I just can't imagine what those mothers and fathers are going through. I count my blessings everyday.
Me too. And it infuriates me when someone has lost a child and people are saying "Oh, but they (the killer) had such a hard life!"
Sorry about your luck, but don't go kill my kid because you had a bad life!


Active Member
exactly. if some people were not such wusses and we carried out the death penalty and public executions(they still do that in a few countys in texas) half of these whack jobs would not be doing this crap.


So if someone told you they were going to ---- and kill you and you had the chance to "shoot him in the face" you wouldn't do it? By the way if you shoot someone in the face it's pretty much trying to kill them. Civilized? you would fight like an animal to keep yourself alive. Self preservation or protecting a child feels about the same. I would take bullets for my doubt, no hesitation. I don't think any one can truly forgive something like that..they may say it but deep down inside, when they'er all alone and they think about what their children went through in their final moments... I just don't believe it. Not if their human.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm not sure the statistics backs this up.
Why is it that we have so many school shootings, etc? I mean look at how often the shooter kills themself/themselves. Why do we have the number of crimes against children?
I've spent some time in Eastern Europe. Children there typically ride public transportation to school (wer'e talking as young as like 8 years old). Can you imagine that occurring here?
Theft and adultry still occur in Islamic countries where the punishment is severe.
The Stats support this very well Journey. The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world, second only to Russia.
This is how the US should handle situations like this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Murder is the taking of a life. It's that simple.
I am with Dogstar. We are much more civilized (or so I would like to think) than to kill someone because 'they did it to us'.
If I stole something from you, and you stole something from me in return.
We would both be thieves.
I don't care who started it.
I'm done posting in this thread.
"We" dont you mean you, speak for yourself. Civilized dosent mean being a coward. Thank God our founding fathers didnt see it this way.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Murder is the taking of a life. It's that simple.
I am with Dogstar. We are much more civilized (or so I would like to think) than to kill someone because 'they did it to us'.
If I stole something from you, and you stole something from me in return.
We would both be thieves.
I don't care who started it.
I'm done posting in this thread.
how come she never replies to MY points? i addressed this whole purpose of murder thing way back there.
i bet it has somethin to do with harry potter...


Active Member
If this wuss didn't kill himself you could just hand him over to me .. He'd wish he was never born! That's right ... and for all you so called "Do Gooders", you're sicker than he was! So if I get banned, I get banned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
how come she never replies to MY points? i addressed this whole purpose of murder thing way back there.
i bet it has somethin to do with harry potter...
Because its hard to argue against what works. Here is an example. Dead criminal = No repeat crime, + deterence. Harry Pothead wth?


this one time i was walkin down the street and i saw harry potter. after suffering him several cranial lacerations via Soto Flying Elbow, i did my world famous OngBak muay thai bicycle knee kick slambam. then i dragged him by his hair to this sewage drain and stuffed him down it.
well urnamine saw it all happen and totally started gettin upset about it! i tried telling her that i had just saved the world from the worst movie franchise in history but she was still angered. i dunno man!


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
the best way to source Christ is to reference the Bible. we don't have Buddy Christ. he's not customized to our own individual wants and needs. it's not like a salad bar where you can just take whatcha want and discard the rest.
Christ preached to obey and respect the law. i don't see what's so complicated about this.
Well I would say because your eyes are not open. You can beleive that if wish... its your choice...Mine, Every time Jesus said '' Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!'' he was condemming their laws and the way they had twisted them from the truth...He stopped the lawfull stoneing, he said to save the sheep and heal the sick on the sabbath, the passage from 1journeyman quoted is clear, he said that what goes in your mouth ( meaning the law about food ) does not matter but what comes out your mouth matters..I hear the words from your mouth ( well, keypad,)...Jews and many iothers still beleive these old methods of applying/twisting IMO, Gods laws and thats their choice, your choice as well, and mine and anyone who God chooses not too.
God said Thou shall not kill, Moses said well, you can kill a murderer. Jesus said turn the other cheek, soto said the death penalty was a part of the law.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
If this wuss didn't kill himself you could just hand him over to me .. He'd wish he was never born! That's right ... and for all you so called "Do Gooders", you're sicker than he was! So if I get banned, I get banned.
I hope know one bands you, you have the right to voice your thoughts too. Just as the '' do gooders '' The discussion has turned to the death penalty and many people in the country are against it for many different reasons. And many are for it, just one more issue that keeps us divide in America. If you want to call them/us names, well thats who you are. And your right.