It's not fair


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Originally Posted by Oceanists
I believe that the death penalty keeps alot of people honest, with that in place it may hold back alot of people from doing stupid things ....
A beleive is one thing, reality is something else. We have it in America, but we have the highest murder rate....
How does that add up to keeping people honest....If we didnot have a death penalty then what, we would have many more murders, IDK...I dont think people who murder this way thinks about a death penalty first befor doing it. Maybe a slight few will not use a gun in a robbery or something but most murders are done in anger or the passion of the moment and they dont consider the penalties untill afterwards...if at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'....
Jesus said in Matthew "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..."
No sermon from me, but Imurnamine your classmates who argue "eye for an eye" need to read scripture more carefully. The Old Testament justifies the death penalty, the NT calls for mercy.
I'm against the death penalty. I couldn't bring myself to pull a switch and send someone to Hell.
Mentally ill people need access to proper treatment and medication. We need to reform wellfare in this country to provide for the needy and to quit rewarding the lazy.
Now, on the other hand; This guy wasn't mentally ill. He was evil. He took the tools neccessary to barricade himself into the school. He chose his victims while letting others go free. He was prepared for a siege. He had his demons, like we all do, but he gave in to them.
While I'm not for the death penalty, I am for far harsher prisons.

prisoners should have no rights, no priviledges, no access to fellowship with other people, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
that's why you don't have any appeals. just kill em. keep it simple



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Originally Posted by Oceanists
I agree , NEVER be silenced.
and nobody should cut you down for having your opinion.
I dont agree with you, but Im cetainly not going to say you cant have an opinion or your opinion isnt valid.

Very well said.


i don't agree with imposing the death penalty to satisfy the need for revenge. that's silly and childish. the main reason for DEATH penalty is to discourage others from doing it. with that in mind, you may think i'm kiddin, but impose public torture!! my critics will argue the sanctity of human life. i'm pretty sure if we knew the consequence for child molestation was a slow 30-day disembowelment then there would be a LOT LESS child molestors. the bigger picture is to have a LOT LESS CHILD MOLESTORS. prevention of future attacks. that preserves the sanctity of life a lot better than representing the rights of someone who obviously didn't represent the rights of their victims.
people just focus on short term gain while throwing out long term consequences.
and i don't dig how you get upset w/ people disagreeing with you urnamine. who wants to state a point for the sheer purpose of public acceptance??? that's what politicians do and look at how SINCERE they really are. cmon now! you should consider it an honor that people disagree with you because you're stirrin up controversy. and the end result in that is either (1) you learn something from them or (2) they learn something from you or (3) you both learn something from eachother. it's a win-win situation my lil snowflake. the more opinionated you are, the more people disagree with you. the only other alternative is to silence yourself as a conforming nobody. i don't think you're the type. so if you're the opinionated type then accept that people will have different opinions.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
While I'm not for the death penalty, I am for far harsher prisons.

prisoners should have no rights, no priviledges, no access to fellowship with other people, etc.
well isn't that punishment as well? the only difference is that one form is ending the life immediately and the other's dragging out a miserable life for a very long period of time. most people would rather die than live the next 40-50 years isolated from other people and stripped of every priviledge.
and i don't buy the whole "well it'd give him extra time to repent" arguement either. if you take a Christianity standpoint then there's the whole section in the book of Revelations that points out how all will have a second chance before the last are doomed for hell eternal.
and even though Christ said to turn the other cheek, he also had a very profound respect for obeying the law. Slaves were to obey their masters and taxpayers were to give Caesar what was Caesar's. David spoke numerous times to obey the king. your 'turn the other cheek' point would be best exemplified if one of the parents were to assissinate their child's killer outside of the courtroom. OUTSIDE of the law. if it were the law to not tolerate these idiots then the law says they get dealt with quick stylee before more psychos think it's their turn to flip a noodle.


Active Member
I wouldnt blink if I had to throw the switch on some scumbag like this.
Considering those poor little kids, to hell with his rights. Too many weak politically correct losers around feeling sorry for themselves and the world instead of growing a spine and taking action. If you are in this catagory then move to France and live amongst the other sheep. But when the wolf comes dont come crying back. Crime flourishes because the criminals know how far they can go.
People who sympathize with sickos like this are mental.


"oh but he's a human being!"
yeah? well i'm a human being too. some dude cut me off on the road today. when i got home a half hour later, there were no flowers on my doorstep. nobody left me flowers despite my inconvenience on the freeway. hence, the title of this thread, it isn't fair.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
A beleive is one thing, reality is something else. We have it in America, but we have the highest murder rate....
How does that add up to keeping people honest....If we didnot have a death penalty then what, we would have many more murders, IDK...I dont think people who murder this way thinks about a death penalty first befor doing it. Maybe a slight few will not use a gun in a robbery or something but most murders are done in anger or the passion of the moment and they dont consider the penalties untill afterwards...if at all.
Reality is America is the most violent nation there is, and we as americans really arent doing much to change it.
We have MTV which promotes all of the pants saggin, gun toting, drug dealing, pimp slapping, rob that fool for all his money lifestyle and we let our children by into that. How money kids do I see a day that look like future fellons or in a mall swearing like there is no tomorrow tryin to "bum" a smoke off of me, And when I tell this 13 year old I dont smoke and either should you I get a response "well *F* you then ni**a" ..... coming from a white child!!
Or how about games like any of the Grand Theft Auto series , Manhunt, Hitman, True Crime... and other sensless games like these.
But then out of the otherside of a parents mouth "We dont know where we went wrong."
My envelope pushing punk, only dresses like a gangster, smokes behind our backs, listens to music with the lyrics, and I qoute .... actually I better not for the respect of the mods.
Well PARENTS if it looks like a rat, smells like a rat..... well damnit it has to be a rat.
We as Americans feed on tragedy. There are more things we could do to bring violence to a minimum. But when will we learn? Probably no sooner than this entire planet is destroyed by mindless fools.
I agree with the death penalty not for revenge but if your going to do something illegal it should be matched with an equal penalty. If you kill somebody you SHOULD NOT be able to sit in a cell with a TV, our have outside rights to a basketball court or weights...... you should either be put in a lightless dark cold room so that you can never see the light of day again , just like your victum OR have your life taken away prematurely because the consequences match the crime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
I wouldnt blink if I had to throw the switch on some scumbag like this.
Considering those poor little kids, to hell with his rights. Too many weak politically correct losers around feeling sorry for themselves and world instead of growing a spine and taking action. If you are in this catagory then move to France and live amongst the other sheep. But when the wolf comes dont come crying back. Crime flourishes because the criminals know how far they can go.
People who sympathize with sickos like this are mental.

Bah Bah Bahah


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
"oh but he's a human being!"
yeah? well i'm a human being too. some dude cut me off on the road today. when i got home a half hour later, there were no flowers on my doorstep. nobody left me flowers despite my inconvenience on the freeway. hence, the title of this thread, it isn't fair.
Stop your hurting my feelings
poor me, say something nice now, reality isnt nice. I want to ignore it :hilarious
To hell with his rights.


Active Member
SOTO I have a deep respect for your opinions because they all come with valid points .....I may have a slightly biast view on them also... but nothing you have come across with is .... YOU CANT have an opinion.....
that isnt dircted to anybody here.... I do think that we have all participated in this thread maturely for the most part .... and it is a very touchy topic with people .. making it that much better to see that we arent throwing knives at eachother ... give ourselves a pat on the back


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I couldn't bring myself to pull a switch and send someone to Hell.

You're not putting anyone in Hell! They did it to themselves!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
I wouldnt blink if I had to throw the switch on some scumbag like this.
Considering those poor little kids, to hell with his rights. Too many weak politically correct losers around feeling sorry for themselves and the world instead of growing a spine and taking action. If you are in this catagory then move to France and live amongst the other sheep. But when the wolf comes dont come crying back. Crime flourishes because the criminals know how far they can go.
People who sympathize with sickos like this are mental.

I agree. How can you feel sorry for the killer when innocent children died?


Originally Posted by soto
no sympathy here from this cowboy.
everyone's got problems.
problems growing up, problems we're facing now, problems we will face, and the fears of problems that may never even happen. some people have worse problems then others. some people handle their problems differently. if he decided to transfer his past issues into a future strength, use that strength to fuel a Fortune 500 company, become a billionaire then he very well deserves his reward just like the next guy.
well when he decides to go on a shooting spree then the same rule applies. and he's lucky i'm not the ruler of the planet yet cause i would've had him publically tortured as a message for anyone else thinking of pullin this stunt. for now we can just be somewhat satisfied that he's burning in hell.
again, i believe in helping out those who are disabled and have mental problems. i'm not saying they don't deserve special treatment. but, regardless of their conditions, that rule goes out the window when they do something like this.
I agree with soto... i was beaten lots of times as a child and do not think that physical abuse is ok at all. I also have a very low self worth and would never put anyone down. if anyone should have gone nutz it should have been someone like me. I also have depression as well as bipolar diorder that runs ramped in my family. There are so many help clinics out there its not funny. When i feel like going off the deep end i go see someone. There is no and i mean no excuse for hurting a child, or sexually abusing them. The reason he killed himself is because he knew what would happen to him in jail. Those men (which would have been much larger and stronger than himself) would have tortured him sensless. and for thewife of the killer or mother of the kids to say to the media, i am going to go off memory... even though i am really sorry for what happened, pray for us too. i mean i do feel bad for the kids but to take attention away from what just happened and put it towards yourself
. Honey i don't mean to come down on ya but really there is no excuse for violence.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
As I thought, voicing my opinion was a waste of my time.
No way... it is just now days people are always trying to enable each other with, well you abuse alcohol beacuse you are depressed or your mom wasn't around much or you were adopted. well instead of telling them its ok to abuse things let tell them that what they are doing is wrong and how to suppliment these tendencies to drink with something else. I'm glad you said somthing because now you know where we are all coming from. you seem young and its always ok to state your opinion but just be open minded to the response. this is how we learn and develope in a postive way. i got your back no worries.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I remember in my Freshman year of high school, we had a debate on the death penalty.
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'.
If someone shot and killed someone that I loved, would I really want to shoot and kill them in return?
The pain I would feel from having someone that I love tragically stolen from me... would I really want to make someone ELSE feel that pain, too, by shooting the taker of my love? No.
If I had them killed, I would be just as bad as them.
I would BE the very thing that made me mourn.
I will not be a murderer.
A murder is not just the only who drops the axe. A murderer also supports the execution.
...I'm done.
In the pope thread who was the one that everyone did not agree with? thats right yours truely. but i still stood my ground. I as like that in school too. I was brought up in a catholic family and i could not go out and party and drink and go on dates with guys. i always had differing views than the more "liberal" kids. To make it worse my mom's whole family are democrats and i am the only republican. since my dad is not around much anymore. Just imagine how political talks are around the dinner table. I also saw the president and he signed a picture for me that i hang up.
They always bash me for that and this is in my own resdience. so don't care what others think.


1journeyman said:
Jesus said in Matthew "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..."
great quote journey man.


Active Member
petieaztec said:
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Jesus said in Matthew "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..."
great quote journey man.
Let's not turn this into a Biblical debate, the Bible also says in the book of Judges it states that by the power of the spirit of the Lord Samson slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass.