It's not fair


Active Member
i would like to say that this is my opinion but i think that if you take someones life you should loose yours to the way the victems family would like.i know some people are against the death penalty but i know from personal experience( my ubcle was murdered) that if this happens to someone in your family you would want them to die. but no they get life in jail which in return WE THE TAX PAYERS get to pey for him having fod chlothes shelter a place to sleep etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i would like to say that this is my opinion but i think that if you take someones life you should loose yours to the way the victems family would like.i know some people are against the death penalty but i know from personal experience( my ubcle was murdered) that if this happens to someone in your family you would want them to die. but no they get life in jail which in return WE THE TAX PAYERS get to pey for him having fod chlothes shelter a place to sleep etc.

I agree w/you, but I have actually heard that all the appeals a person on death row will have actually costs more than just leaving them in prison for life. (don't know if that's correct though). Plus, half the freaking time these killers don't even get a life sentence! :mad: :mad: :mad:
And what the H is up w/the prisoners having "rights"? Why should they get recreation time and televisions?


Active Member
exactly a guy shot my uncle like 7 times and left him dying. went to texas and got 10 years will possiblility of paroll. if i could pick a person to fry in the electric chair it would be him. pull it and let it go. shcok him like 20 times


This is all that has been on the TV here and it gets depressing after awhile. It is in my county and is about 20 miles away. The thing of it is, is that he was the molester, he never said in any of his letters he was molested. Personally I think the guy wass just messed up and even more after his infant daughter died 9 years ago. My friends and I discussed why he chose that school and we concluded that it was because there were very few people there and the Amish won't fight back. If it would have happened in a larger school especially a high school the guy would have had no chance whatsoever and would have been taken down by other teachers and students. But that is just the local opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
As I thought, voicing my opinion was a waste of my time.
no it wasint. you stated ur opinion and i doo feel some sorrow for the crimianl although i DO NOT condome his actions whatsoever


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
As I thought, voicing my opinion was a waste of my time.
Voicing one's own opinion is not a waste of time, it helps make humanity more diverse.I feel sorry for his wife and kids. I guess I could feel sorry that he lost his infante daughter but killing, 6 I think now, dosn't justify anything, all you do is make people go through what you had to go through.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
As I thought, voicing my opinion was a waste of my time.
No, always say what you think, Dont let anyone silence you, This goes to my point earlier, not saying you will go shoot up alot of kids in a school now but dont let em get to you...
I think that it would be good to try to stop people from doing things like this befor they do instead of waiting until they do, and then just say KILL em and feel good about myself.


Active Member
I remember in my Freshman year of high school, we had a debate on the death penalty.
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'.
If someone shot and killed someone that I loved, would I really want to shoot and kill them in return?
The pain I would feel from having someone that I love tragically stolen from me... would I really want to make someone ELSE feel that pain, too, by shooting the taker of my love? No.
If I had them killed, I would be just as bad as them.
I would BE the very thing that made me mourn.
I will not be a murderer.
A murder is not just the only who drops the axe. A murderer also supports the execution.
...I'm done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
No, always say what you think, Dont let anyone silence you, This goes to my point earlier, not saying you will go shoot up alot of kids in a school now but dont let em get to you...
I think that it would be good to try to stop people from doing things like this befor they do instead of waiting until they do, and then just say KILL em and feel good about myself.

I agree , NEVER be silenced.
and nobody should cut you down for having your opinion.
I dont agree with you, but Im cetainly not going to say you cant have an opinion or your opinion isnt valid.


Active Member
I have friends in Torrence who watched their mom die from aids as a small children. They all grew up and made wise choices and are serving in law enforcement in Torrance and Gardena.
I have another friend from LA who's mother was died from cancer. His dad couldnt take it and commited suicide. He then found his father dead when he was 12. John has a great marriage and works in corporate sales for Apple.
These are just 2 examples of people with all odds against them rising above their circumstances.
I think you are right ImUrNamine that something tramatic most certainly must have happened to this guy in his childhood, but he did nothing about it. He let his tragedy consume him. I think it's great you are going you are going to be a therapist. You will be able to make a difference and perhaps prevent horrific events like this from happening.
I guess the bottom line is that everyone will have bad cards dealt to them in life, some worse than others, but you as a person have to decide if you bounce or splat. I prefer bouncing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I remember in my Freshman year of high school, we had a debate on the death penalty.
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'.
If someone shot and killed someone that I loved, would I really want to shoot and kill them in return?
The pain I would feel from having someone that I love tragically stolen from me... would I really want to make someone ELSE feel that pain, too, by shooting the taker of my love? No.
If I had them killed, I would be just as bad as them.
I would BE the very thing that made me mourn.
I will not be a murderer.
A murder is not just the only who drops the axe. A murderer also supports the execution.
...I'm done.

At the same time this guy chose to kill himself which is a sin
He CHOSE to kill 6 young happy innocent children which is a sin.
He chose to perform sodomy which is also a sin.
He shows a cowardous act of suicide after he does arguably the worst thing one can do ..... molest and kill innocent children.
The mentally ill know what is right and wrong.
The mentally ill should pay for actions just as "normal" people do.
Remember that lady that drowned her 4 children in the bath tub and the got off of all charges with reason of insanity?


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I remember in my Freshman year of high school, we had a debate on the death penalty.
I remember being the only one against it. I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I was openly mocked by my classmates for opposing 'an eye for an eye'.
If someone shot and killed someone that I loved, would I really want to shoot and kill them in return?
The pain I would feel from having someone that I love tragically stolen from me... would I really want to make someone ELSE feel that pain, too, by shooting the taker of my love? No.
If I had them killed, I would be just as bad as them.
I would BE the very thing that made me mourn.
I will not be a murderer.
A murder is not just the only who drops the axe. A murderer also supports the execution.
...I'm done.
Very eloquently stated. Reminds me of a quote "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind."


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefeel
Very eloquently stated. Reminds me of a quote "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind."

I believe that the death penalty keeps alot of people honest, with that in place it may hold back alot of people from doing stupid things ....


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
. He let his tragedy consume him............. but you as a person have to decide if you bounce or splat. I prefer bouncing.
I agree that many do suffer thru tragedies or abuse and live good lives, I dont know how many still suffer silently with these kinds, many kinds of experiances but are tomented because of them all their lives, But I beleive its alot. I think that some want to ask for help, but dont know how or feel that they will be stigmatized, shuned, ect. especally men. Its not macho or they will be called coocoo, nut case, too embarrassed if someone knows or finds out that there seeing a phycyetist or takeing medication for mental problems. Im not justifying this guy for what he did and I dont know why he did not or if he ever did try to get help......But in this society, or a community like that, I can understand if he didn't. Im sure that I cant start to know how many women suffer from abuse although not many commit mass murder from it, Though some do murder.....Im not saying that if someone uses abuse as an exuse then its OK to commit murder either. But that it should be easier for people who need to, to get/ask for help is all.
As far as the death penalty, Im against that.....but thats because of my religion. My religion is why I feel about alot of things. But I understand how the hate can want that type of revenge in people as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
I believe that the death penalty keeps alot of people honest, with that in place it may hold back alot of people from doing stupid things ....
Once sentenced to death row, you still have about 10 years or so before our sorry judicial system fries them. Eye for an eye is what I believe. 3 credable witnessess or proven dna warrants instant death IMO.
The criminals should have done to them as they did to those children or anyone else. I am a Christian, but I have news for ya'all. ---- anyone I know and you will die a slow torturous death.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Once sentenced to death row, you still have about 10 years or so before our sorry judicial system fries them. Eye for an eye is what I believe. 3 credable witnessess or proven dna warrants instant death IMO.
The criminals should have done to them as they did to those children or anyone else. I am a Christian, but I have news for ya'all. ---- anyone I know and you will die a slow torturous death.

Couldnt agree more


The thing is, is that it is better for a person to have to live with what they did --as we can see the murderer of these children could not live with it--so they can spend the rest of their life thinking about what they did. If this guy would have had to go to jail he would be tortured by the other inmates, most criminals abhore anything that is done to children, for doing something so henious. Although I think they should have to have some job in prision as tax-payers shouldn't have to pay for criminals