It's not fair


sorry thats not what i meant by the post. i just have this preacher that is a neighbor and he quoted that yesterday when i was kinda sad about the whole thing. My bad, i never mean to preach. just kinda hot fingers.


shogun323 said:
Originally Posted by petieaztec
Let's not turn this into a Biblical debate, the Bible also says in the book of Judges it states that by the power of the spirit of the Lord Samson slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass.
yeah but Journey was trying to make a point that the OT justified the death penalty and the NT called for mercy.


yeah thats why i didn't reply to the whole reply just to the quote.
and the one guy/ gal addressed me as though i was trying to make the debate so i just wanted to clear things up for everyone. I do not like to talk religon to just anyone. I don't think its appripriate.


Active Member
shogun323 said:
Originally Posted by petieaztec
Let's not turn this into a Biblical debate, the Bible also says in the book of Judges it states that by the power of the spirit of the Lord Samson slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass.
Nope.. i wasn't. I was just showing another poster that people were misusing the "eye for an eye" verse from the OT.


i love religion talk. LOVE IT. as long as nobody rousts another person's god or starts blatently shovin beliefs down people's throats then it's allllll good.


Active Member
Hello there Petie. I am a guy and I did not intend imply that you were starting a debate. In fact I clicked quote on the wrong response. For that I apologize. I was just making a poor effort to imply that there are many different views on capital punishment regardless of faith. Sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
well isn't that punishment as well? the only difference is that one form is ending the life immediately and the other's dragging out a miserable life for a very long period of time. most people would rather die than live the next 40-50 years isolated from other people and stripped of every priviledge.
That's my point. I'm all for harsh, even extremely harsh punishment. I just personally couldn't serve on the jury if a case called for the death penalty.
Originally Posted by soto
and i don't buy the whole "well it'd give him extra time to repent" arguement either. if you take a Christianity standpoint then there's the whole section in the book of Revelations that points out how all will have a second chance before the last are doomed for hell eternal.
Not to stir up the biblical debate, but Revelation speaks of the end time with people on earth repenting, not the dead. (I think that is what you are referring too).
Originally Posted by soto

and even though Christ said to turn the other cheek, he also had a very profound respect for obeying the law. Slaves were to obey their masters and taxpayers were to give Caesar what was Caesar's. David spoke numerous times to obey the king......
You're right on. I'm all for obeying the law and totally enforcing the law. It's the punishment part we disagree on.
Hehe, look, hopefully from my other posts everyone knows me well enough to understand I'm not defending these creeps. I'm just saying I personally couldn't vote to execute one. I could vote very quickly however to lock them up in a 6x8 cell and to weld the door shut.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Crime flourishes because the criminals know how far they can go....
I'm not sure the statistics backs this up.
Why is it that we have so many school shootings, etc? I mean look at how often the shooter kills themself/themselves. Why do we have the number of crimes against children?
I've spent some time in Eastern Europe. Children there typically ride public transportation to school (wer'e talking as young as like 8 years old). Can you imagine that occurring here?
Theft and adultry still occur in Islamic countries where the punishment is severe.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not to stir up the biblical debate, but Revelation speaks of the end time with people on earth repenting, not the dead. (I think that is what you are referring too).
yeah but it also talks about the rising of the dead and getting a 2nd time to repent. it's after Jesus returns n' stuff. so if this dude's dead, he'll get his 2nd, and last, chance to repent.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

You're right on. I'm all for obeying the law and totally enforcing the law. It's the punishment part we disagree on.
i don't necessarily disagree per say. i'm just tryin to get some light shed cause i don't see the actual harm in killing guys like this. i mean, i understand you don't feel comfortable with it but i'm tryin to figure out WHY. if you're cool with them suffering then why not dying? it's still a physical body at harm. the body does no good alive. welllll......maybe it could if it were like that crips leader and right a bunch of children's books while on death row but that's EXTREMELY rare. what's NOT extremely rare are copycat killers and that's what my torture/death penalty would avoid.
now if it's about them going straight to hell then we're back up to that Revelations issue because i don't believe anyone has ever gone straight to hell yet.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Theft and adultry still occur in Islamic countries where the punishment is severe.
but not as much as it does here. i'm curious when's the last time someone's hawked a loogie in the streets of Singapore too...


speaking of Mr Williams, they tried to sign a bill that would let these killers wirte books in rpison and collect the proceeds or amybe they already can? But anyways this frreedom should not be avaliable sorry to diverge. but i was on the brain. :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
but not as much as it does here. i'm curious when's the last time someone's hawked a loogie in the streets of Singapore too...
LOL, very true...


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
speaking of Mr Williams, they tried to sign a bill that would let these killers wirte books in rpison and collect the proceeds or amybe they already can? But anyways this frreedom should not be avaliable sorry to diverge. but i was on the brain. :hilarious
I was under the impression that current law forbids prisoners from profiting off of their crimes.


Active Member
Whoever it was that tossed the good book at me...
The Bible says that murder is wrong.
Therefore, murder is wrong, no matter the circumstances. Meaning, what he did was wrong. And if you kill him in return, you are a murderer as well.
"Christian" means "little Christ". Meaning you are to conduct yourself as Christ would in life.
Did Christ ever send someone to death? No. HE HELPED THEM.
I hate when people pick and choose what they want to believe out of the Bible.
Just because I don't flaunt being a Christian doesn't mean I am not a good one.
I want to help people; who am I to judge someone without knowing what they went through?
I am gentle, I am kind. I refuse to conduct myself in any less of a way.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I hate when people pick and choose what they want to believe out of the Bible.
didn't you just do that?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I was under the impression that current law forbids prisoners from profiting off of their crimes.
I though so too but they were talking about passing a bill about this subject i kinda was hoping someone could clear this up for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I hate when people pick and choose what they want to believe out of the Bible.
So are you saying that by being for capital punishment I am picking and choosing what I like from the Bible? So then that lends to suggest that I am not a good Christian?
This is why I personally don't like discussing religon in public forums. The bottom line is I don't care if you are Catholic, Methodist, Penticostal, or Baptist we are all in the same boat together. We all serve the same God. So there is no need to question ones integrity or faith based on a moot point such as Capital Punishment.


now just a GOLE-DANG MINUTE HERE! i already took that line that she said. there's 8 other lines to pick and you gotta bite my style Shog?? whatever bro. well i'll just go find another line and ride with it but don't be jackin on this one too!
ok, now which one do we use.........
AH HA!!! ok check it:
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
The Bible says that murder is wrong.
Therefore, murder is wrong, no matter the circumstances.
well that's like saying items such as The Constitution and The Emancipation Proclamation state all men are free. therefore putting someone in jail is wrong because all men are free.
point being, even though documents have a main purpose and message, they can't be applied towards every single circumstance. the Bible does say murder is wrong but it also says to obey the law. at that time the death penalty existed so therefore The Bible constituted certain forms of murder acceptable.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Whoever it was that tossed the good book at me...
The Bible says that murder is wrong.
Therefore, murder is wrong, no matter the circumstances. Meaning, what he did was wrong. And if you kill him in return, you are a murderer as well.
"Christian" means "little Christ". Meaning you are to conduct yourself as Christ would in life.
Did Christ ever send someone to death? No. HE HELPED THEM.
I hate when people pick and choose what they want to believe out of the Bible.
Just because I don't flaunt being a Christian doesn't mean I am not a good one.
I want to help people; who am I to judge someone without knowing what they went through?
I am gentle, I am kind. I refuse to conduct myself in any less of a way.
LOL, hey silly girl. I hope that wasn't pointed at me... reread my post. I was DEFENDING your position.

Now, the Bible does say murder is wrong, BUT you have to define murder. Be careful there as the Bible clearly justifies execution (in the Old Testament), wars, etc.
And you are right, picking and choosing what to quote out of the Bible is wrong. That goes back to my original point. That's how this Bible talk came up in this thread. People throw around "an eye for an eye" without realizing all that was said about that in the Bible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
now just a GOLE-DANG MINUTE HERE! i already took that line that she said. there's 8 other lines to pick and you gotta bite my style Shog?? whatever bro. well i'll just go find another line and ride with it but don't be jackin on this one too!
Sorry there Soto. Had to defend my position.