Originally posted by Bang Guy
Mysid Shrimp from your description.
Can you explain their behavior in more detail? A Mysid Shrimp will move very fast but never leave the surface, just glide over it. They also move in a random pattern goin about 1/2" before turning.
Like ants on speed...
Thanks Bang. They were clear, and small (like 1/10 mm) and had two visible eyes on each side. It looked like they were round and the tail came out from the back bottom and whipped around. When they were swimming you couldnt see the tail, just the body. These guys were swimming all around the tank, not just in one certain pattern. There were a few left yesterday morning when I woke up but all of them have gone. When I shut the lights off the other night, a lot of them would drift down to the bottom of the tank and hang out around the substrate. They kept bumping off the LR too. If they are shrimp, would there have been an egg sack or something I could look for on the LR?