jacking ur lfs... haha


haha, just a little thread that i have always wanted to do. You all know how ur lfs tells u lies and such. well...
I wish that I could break in my lfs and steal everything they had.
Fish tanks, stands, corals, fish, ro water, all the supplies i needed,lights, fish food, lr, ls, and every other thing. That would be awsome haha


Active Member
Interesting concept, but let's "play this out" a litle bit...
Say you "Jack" the LFS..Then what..?
The insurance company pays them off and they get all new stuff and are back in business the next day...
You on the other hand get caught for breaking and entering, and felony larceny...then when they find you "premeditated" confession on your hard drive (or the internet) they add a "Hate crime" multiplier...
So then the police return all the stolen goods to the store (now they have twice the inventory) and you spend the next 20 years in prison, playing "Pick up the Soap..Be'otch".. with Bubba your large Hairy new "roommate"
So who really "wins" here...??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Interesting concept, but let's "play this out" a litle bit...
Say you "Jack" the LFS..Then what..?
The insurance company pays them off and they get al new stuff and are back in business the next day...
You on the other hand get caught for breaking and entering, and felony larceny...then when they find you "premeditated" confession on your hard drive (or the internet) they add a "Hate crime" multiplier...
So then the police return all the stolen goods to the store (now they have twice the inventory) and you spend the next 20 years playing "Pick up the Soap..Be'otch".. with Bubba your large Hairy new "roommate"
So who really "wins" here...??
Oh no he didunt


im not saying i'm going to do it i just think it would be a funny thing, all that free stuff and squidd, do u work at a fish store?


Active Member
Wow, where have our morals gone.....it would be cool, unless you were caught. :notsure:
How about "stealing" some ideas on how to own a business or be successful in your own right so you can have the stuff anyway.


Active Member
This reminds me of a stituation at my LFS, i was leaving and a ford F-150 pulled up on the side of the store when i walked out i had to walk by the truck to get to my car and when i look in the bed there where a ton of light fixtures and supplies, and they where the good stuff like PC hoods and MH hoods. Man i was so tempted to take them nobody was around but after a few seconds i just walked to my car and drove home, that could have been the stupidest or smartest thing i have ever done


Originally Posted by ophiura
Wow, where have our morals gone.....it would be cool, unless you were caught. :notsure:
How about "stealing" some ideas on how to own a business or be successful in your own right so you can have the stuff anyway.
like you wouldnt capatalize on free stuff like that .... arent you holier than thou ..... it would be cool if you got away with it ......... and if you were to start a buissinus it would cost much more money than all of what ever you got
You act like this is serious


Active Member
It IS serious!!!!

It's the "little" temptations, like stuff sitting unattended in a truck or some self delusional "He deserves it" attitude, or worse the "I can "get away" with it" attitude that lead to the big mistakes we sometimes make in life..
Then there You sit, doing 20 to life with an enhancer, saying "OK Bubbba..I'll pick up the soap"... :thinking:


Active Member
I got a better idea...Lets post our LFS "Steals" that were legal...
Like one time while at my LFS I was buying tons of stuff and the guy was having a tough time catching stuff so he'd grab a few things...toss it in the bag and was like No charge for the extra stuff..
I'm like SWEET! I got a few queen conches, emerald crabs, hermits, turbos, and other goodies..


Active Member
There is only one thing I hate worse than a THIEF, that's two Thieves!!!!!!!!!!!
Note to self..... Remind me not to do a frag swap


Active Member

Originally Posted by sw65galma
I got a better idea...Lets post our LFS "Steals" that were legal...
Like one time while at my LFS I was buying tons of stuff and the guy was having a tough time catching stuff so he'd grab a few things...toss it in the bag and was like No charge for the extra stuff..
I'm like SWEET! I got a few queen conches, emerald crabs, hermits, turbos, and other goodies..
yeah watch out for that, it seems around here it's stuff they need to get out of a bad filtration tank group. it's either they give it away or it dies soon. i've been told that they'd rather give and hope the person has a good quarantine system. just food for thought, especially in the ks/mo area.


Active Member
I got a ripped bag of aragamax sand for $10 at a LFS. That was almost cheap enough to make me feel guilty!!