This tank was set up in Dec 07, carried over from a 72 bow front. I upgraded the lighting in April 08 to an Orbiter hood with 2 - 250w 10K halides and 4 - 54w t-5 actnics.
Coraline algae covers the back glass.. on occasion I take a razor and scrape most of the sides and even the front as the magnet scraper doesn't always get everything.
I have Xenia growing on the back glass as well -- the xenia came from another person's tank -- was on a dead piece of coral and started from 3 stalks.... and in about a year is around 40 -- but I took out the original piece (had about 20 stalks on it) because that one piece was full of bubble algae and hair algae.
The only current problem in the tank is bubble algae but I'm slowly winning the war on it and slowly cutting it back but probably will never 100% eliminate it.
The aquascaping was a pain, I should find a picture of what it used to look like and I hated the lay out.. was just a pile of rock. I wanted a cave with a valley for my clams but I had 100lbs of live rock with corals in the tank BEFORE I redid the aquascaping. Lost my ricordia for awhile but it came out of hiding and is doing great... split in 2 big pieces now. So yeah, a bit of advise -- aquascape BEFORE putting in coral
I didn't loose anything but what a pain.