Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
Did anyone ever see the spongebob episode where he and Patrick got in trouble for saying "word enhancers" (curse words) - funniest episode ever-
Whoever this girl's or family's publicist is, they are doing a bad job. This story should be sooo buried... But they are very much past any possible damage control... Its pretty unlikely they will be able to maintain their careers. They will be broke and back in a trailer or whatever very soon at this rate... Has anyone heard about the story that BS doesn't save or invest any of her 700K monthly earnings.
Yeah, they've certainly got some good episodes. It's my son's favorite show, yet I find myself tempted to watch even when he's not around or awake....haha.


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Originally Posted by kclester
now that i think about it quite a few of nick stars have tuned out to be bad role models....lindsay lohan...nick cannon...hillary duff...and now this lil girl hopefully she wont turn out to be as bad as her sister

Hillary is actually one of the few with her head on straight. She credits her family for keeping her grounded.
I actually was thinking that Jamie would have watched her sisters mistakes and learned from them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i heard their mother is writing a book on parenting?? true?
She was. Aparently shes an expert
. Child A:failure Child B: failure
I guess she just realized she wasn't an expert and decided to ditch it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i heard their mother is writing a book on parenting?? true?
She was. Apparently she's an expert
. Child 1:failure child 2:failure
I guess she realized that she's not a good mother and shouldn't be giving advice so she ditched it.


Active Member
I wonder if she will be as bad as a parent as her mother and sister is....i predict by the time the kid is 1 1/2 it will be driveing just like her sisters kids


Active Member
Its more having to do with who is going to read a book about parenting when one daughter lies about her virginity, marries a friend for fun in vegas, married Kfed, has kids, drops her kids (allegedly), shows everyone that she doesnt wear panties and has a nasty looking clam (if you will), goes to rehab, shaves her head, goes back to rehab, has the media film her going to her mother and serving her with papers, dumber than dogcrap when it comes to legal proceedings and to top it off, her 16 yr old daughter is pregnant and the boyfriend is (allegedly) 18 yrs old. You can take people out of the trailor park but you cant take trailor park out of the people.


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Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
You can take people out of the trailor park but you cant take trailor park out of the people.

You forgot to mention when she attacked the poparotzi with the umbrella. That was classic.
Was the name of JL's boyfriend released? Is he a known person or some random dude?


Active Member
now that i think about it i said her kid would be driveing at 1 1/2 im not so sure that she is even old enough to drive lol


Active Member
the BF is the son of a paper mill worker. They met at church.....of course they did, it makes it so much better to explain it to my daughter.

Come to think of it wasn't KFed already the father of 2 kids with his gf/wife and she was expecting their 3rd when he married Brit??


Active Member
I wouldn't say they are losers because they have made themselves successful... but they have made some bad decisions that may ruin them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I wouldn't say they are losers because they have made themselves successful... but they have made some bad decisions that may ruin them.

Define succesful? Doesnt matter if you have money if the whole world thinks your a trick.


Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
now I wonder how old mom was when she got pregnant? Must run in the family. Good for those girls... god to be young, pregnant, and such good mothers. What is Jamie lynn going to do..... Can/will she top her sister by doing outragous things.
you decide....
The age at which their mom had her children shouldn't matter. My mom had me at 16, my sister at 18 and my brother at 21. She now holds a Master's degree, is a college professor and my parents have been married for 37 years and none us had teenage pregnancies. I'm not condoning teenage pregnancy, I'm just saying it doesn't have to be "the end of her life" If she makes wise choices and has a good support system in the future she could turn out fine. Given that this family is in the public eye so much and seems to have a borrage of other problems though, it seems the cards are stacked against her. Just my 2 cents....


Originally Posted by lovethesea
Hillary is actually one of the few with her head on straight. She credits her family for keeping her grounded.
I actually was thinking that Jamie would have watched her sisters mistakes and learned from them.

Another great role model to come off Nickeloden is Amanda Bynes. I love her she's hilarious!


Active Member
I heard people at school talking about this..
One person said it was on the news, others in the papers, some online..
Is it really that important to be news worthy?
my cousins used to watch that show and she seemed like a nice girl, which I agree w/ a lot of you, had her head on straight and would see her sisters mistakes and try to avoid them...
guess not..


Active Member
Amanda (we loved her show) also credits her strong family helping her navigate. They weren't wanting in the lime light. Another mom that makes me sick is Lohans. Her mom is doing magazine covers, coverage for entertainment shows, magazine spreads etc. All the while her daughter was/is self destructing.
And SO FAR.........(crossing fingers) Miley Cyrus. Once again....family is with her navigating and parenting.


Active Member
you all auctually think hillary duff is a good role model....hanging out with brittney

and seen with


.....the olsen twins....loseing all that weight making her look like she is on crak or something...sure thats a good example on youg grils these days "omg im 125 pounds im so fat lets go lose some weight so i can look like a bag of bones" i dont think thats to great of an example