Joe-L's bio cube bc29


Active Member
Very nice indeed, great pics.
Just a bit of advice, start some research of your own on your inhabitants, from your list on live stock and a visual on your placment of some corals. I sense a small storm bruin...JMO.


Thanks for the love! Ill snap a couple pics tonight of the mod, its pretty easy. I like the Tunze 9002, I get a good amount of skim daily. The collection cups a little to big though. I had to trim some of the lip off the second chamber to get it to fit. With a dremmel its a piece of cake. Also the American models have a stronger pump then the European so the water line isn't accurate. You want the skimmer sitting a half inch above the marked line.


I'm guessing your referring to the plate coral on the rocks, and maybe the distance between the plate and other corals.. I tried the plate in various locations on the substrate and it wasn't happy. I'm planning on moving it a little away from the others soon. I'm open to advise if you have any.


Active Member
This is advice so dont think I am flaming... all of your LPS corals that are within touching distance of each other will fight, the stronger stinger will win. Long tenticle plates for some reason are not as easy to keep in aquariums as short tenticle ones are. Your starfish will die that is a certainty, I dont know the species or type but 100# of LR minimum with an established tank at least a year for sucess with one. And your snow flake eel eat anything it can fit into its mouth, inverts too. It is also going to dirty your tank up quite a bit, they eat a lot and excrete a lot. Thats a hefty bioload on such a small tank, not to mention it will out grow it, soon. My intention is to warn you ahead of time, as you can take a proactive approch to the issues before they become problems, if you want. JMO.
I like the tank though very nice layout of your aquascape.


Heres a pic of where I cut and widened the overflow from chamber 1 to chamber 2, and a pic of where I cut to fit skimmer collection cup. I had to cut both upper and lower lips for the skimmer cup to fit.



Thanks for posting pics of the mod.
So you took out the entire wall between chamber 1 & 2 right?
Now you have floss, carbon pad?, & lr in chamber one?
What do you have after the skimmer in chamber 2?
Does the hood still fit good ( after the cutting ) with the tunze skimmer?
Sorry to drill you bro, but I want a top of line skimmer like the Tunze.
Also thanks for checking out me tank!


I do weekly 10 percent water changes and use real ocean water. I usually cut new filter floss every couple weeks, looks like its about that time. I didnt cut the entire wall, just widened it about an inch. In chamber 1 I just have the stock filter pad which I gutted out and used to hold floss. in chamber 2 I have floss, then carbon, then live rock and the skimmer. I put the skimmer in first, then dropped the live rock beside it. The hood fits perfectly and theirs no visible signs of any cuts when the tops down.