Joe-L's bio cube bc29


Originally Posted by nissan577
his tank was really clean and amazing. wonder why he got off?
Haven't been on in a while, works been crazy and I've been traveling.. My tanks still up and running though I had some problems while i was out of town.. It was really hot in august and dramatic temp fluctuation killed my plate and my orange frogspawn. The temp hit 92, so i had my roomate put some fans on the tank, which evaporated water in the 3rd chamber where my heater was... The temp dropped to 72 in that night.. Good thing i came home the fallowing day or it coulda been curtains for my whole tank.. I exchanged my eal for a mated pair of clowns and got a bubble. Besides that its pretty much the same. Im not diggin my aquascape, Im lookin for a special coral to add to the center rock, but until then this is how its lookin...


You think that filter is doing its job...
Look how dirty the pad is and how clean the tank is...
Keep up the great work. Tank is absolutely fantastic!


Active Member
Joe-L I have to admit each time I see your thread pop back up I read it as J-Lo's biocube 29 first, then realize again the it is Joe-L.
Tank is nice, good color and arrangement. What is the large circular, green - yellow - tan colored coral on the top left side?


Active Member
Looks great bro, glad to see you back. What made you get rid of your SFE? Although the clowns do look beautiful as well.


Originally Posted by subielover
Looks great bro, glad to see you back. What made you get rid of your SFE? Although the clowns do look beautiful as well.

SFE started eating my snails and getting big, I knew it was a matter of time before he out grew my tank... Thanks for the comments


Active Member
I was told I could not have a eel in my 75 reef tank
Well now that i see yours......guess its eel time
Tank looks full but not too crowded ,great selection and placement of corals.......The Chicago judge gives it a 9 1/2...only because I don't think a 10 exists in anything


Originally Posted by nwdyr
I was told I could not have a eel in my 75 reef tank
Well now that i see yours......guess its eel time
Tank looks full but not too crowded ,great selection and placement of corals.......The Chicago judge gives it a 9 1/2...only because I don't think a 10 exists in anything

I traded my Eel for a pair of clowns, it started eating snails and hermits.. They do get big but your 75 gallons over twice as big as my biocube.. Im guessing if you get a juvanile it'll be fine for a couple years or more. Thanks for the positive words