Joe-L's bio cube bc29


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Anything new going on in here?
Been working all the time, haven't added much in a while. I moved the yellow tang to my friends 120 gal, and lost my pink plate. Dropped him cleaning my tank and ripped the mantle.. Waiting to find somthing special to replace its spot on the rock.


Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
Nice tank Joe, how is your SFE doing? Do you think he will eat pepp. shrimps? or a yellow-watchman?
Thanks. The Eels great, he tries to go for my hermits but Ive only seen him eat a small one.. Swallows the whole hermit then spits the shell out. I gotta coral banded shrimp thats fine, had him since I got the tank. But my wrass's flipped one day and destroyed my cleaner and fire shrimp.. Guess they were hungry


Active Member
And one last bump for one of the best Nanos that were on here. Unfort he hasnt been on since July 24th, but hopefully he comes back and gives us an update.
Always liked this nano a lot. Nice and clean, everything laid and placed perfect


Active Member
idk, her never got on to much. Just an update and a few post then hed be gone. Come back update fw pics and hed be gone. But he just never came back lol