JoJo's 135g in wall tank

Welcome to the forum JoJo your tank is awesome. Bless you for the work you do for the dogs. I volunteer for a dog rescue and it just breaks my heart to see these sweet babys. The public definitly needs educating. Again, welcome.


Active Member
Well first I got interested in this thread because we just set up our 135 gallon but then I saw the dogs!!
My 135 just filled up

My pups

I'll have to tag along on your thread. I'm also doing lps and softies.


DIY-i had taken the ATS apart for about 2 weeks, i lowered the lights to about 4" above the water's surface and widened the screen. i got this idea from my buddy who has it the same set up but his is 10ft or longer. man he pulls huge amounts of algae out of it, i get you a link to it tomorrow.
-thanks for stopping by
-thanks for the comments and thank you for all your work with the dogs. we rescue and foster pitbulls, if we had time we would volunteer at a shelter too.
-nice pics, whats the small tank i see in the back of the first pic? i'll check out your thread.
check out my buddies if you ever looking for some gear for you or your pups.
hopefully yall will subscribe to my thread, there should be some updates in the near future.


Looking good JoJo.
A couple comments on your postings. That is defintly a Zoa frag not duncans.
You mention you QT your tang but not your frag or shrimp. This is why I don't QT anything. To keep your tank ich free you will need to treat your tang weather you see any thing or not. You will also need to QT anything wet. If it is a coral or invert 4-6 weeks in a QT with no fish. That is why I find it impractical to worry about being ich free. If you keep your fish stress free they will be fine. IMO.


Hey J, thanks for checking in. as far as the tang, it died...probably due to stress. on the QT subject, there has been debates on every forum whether everything should be QT'd or just fish. i basically QT for observence purposes and the fact that i rather the fish die in the QT then in my DT where it would be nearly impossible to remove it once its under the rocks.
i have to catch up on your thread asap.


i'm trying to configure my t-5 set up and who to buy from. any and all suggestions welcome...i'm looking for a blueish tint color and i have 4 4ft bulbs to create that look. i'm thinking of (2)14k bulbs , (1)fiji_pink and either (1)10k bulb or (1) 12k bulb [/B]


after doing some reading i'm debating between (4) Power-Glo 18k bulbs or (2) of them and (2) 12Ks, what do you think? i wasnt sure if (4)18k would be to much blue and not give the corals the effective light range they need. i will still add the 2 of the PC bulbs so i have the dusk/dawn lighting so that will add the the blue look as well. or maybe just (4) 14Ks...


i finally placed an order, along wit the (2) power compact actnic bulbs there will be:
(2) blue plus bulbs
(1) 14K bulb
(1) 12K aquablue bulbs
this will give me something close to a 20K look but if its too blue i can always add the second set of PC lights, as of now they're 10k but i can get 12k.


New Member
What type of dry wall did you use around the tank??
How did you close off the top of the wall where the tank and wall meet?
Sweet setup, you made it very user friendly in maintaining always pays dividends in the long run...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpa0741
Looking good JoJo.
A couple comments on your postings. That is defintly a Zoa frag not duncans.
You mention you QT your tang but not your frag or shrimp. This is why I don't QT anything. To keep your tank ich free you will need to treat your tang weather you see any thing or not. You will also need to QT anything wet. If it is a coral or invert 4-6 weeks in a QT with no fish. That is why I find it impractical to worry about being ich free. If you keep your fish stress free they will be fine. IMO.
There are far more reasons to practice QT then just Ich. Many fish upon arrival refuse to eat in a crowd display and starve to death. In a quite QT, they can learn to eat. Also other diseases like Marine Velvet, that would wipe out a tank in 2 days can be caught on fish before they are added to the display, and also many fish, including angels and butterflies arrive already infected with flukes, and need to be treated in QT.


Originally Posted by 500809052
What type of dry wall did you use around the tank??
How did you close off the top of the wall where the tank and wall meet?
Sweet setup, you made it very user friendly in maintaining always pays dividends in the long run...
i used mildew resistant drywall around the tank. i'm not sure what you mean by closing the top of the wall. the hole was created by using drywall angles to make corners to cover the studs that support the wall and the weight of the tank. and then drywall mud where needed. i hope this helps.
AquaKnight, thanks for clarifying that, i didnt want to get into any spouts over QTing. i believe i've met you before on a forum. i see you're in Orlando, i'm there about every other month, visiting Disney World


i finally got a chance to start on the lighting today. i built the canopy to hang because the closed loop outputs come over the back so it wouldnt allow for the traditional hood. the canopy is made of 1" wood and the wood was coated with Behr Waterproofing Wood Finishing after all the seams were siliconed.

the fixture will hang 2" over the tank using loop hook screws in each corner being supported by light weight chains and open hooks in the ceilings.

i'm going to add one more coat of wood finish(would make 3) then install the hanging hardware, then wiring the lighting. hopefully i can get majority of this done tonight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJo727
the ATS is nearly finished, i just need a piece of 1" pvc for the return into the sump. once i do a test run i will coat the wood.
lights in action

better view

I dont understand what this is either


Nice tank build wish I had room for the in wall. Maybe someday when we finish the basement.
Props on the Pit rescue, they are wonderful loving animals in the right hands. We got ours because of a mistake that the OCAC made. Okland county destroys pits. They sent the wrong dog to get fixed to the clinic my wife works at. the rest is history. Yes thats her and her best boxer buddy in my avatar. Not to turn this into a dog forum
Welcome and I'll be tagging along! Keep up the great work in both areas!


KING NEPTUNE-i'm not sure what you mean by "stumps". are you referring to the drains coming from the bottom of the tank or the rock forms?
in the second set of pics is my Algae Turf Scrubber and my sump behind it. the ATS(algae turf scrubber) is a great means of nutrient export/filtration. the basic way it works is water drains into with the water level being 1-2" flowing over a screen. the water is then drained back into the sump. with intense lighting over a shallow slow flowing water(200-400gph)this promotes algae growth on the screen instead of in the Display Tank. once you have established algae growing on the screen it can be scraped off, which keeps your bad parameters down.
i hope this helps.
IYA, thanks for checking out the thread. and congrats on having one of the best dogs there ever was. all of my threads on every forum are tank/dog threads, i havent update this thread much on my dogs and the rescue puppies.


Active Member
The stumps...were the two things you buried under the rock formations. They inlets of some kind that pump back into the tank from your sump? If so why?
Ok i get the concept of an ATS, sounds like a really cheap, and simple way to do it. I will see if I have room under my own stand to do something similar as well.
To make sure I got it pictured right in my head....
I put a smaller pump...say a couple hundred GPH output inside the sump, and have it feed the top of the tray. Place a drainage from the other end of the tray back into the sump. This will let water flow in constantly and promote algae growth. By doing it this way...the algae sticks to the mesh...instead of finding its way to your glass in the DT?
In other words the Algea looks for the easy way out, and latches onto the tray instead of the DT up above.


The "stumps" are inlets to the closed loop, it feeds the CL pump then the pump pushes water up over the top back into the tank.
yea, you have the idea of the ATS right.


i modded the PC reflector by cutting it to the size of single bulbs the way the T5 reflectors are

added blue moon light LEDs but i only have 2 sets because thats all LFS had, i have to check if they got more in yet. i took the LEDs out of the PC fixture but i'm not sure how i could incorporate them in the hood.

here's hood hanging, i'm not sure i like it mainly because the type of chains i used to hang it make it difficult to lower/raise the hood. i also have to do something about the fan now, i'll probably get (2) 3" fan and attach the to the hood.
if you look close you can see there's a T5 bulb missing, it broke while trying to hang the hood so i did a quick w/c and will do another one tonight. so i'll be ordering another bulb tonight, it'll probably get here before i get the ballast back


since i broke the 12k bulb while trying to install the hood, i have to order another bulb. i wasnt sure if the bulbs i selected wouldnt give me a "blue" enough look anyways, so i'm thinking of ordering a 14k bulb to replace the 12k, that would give me (2) blue plus bulbs and (2) 14k bulbs. what do yall think?