JoJo's 135g in wall tank


Active Member
It will look pretty.
You ever going to consider adding a MH?
A pair of 250's or evin a single 250w over one of the rock mounds. Would be interesting to see the diversity of corals on one side vs another. Plus the shallow water shimmer effect would look sweet too. It might be interesting to see how it effects the tank if only one side is lit with MH.
I think I will experiment with that when I put mine together. I got a ballast that does 3x250's all independently.


thanks. i have been neglecting the tank as much as i've been neglecting this thread, i really have to get back into it.
most likely i will stay away from MH, i'm in FL so heat is already an issue plus everything i want to keep (softies & LPS) can be supported by T-5s. i will probably add another IceCap 660 to support 4 T-5s.


Active Member
electric and heat savings are two big pluses going that route. got any recent pics? something broad that shows the whole tank today?


Active Member
I like the electrical you have done on this thing. looks to make things so much easier than having to pull everything out to do changes and to add water. I like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJo727
i was checking my salinity and it was low...1.023. i had new SW mixed at 1.028 and i did a 6g wc to raise the salinity some, but before doing the water changes it did a little testing.
with the salinity at 1.023
cal: 380
Mag: 1410
Alk: 3.09
the alkalinity seems too high, should be 2.5-2.9 right? and i would like the calcuim around 420 but that will probably happen once the salinity is back up to 1.026.
i also have a few pics:
first the ATS is maturing, there's starting to be diatom build-up

the yellow tang (Kim named him Tweety)

the cleaner shrimp in its new home, it hasnt left that spot all day

and the mystery coral...could it be a Duncan? 7 heads for $5

awesome pics! cool coral and fish


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
electric and heat savings are two big pluses going that route. got any recent pics? something broad that shows the whole tank today?
i'm going to update the thread tonight so there will be pics coming your way.
Originally Posted by salt210
I like the electrical you have done on this thing. looks to make things so much easier than having to pull everything out to do changes and to add water. I like it.

thanks. when we lived in our condo i had to lug bucket and unplug pumps, so i tried to plan accordingly for this system but i missed a few things so i'll be redoing some things.
Originally Posted by redsea

awesome pics! cool coral and fish
thanks for stopping by the thread.
Originally Posted by King_Neptune

If you lose power, what happens to the water? does it all drain out via the bottom line on the close loop?
no, because its a closed system the water just stops because there isnt enough pressure to push the water from the pump back into the tank. so when the power shuts the pump off, the water in the pump's "out" pipes is the same level (maybe lower) than the water in the tank...a kind of equilibrium.


to be honest i've been neglecting my tank almost as much as i've been neglecting this thread. i've lost some tank members without a trace including the anthias & a chromis. the yellow tang that was in the QT expired several days later, since then i've found a local fish store i can really i havent quarantined since.
i've also been battling algae lately basically because i slacked off on water changes and i forgot i had carbon in the sump, which i'm guessing started to release polluntants since it was in there for over a month. so i did a 15g w/c (approx. 10%) today and i will be doing another one tonight or tomorrow maybe each day after that depending on the test results i get each day until the params are back in order. i tested today, results:
Ph:7.8-this is flucuating up to 8.6 lately
Po:0-yea right


here are some pics, none of the corals are really doing well and when you look at the test results above you know why.
the green star polyps have just disappeared from the rock they once occupied happily with the exception of 2 or 3 polyps.

the zoas have closed up some as well, maybe even melted some

these green rics havent grown any since i got them over 6 mos ago, now they looking bad but hopefully they'll make a recovery. the problem i'm having is they seem to small to feed...


the corals that are still hanging in there the hammer, the leather, the hair mushroom and of course the xenia

i have a vid to show the new Naso tang and a general idea of the layout of the tank.


i started building a stand for a new algae turf scrubber, it should be finished by the end of the week. the last time i used the curly q bulbs, this time i'll probably use flood lights with shop reflectors for better light penetration.


i spent the morning building the stand for the new ATS and making the ATS, plumbing it, ect... i used a rubbermaid tub (22L x 14W x 5H)m, cut eggcrate to fit and covered it with screen, the flow will be coming directly from the DT overflow. it will be lit by 2 shop lights with 10" reflectors, using bulbs equivalent to 100wts.
i started doing a huge w/c, about 40g. so as usual i flip the switch to empty the sump, waited for the water level to drop to where i wanted it then flipped the swich for the pump in the SW tub to start pumping in. after 2 or 3 mins i hear the pump running dry so i turn the switch off only to find the sump less than half filled...i never flipped the switch to turn the drain pump off!!! so i wasted about 30g of fresh SW!!! so now i have to mix a new batch SW, add it to the system, make a new batch then add that.
on top of that i was going to clean my closed loop pump, as i went to closed the 2" ball valve on the inlet of the CL, it was really hard to turn then was suddenly to easy. its been kind of hard to turn to since installing it, i'm guessing some glue go on it but it work fine until now. so i have to dismantle the rock in the DT, run PVC from the bulkheads in the bottom of the tank up above the DT's water level then cut the plumbing leading to the ball valve and add a new valve(probably a gate valve.


let me charge the camera and i snap a pic or 2. to be honest, the stand is sloppy, i just "threw" it together. the only a gallon or 2 in the ATS at a time so the stand wouldnt have to be very strong.


i figured i'd make i quick vid of the tank to document the algae bloom

here's the back half of the tank, inlcuding the RO & mixing tub and the new algae turf scrubber/stand


thanks, i'm working on redoing the fish room then i'll show the rest of it. i'll probably be setting up a frag tank soon


i did some testing earlier today to see if the params are stabalizing
pH: 8.1 @ 10am, yesterday the pH went up to 8.6 due to the new ATS lights being on for 24hrs.
Am: .25
No2: 0
No3: 10
Po: 0
Cal: 420
Alk: 8.0
Mag: 1170
Sal: 1.024
Temp: 77.9