JTT's Weight Loss Journal


I remember someone told me that the less you eat, the less your body needs sleep

It always seemed true to me when I was on a diet..I never slept well....I have no clue if it's all in your mind though LOL...


Man, i hate the whole concept of a metabolism. I wish i could just eat two healthy, balanced meals a day to get thin. Most of you don't understand what its like to be over 500 pounds... People look and people judge, I associate every meal and every piece of food that I put into my mouth as shameful. I hate going to restaurants and ordering anything, because people look and giggle look at the fatso, look at fatty mcbutterpants try to fit into a restaurant booth. Check out the blimp in the frozen food section, how many tubs of ice cream you gonna buy big guy?
Its so shameful. And I relive it every time food comes near my mouth. I feel like whether it's baby carrots or baby doughnuts, I'm digging my grave with a fork and knife.


HEY...you are on the right track...AND NO...not everyone sees people that way....get healthy for YOURSELF....and YOUR life


Active Member
beleive me I understand. though my top weight wasnt that high, I am only 5.3
You can still have ranch, just use fat free, though I like Fat Free italian better.
Take it one day at a time. 3 lbs is good, but pick a day for weigh in, dont weigh everyday. I know thats hard, but its better on your mental status. I weigh in friday mornings.
As for missing breakfast. Get some fiberone bars or oatmeal to go bars and take it along with a bottle of water to eat in the car. its better them skipping.


Active Member
Yaaay! Small victories like that are totally motivating! I agree with Teresa... It might be better to weigh in once a week as your body can fluctuate by 5 lbs... It's very discouraging when the scale goes up a little, or doesn't budge for a while and that will happen.


Been a couple of days. on to Day 7 and my current weight is 512.
6 pounds is really good for one week. Honestly I am quite surprised. I have cheated a LOT, one night I ate an entire pizza hut pizza. Its really sad to admit, but, I was weak...
There was one day in particular that I woke up at 7am to get to work, and I didnt eat a single thing until 9pm that night. an entire day without food? thats NOT healthy. I know.
I started a biggest loser competition at my church. This week was our second week, and in 7 days we lost a total combined weight of 52 pounds, between 21 ladies and 10 guys. 3 of the ladies actually gained weight.


Active Member
6 lbs is wonderful. forget about the mistakes and keep going. Have your wife or you pack a turkey sandwich the night before, that way you can grab and go. you have to eat something. you can still have pizza, even on weight watchers, just have a couple of pieces and make a nice salad or veggies to go with it. lol. Good luck and keep up the good work, Use your faith in God to help you to be stronger. Do you and your wife want children, just keep thinking of your future with your wife and family
You gotta get the temptation out of the house. Now don't get me wrong a cheat day once a week is fine but late night cravings multiple times a week can be killer. When I cut weight we get very strict about what we buy, no cookies soda ice cream etc. My wife hates it cause she loves to bake but fact of the matter is if I don't make weight I don't get to work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefaholic33
My wife hates it cause she loves to bake but fact of the matter is if I don't make weight I don't get to work.
Just curious, but what do you do where your weight factors into whether you can work or not?


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
How are you doing????
Didn't think anyone really cared. If you don't have 2,000 posts it's hard to be accepted here.
I have a weigh in tonight, this week I struggled like never before. We ran outta money before our paycheck so we had to go hungry for a few days. Its an unfortunate reality that even when we are living very cheaply and never going out for meals and never buying frivilous things, our bills just outweigh our income. there was one day I ate nohing but brownies because it was literally the only thing in our pantry. I'm scared to death of the scale tonight. But, we will see. Hopefully daily walks and tons of water will get me somewhere.