Just A Thought


I was thinking of upgrading from my 55 to a 150 gal tank. So ive been doing some researchin and found out a lot of things.
Did you know that a 150 gal tank fool of water ways almost 1500 lbs so placing it in your home has to be against a outside wall or a supported place. So I have found several diff sights or places to buy the tank but I am not sure on the type to buy. do I need to buy Acrylic or glass? and what is a good price for one.does anyone have a suggestion were I can buy one for the best price. I found a place that has really great prices on live rock I mean real cheap for priemium rock. Also should I use live sand or crushed coral As of right now I have cc and have no problems but I think the sand would look nicer. I found this one sight that talked about this product called miracle mud that you use in your refuge has anyone used it or know anything about it. I will post more questions soon. here is my email if anyone could tell me of a sight that I can get a nice tank for a good price like CHEAP. Thanks scottina@charter.net


Acrylic or glass is a matter of personal preference. Acrylic is lighter and will not distort your view into the tank. But glass will not scratch. If it were me, I'd go with glass.
Sand or CC. Sand without a doubt. A lot of people say CC is a nitrate trap. I have CC and no nitrates, but I hate haftening to vacuum it EVERY TIME I do a water change.
If you decide to do acrylic then tenecor .com has some nice set ups.
And if you go with glass then glasscages .com also has pretty much whatever you can think of...
When placing your tank, make absolutely sure it is perfectly level, if it's even a little bit off it can stress the supports on your stand or even the joists under the flooring to the point of breaking. If it's only a half inch off and you don't think it's a big deal....I'm tellin' ya now!! It will be. Fix it!!:)

qc minded

New Member
I have to agree with Tizzo about Tenecor. They will also do a custom tank for you if you can't find what you want in their standard tanks.


My LFS has a 125 gallon tank and stand and lights for 635.00. Do you think this is a good price? Also it is a glass tank.


well I bought the tank. Now the problem is that i have to move my 55 gal so that I can put the 125 in its place. doesn't sound fun any suggestions on how to go about the move. my 55 has been set up for about 9 to 10 months?:rolleyes:


Active Member
well i say the best way to move this tank is to go out and buy a few new trashcanzz.. rinse them with water.. nothing els other then water.. and line them with a big bag.. put your tank water in it.. tie then bag so when u move the can water dont spill out and so on and on with the sam erutine with everyting els in your tank untill it is empty.. not to be redundant but... i will repeat!! make shure your tank n stand r level and in a strong n secure place!!!! water weigh 8Lb a gallon.. and 1 cub ft hold 7.5 galz i de believe.. u r talking a lot of weight!!!


I still dont see how you could go about moving the one into the others place unless you plan on keeping all the inhabitants in the can for a few months while the other tank cycles...Correct or am I missing something. I guess you could just place all the water from the 55 into the 125 but i would believe you will still get a cycle (maybe a mini). :thinking:


What I was thinking was I could take out all the rock and lower the water down to almost empty but enough to keep the fish in the tank, then I can get a strong buddy of mine to help me set it on my dinning room table then move the stand over then put the water back in. I hope that this dont stress out the fish.
After I move the 55 gal Then I can set up my 125 gal tank and I have 100 lbs of live rock that I am picking up to try to cycle the tank with it.
I dont know how or how often to move my fish from the 55 to the 125. Well I guess thats it for now except in the nextcouple of months after my tank cycles I will have a 55 gal tank and stand to sale someone in the Tennessee area. Thanks and let me know if I'm going about this wrong or not.I plan on doing this either monday night the 20th or tuesday the 21st.


My tank is from Tenecor and I love it. You could save over $1000 if you build your own stand and canopy and order just a tank.


Active Member
the transfer of the tank is all in how you do it on how long ur cycle will be. I went from a 55gal to a 100 w/o losing any livestock. It can be done. Just depends on what you have to start/work with. My method was to utilize everything from the 55, the sand, rock and water. I precured additional sand to compensate for the increase needed and same with additional live rock. My 55 had about 100-125lbs of lr, and 4inch dsb. I got an additional couple hundred pounds of LR, and sand and after sitting a few weeks in buckets all was ready to go. I had a mini cycle which lasted 3 days total. After that I had evelated nitrates but no ites, or nh3. Within a few weeks the ates had dropped to below 10 and all was fine. If you have the luxury of running both tanks at the same time great, but if space is limited this method worked well for me.
As far as tank goes, acrylic or glass it is preference, acrylis is stronger,half the weight, and has better insulative properties but easier to scratch.


well I mad the move it took a while but it is now done. all I have to do now is get my 125 up and running here is some pics.
I bought me a 55gal trash can and sucked my water down to a small level, I left the fish in there, a friend of mine come over and we slide the tank and stand togeather over to the new spot so then I filled it back up and the fish acted like neithing happen so so far so good I'll let you know in the morning if anything stresed out or not.I'll put the pics in order.
my 55 in the spot my 125 is going


well I have put my sand in my tank and have put my water in. The water is very cloudy at the momment. So 'm going to leave off my powerheads for the night hoping it will settle down. I hope i'm doing the right thing by leaving them off. I will be putting in 50lbs of live rock tomorrow to start the cycle and I'm going to buy me a peice of shrimp to help it along tomorrow. Do you think I'm adding the rock to soon or will it be ok if I add it the next day after setting it up?