Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Small update on how my tank and corals are doing. I also added 4 blue chromis to the tank. Here are some before and afters of the corals since I had them....


small triggers

Active Member
looks good, but it does look like you have alot of algae? (or maybe its just in those pics of the mushroom) how are your phosphates and nitrates? and do you have a test for your calcium to see if you even need to add?


Its been a while. Heres whats new. I got rid of one of my clowns. Harassed the crap out of the tank and harassed my fire fish goby to death., he was evil. I traded it in for a a black one. They are doing awesome together. I also got rid of my CBS and traded him in for a peppermint shrimp. The tank is so peaceful now. I love it. All them get along great. My corals are doing good also.
I'm still fighting hair algae on my rocks tho. I seem to not be able to solve the problem. Anyone have any suggestions on that?



Hey guys, its been a while since I posted anything, But I;ve been havin a problem with my tank and I havnt been able to fix it for ever. My problem is that the sand keeps building this brown layer I have 3 powerheads, so I cant imagine not having enough water circulation. I have a Koralia 1, Koralia 3, and Koralia 4 in a 45 gallon tank. Anyone have any ideas?

Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Just started my first tank and decided to start with saltwater (I have confidence in my self
ahha anyways I was just trying to get some feed back on how I'm doing so far and looking for some great tips for the future.
I've been testing the water for a week or so before I put fish in. My tank hasnt fully cycled yet but I read online that clowns can withstand the cycle. I've had the tank up and running for about 2 weeks
Here is the setup:

-45g Tank w/ stand
-10,000k Daylight and T5 Actinic Strip light
-Each lamp is 21watts-
-Fluval 305 Canister Filter
-Power head Hydor Koralia 1
-200 Watt Heater
-26lb of Live Rock (with a few bristle worms)
-30lb of Live Sand
- 2 False Clowns
My first question would be, Are lights strong enough?
If your doing fish only tank your llighting is fine. If you should decide to do reef tank you would need to upgrade your lighting system. 5 watts per gallon is recommended!
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Hey guys, its been a while since I posted anything, But I;ve been havin a problem with my tank and I havnt been able to fix it for ever. My problem is that the sand keeps building this brown layer I have 3 powerheads, so I cant imagine not having enough water circulation. I have a Koralia 1, Koralia 3, and Koralia 4 in a 45 gallon tank. Anyone have any ideas?
Crabs will help! You could also try a lawnmower blenny


Active Member
For the what fish you should get, do not get a damsel, they are really aggressive, six line wrass can be very aggressive, but i have one and it is peacful, Fire fish are cool schooling fish, ive had one of them, but it died of unknown causes. The yellow headed sleeper goby is the one i would get because they are good sand sifters, And i just dont care for chromis that much.