Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


You make it sound so easy. But the real thing you need to have is patience. When i first setup my 1st tank which was a 30g i got many books from the library and did it the right way. you cant add water and salt and then add damsels. Bottom line patience is key.


Oh sorry for hijacking your thread, i have a Octopus 100f. Octopus makes great products but if you buy it new it will have to be broken in which will take about 2-3weeks. And also if your tank is a 45g always get a skimmer that is rated double of your tank size. Ie you have a 45g. get a skimmer that is rated for a 75.


I know a lot of people don't like them, but I have a seaclone 150 and a seaclone 100...very inexpensive (if you're on a budget) and IMO they work good.


Originally Posted by meowzer
I know a lot of people don't like them, but I have a seaclone 150 and a seaclone 100...very inexpensive (if you're on a budget) and IMO they work good.
Cool, thanks for the reply. I'll take a look at those.


Bad news,
My tang past away this morning. Took it back to the LFS and had my water tested. Everything checked out to be good.
Any ideas why he might have died?


Active Member
Difficult to say, but it would help to post everything you test for. That really sucks, but unfortunately that tang most likely would have had trouble in a 40 gallon anyway. Stick with smaller fish next time and be sure to quarantine.


Originally Posted by subielover
Difficult to say, but it would help to post everything you test for. That really sucks, but unfortunately that tang most likely would have had trouble in a 40 gallon anyway. Stick with smaller fish next time and be sure to quarantine.
45 gallon but yeah you're right. I didnt get another one, I just took store credit. I tested for....nitrate,nitrite, pH, ammonia and salinity


Active Member
honestly, he might of had a better time in a 40 over the 45, simply because of the lil bit more swimming room its width would give him


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
honestly, he might of had a better time in a 40 over the 45, simply because of the lil bit more swimming room its width would give him
Yeah maybe, but he was pretty small to begin with. I doubt he'd notice a couple more inches. I highly doubt thats why he could have died.


I was thinking of getting another Hydor Koralia power head. I currently have Hydor Koralia 1, Should I even get another one for my 45gal. and if I should, should I get a more powerful one that the one i currently have?


I got a really good skimmer that works great. It's an HOB and the deluxe model includes a UV sterilizer, which from what I've read is not necessary, but it doesn't hurt anything. It's called the Via-Aqua Multi-Skimmer Deluxe. I picked it up brand new online for $129. My buddy has it on his tank and he's never had any complaints. His water is always clear.
I just set up my 75 gallon this past Sunday the 25th so I'm not gonna be putting the skimmer on for a good 30 to 45 days cause I'm still trying to build up bacteria. It sucks though cause now I'm stuck waiting for this thing to cycle and I only put in 40lbs of live sand and 23lbs of cured LR. I want to add more LR, the sand is fine, but I don't know if I should add the rock this week or wait longer. There were 3 crabs stuck in my live rock when I put it in, I hope they survive. They seem to be doing fine , but then again the tank has only been running for 5 days. It looks like a red emerald, a green emerald and a sally. They were hiding in holes in the rock.
I'm in the same boat as you here cause I just started this hobby. I haven't really posted on here much because I've noticed people get attacked for having done something wrong even if they had good intentions. I'm just going through threads and checking out who the people who know what they are talking about and checking out the people who are full of S and just want to try to impress the more knowledgeable people on the site. It's pretty funny actually, it's like being in high school all over again. There has been some good advice from some people from what I've read on this thread though, aside from that idiot Patrick. He's one of those that wants to impress the teachers.


Active Member
Ummmm, how far away are you toting the LR that you're adding to the tank? If it's just from a LFS minutes away, I wouldn't worry about the cycle being thrown out of whack. If that's not the case (and the new stuff is pretty purple for having been shipped), and you had the rock shipped, yeah, that might cause a spike in the water from die off that occurs during the shipping process. If the latter is the case, maybe you could scoop the clowns out of the tank and have another SW keeper friend hold them for you, or perhaps ask your LFS to keep them for you. A reputable LFS will certainly do that for a potential return customer. Either way, since you've not seen a cycle yet, temporarily rehoming your little clowns and throwing an uncooked shrimp in might be your best bet yet. Best of luck to you!!
I think your tank is looking awesome. Can't wait to see everything unfold for you.
*** Hmmmm, I guess I didn't get to the second page...just trying to help *** Sorry


Heres a quick update on my tank. The past few weeks I've added a few things. I recently purchased a skunk cleaner shrimp along with a sea hare (love the thing) I also purchased a few coral frags. Heres some pictures of the tank. I bought all the frags in the pictures for 60$. Gotta love craigslist. Let me know what you think.
Oh, I also got a new puppy recetly. Her names Zoe and shes 9 weeks old today. She is a Pit bull/Boxer mix


small triggers

Active Member
CUTEEEEEEEEE the tank and the dog,, oh and by the way dont let your dog eat a whole greenie in a sitting it will have the runs,,, very badly
Other than that YIPPEEE i love new puppies,,,


Active Member
Excellent Bro!
BTW, I jumped out of the fray back in November because of the !@#*, but I'm glad you kept going. I just read the rest of the posts. FWIW I have a 125g reef. I use a Fluval 404 and a 100g Skilter. I have no issues with any chemical imbalances. I don't even use the skimmer in the Skilter. I have 300 watts of light, so for now I'm sticking with zoas, mushrooms and ricordea, all of which are growing like weeds. I hope you didn't get forced into a sump or skimmer. I have both out in the shed collecting dust. My canister works perfectly.


I need you're guy's opinion on this one. I'm looking to add another fish to the tank but I'm a bit limited. I want something that is bright in colors, but also suitable for my tank size and set-up which is 45 gal reef/coral tank.
If you have a fish in mind that you think I'd like please let me know!!!!
But for now, here's what I came up with. Let me know what you think....
The pictures are in the following order from left to right:

1) Fire Fish Goby
2) Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
3) Blue Reef Chromis
4) Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
5) Sixline Wrasse
