Just Venting...........

tx reef

Active Member
As a nation, we have become so scared of offending people of other people that we allow ourselves to be belittled by people who are not from this country. God forbid we stand up for our race and country without being criticized for it.
I am not a racist, but I believe that someone from another country should respect our culture and not parade the streets with another countries flag.
Try that in China and see what happens.
Why should we continue to pander to certain people because of the past?
Why is it that we cannot talk about these things without worrying about someone calling us racist?
The majority of the people out there will agree with me, but most will say nothing.
However, the small radical groups will scream and get their way and we will let them do it because we have to be politically correct (even though they don't).
This is just my opinion and maybe it will encourage a good discussion on the subject. :joy:


Active Member
Dont let it get to you TX. Some people are so insecure that practically any opposing viewpoint offends them , they know they are wrong and cant win an intellectual debate so often resort to mud slinging. Personally I could care less about political correctness, or offending insecure losers like this. I enjoy annoying them and find it amusing pissing them off. :hilarious


Active Member
I totally agree TX. I think the United States need to put an end to being so politically correct. One thing that bothers me is language issues. If a person comes to this country, they should try to learn this country's language. We should not cater to everyone else. I would not go to France and expect they speak English to me. They would laugh at me. However, when a person from another country comes to the US nowadays, most of them are not even trying to learn English. That is ridiculous. They should not be welcomed in this country if they want to be that way.

sign guy

Active Member
Well my theory is that more of this pc bull sh#
will become more and more talked abought cuz one party wants to think that all of the usa thinks just like them. they think to themselves " Its those hillbilly rednecks that keep our party from sucsess
". They will never see that they are alone,they will not give up till w is out of office, and once they are back in power then they will want us to think we are backwards. Its all our falt for not keeping up with euorope, OH NO TX WHAT WILL THE WORLD THINK OF US!!! :mad:


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I totally agree TX. I think the United States need to put an end to being so politically correct. One thing that bothers me is language issues. If a person comes to this country, they should try to learn this country's language. We should not cater to everyone else. I would not go to France and expect they speak English to me. They would laugh at me. However, when a person from another country comes to the US nowadays, most of them are not even trying to learn English. That is ridiculous. They should not be welcomed in this country if they want to be that way.
EXACTLY!!!!! Could not agree more

tx reef

Active Member
I am glad ya'll agree with me. I almost deleted the post right after I put it up. I guess that is the good old politically correct conditioning I have been given my whole life.
Why is it I feel like I am doing something wrong by writing something like this?
I was actually having a discussion last week with a guy in my office (an African American) about why African Americans feel that white people owe them something.
These punks out roaming the streets at night and breaking the law want to complain about what the government isn't doing for them.
Slavery happened a long time ago and most of these people don't even know their own history beyond the fact that they were slaves. This is just another thing that we, as white Americans, are afraid to talk about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I totally agree TX. I think the United States need to put an end to being so politically correct. One thing that bothers me is language issues. If a person comes to this country, they should try to learn this country's language. We should not cater to everyone else. I would not go to France and expect they speak English to me. They would laugh at me. However, when a person from another country comes to the US nowadays, most of them are not even trying to learn English. That is ridiculous. They should not be welcomed in this country if they want to be that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I am glad ya'll agree with me. I almost deleted the post right after I put it up. I guess that is the good old politically correct conditioning I have been given my whole life.
Why is it I feel like I am doing something wrong by writing something like this?
I was actually having a discussion last week with a guy in my office (an African American) about why African Americans feel that white people owe them something.
These punks out roaming the streets at night and breaking the law want to complain about what the government isn't doing for them.
Slavery happened a long time ago and most of these people don't even know their own history beyond the fact that they were slaves. This is just another thing that we, as white Americans, are afraid to talk about.
wow i could not have said it bettr. around here its uncommon to see something like that but when its happens...bang!! it hits the headlines.


Active Member
Humm, perhaps if we didn’t push our culture down the rest of the world’s throat they wouldn’t be so hostile. Also, I didn’t realize that the US is made up of “one race”???? Last time I looked we were a melting pot of many different races, cultures, creeds and religions. Respect is something that is earned and is not something we can demand. We were once a shining example to the rest of the world and have long lost our luster.


I am glad ya'll agree with me. I almost deleted the post right after I put it up. I guess that is the good old politically correct conditioning I have been given my whole life.
Why is it I feel like I am doing something wrong by writing something like this?
I was actually having a discussion last week with a guy in my office (an African American) about why African Americans feel that white people owe them something.
These punks out roaming the streets at night and breaking the law want to complain about what the government isn't doing for them.
Slavery happened a long time ago and most of these people don't even know their own history beyond the fact that they were slaves. This is just another thing that we, as white Americans, are afraid to talk about.
Wow i couldn't disagree more. Not all African Americans feel white people owe them something and although there is a lot of African Americans that commit crimes, not all of them commit crimes. And slavery is something that happened a long time ago but is something that will never be forgotten. And a lot of black people don't know their history because their ancestors were brought to america on slave ships, were given slave names and seperated from their families. That doesn't really leave them with a way to find out their history. And for the most recent generations in school we are taught AMERICAN HISTORY which is in no way wrong because we are indeed in america but how do you expect them to know their history.


I just want to make a few points.
Asian people never complain about the way they were forced into slavery to build railroads (I'm not saying it was right). They have long since forgotten about it and moved on with thier lives.
A long time ago, this country was split in half. Many people died for a great cause. These people where both white and black. This was the civil war and the reason for this war was to free the slaves. MANY people including white people fought and killed their own brothers to allow africans to gain their much deserved freedom. Why don't more people acknowledge this fact?
If I opened a college fund that only white people were allowed to recieve. I would be considered a racist and a bigot. So, why is it ok for there to be a united negro college fund?
Just a few things to think about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I totally agree TX. I think the United States need to put an end to being so politically correct. One thing that bothers me is language issues. If a person comes to this country, they should try to learn this country's language. We should not cater to everyone else. I would not go to France and expect they speak English to me. They would laugh at me. However, when a person from another country comes to the US nowadays, most of them are not even trying to learn English. That is ridiculous. They should not be welcomed in this country if they want to be that way.

I totally agree!!!! I was at McDonalds a few weeks ago and I asked for some salt. The guy just gave me a blank look and says something like "Que pasa"?
This is America, we speak English!!

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Humm, perhaps if we didn’t push our culture down the rest of the world’s throat they wouldn’t be so hostile. Also, I didn’t realize that the US is made up of “one race”???? Last time I looked we were a melting pot of many different races, cultures, creeds and religions. Respect is something that is earned and is not something we can demand. We were once a shining example to the rest of the world and have long lost our luster.
Could you give an example. cuz you seem to bash but have no truth behind that statment.
I really people like you would go to a third world country, then you would see how the media twist things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grips
I just want to make a few points.
Asian people never complain about the way they were forced into slavery to build railroads (I'm not saying it was right). They have long since forgotten about it and moved on with thier lives.
A long time ago, this country was split in half. Many people died for a great cause. These people where both white and black. This was the civil war and the reason for this war was to free the slaves. MANY people including white people fought and killed their own brothers to allow africans to gain their much deserved freedom. Why don't more people acknowledge this fact?
If I opened a college fund that only white people were allowed to recieve. I would be considered a racist and a bigot. So, why is it ok for there to be a united negro college fund?
Just a few things to think about.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Humm, perhaps if we didn’t push our culture down the rest of the world’s throat they wouldn’t be so hostile. Also, I didn’t realize that the US is made up of “one race”???? Last time I looked we were a melting pot of many different races, cultures, creeds and religions. Respect is something that is earned and is not something we can demand. We were once a shining example to the rest of the world and have long lost our luster.
So leave.



Active Member
Grips, you made some excellent points. I am sure there is a ton of more examples out there too. If any come to mind, I will post them.
JohnBob, I disagree with nearly every point you made.
Not all African Americans feel white people owe them something and although there is a lot of African Americans that commit crimes, not all of them commit crimes.
This is the only point I agree with. I did not see anyone claiming that all African American people were bad though. I personally know a ton of people that are African American that are incredible people.
And slavery is something that happened a long time ago but is something that will never be forgotten.
Slavery happened over 150 years ago. You, your parents, your grand-parents, and possibly your great grand-parents (depending upon your age) have absolutely no memories of it. Sometimes, people need to move on. The Holocaust happened much more recently, but you do not see Jews still bringing it up. Asian people were slaves on the railroads and then they were put in camps in America, but you do not see them still griping about that. The past is the past. We are in the present.
And for the most recent generations in school we are taught AMERICAN HISTORY which is in no way wrong because we are indeed in america but how do you expect them to know their history.
We are all American. We are in this country because we are American. When I went to school, I was not taught Irish history. Do you suppose they teach every person thier background's history?

tx reef

Active Member
Good discussion folks. :joy:
Thanks lion_crazz for pointing out that I did not say all African Americans.
I have many AA friends and most agree with my point of view.


They say Im the Majority......maybe its easier to be the minority. Wait that cant be right because all I hear from the minorities is how hard it is to be a minority. Some day in the near future Ill be the minority, or so they say, I cant wait to get in line for all the free benifits I can get when Im the minority. I know when my ancestors got here they didnt change the language for them. They HAD to learn English. What has changed to let the non English speaking to have everything on every package in every store at every MAC machine in their language? When or why would they ever learn English if they can go through the drive thru and order in this country in a non bordering state in a non English language ? Is it me? Am I the only one who thinks that the MAC machine should ask me my pin first not what language do I want? Its total tree huggin liberal cry baby crap. Do you remember the good old days of carpet bombing? Wow, thats all you get for .02 cents. Do you remember when a dollar was something? As always , IMO. :happyfish