Just Venting...........


right on soto.. very very good points. and wreckler. reckler. come on man.. wreckler is reckler with a W... :) i just want to ask one question to every participant in this discusion.. do you honestly think we can ever do anything about this nation with how far we let things go to this point.. ever since technology (tv, radio, computers, sports, cars, motorcycles,etc) who has the time to care or have an opinion on the government? really born, play, school, job, family, die. we allow our children for years and years and years to trust in the government and live ther happy lives with out concern for there happiness and look where it has gotten us.. i feel were to far gone for any 1 or 1,000,000,000,000 people to do anything about it.. tradition and civilization are set on a course and short of convincing 70% or the population what to do itll never strike a change that will progress with time rather than fizzle out as it has in every attempt... so i ask you.. can we be saved?or will we self destruct.. i probabbly wont be around to see it buy my kids or grandkids will... and thats what bothers me.. to much technology and power and not enough education on control and proper edicate of life... its dangerous.. 1 idiot with a chem book can do alot of damage but yet we keep teaching tech but not life... recipe for disaster.... place your votes are we doomed.... thanks for stopping by!


I agree with puff_puff_, we are doomed. well actually I think we have been doomed since we have allowed ourselves to be controled. for instance, before I quit drinking me and the wife went to a bar. I had gotten up to use the restroom. when I came back to sit down there was a man sitting there trying to take advantage of my wife. I kept my cool with him as long as I could stand. I had asked him twice to remove himself from my seat, but he told me to get lost. both times he told me to get lost or he'll kick my ass. So I grabbed him and proceeded to kick him in the face. the only thing I shouldn't have done was punch him in the throte. I was arrested for defending my womans honor. I almost went to prison because of it. That is BS in my own opinion. I am not allowed to carry a gun anymore to hunt or anything. What was I supposed to do, Call the cops on him. I was charged with assult with a deadly weapon on this whole insodent. Now you tell me if we arent under control already. This man was trying to molest my wife and got away with it. although I dought he will try doing it to someone elses woman now.
Growing up I was taught to defend myself. Now I have to just sit and wait until it's to late. sorry about the long story. I got to involved and started to remember that night again. It still makes me angry to this day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chutneyjh
Whites are not more entitled to anything, but they get more privileges just because they're white. Just an example: Have you ever seen dark colored band-aids at Wal-Mart. I doubt it. I guess the only people who get injured have white skin, huh? Not like band-aids are a big deal, but it does show how white is seen as the norm in our society. Anything else is considered deviant. Another example: resumes were sent out with traditionally "black" names to potential employers. Even when the "european" candidate was way less qualified, they were overwhelmingly chosen over the blacks. Does racism still exist in our society? Absolutely.
What about the BET channel or Ebony magazine. Could you imagine a white entertainment channel or Ivory magazine. Who cares about race we are all Americans and our blood is the same color.


mines green is yours?
come on we have white orginizations KKK
now seriously that was an off color joke... i am formally against the KKK but i thought that was funny.. tasteless ill admit but funny...


Originally Posted by Phixer
What about the BET channel or Ebony magazine. Could you imagine a white entertainment channel
haha! they'd hafta call it the WET channel. course we'd all toon in thinking it's some ---- station


SOTO-you are a sick puppy (just kidding)
I don't agree with the assessment that the Civil war was, in a major way, fought for slaves rights. Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation as a means to disrupt the economy of the south which was built on the backs of the slaves. The ultimate credit for the ending of slavery should go to E. Whitney and the invention of the cotton gin (sp?). At that point slave labor became more expensive than the machine.
The fact of the matter is that we, as a nation, are not doomed to accept things as they are. If you don't like the government then VOTE and change it. If the candidates are all the same then pony-up and run for office and change it yourself. We are not helpless. We, as a people, have agreat responsibility to monitor OUR government.
WE don't care for the racist and intolerant attitudes, but we continue to teach them to our children. There is no solution other than taking the responsibility for changing it upon ourselves, either as Americans or parents. If WE want it changed then WE need to start the process.


2 things. i agree with your last statement but to organize a nation wide revolution of education understanding and equality is imposable. were all to preocupied... so the government runs wild.. and the other thing. i would vote and i would also run! but the government wont let me.. they said i did somthing bad so that took my right to vote away.. haha some government.. half the population cant vote.. actually the statistic is that one 5th of the population has a felony conviction! so we lost 1/5th of the publics voice right there... but we dont talk about that.. if i ran for office i would be called the weedwacker.... (bush)


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto

Yeah. Laughing is about right.
Voting? Changing something because I don't like it.
Wow, I almost pissed myself in ecstacy. Good thing that can be done, doubt it.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Yeah. Laughing is about right.
Voting? Changing something because I don't like it.
Wow, I almost pissed myself in ecstacy. Good thing that can be done, doubt it.
i can't tell if yer agreeing or disagreeing. all i know is that voting is useless, i hafta do a water change 2day, ate too much fast food, and i can't get this song outt've my head. the one that goes "hello darkness my best friend!"


I've got an idea. ok, join a site(for chatting), make sure you get into the rooms that are of a different race than your own. sit there and see what they say about blacks, whites, orientals, ect. If everyone thinks the whites are racest then try it. I have and I felt pretty bad. basically I am trying to say is, when you have a majority somewhere, there will be racizm. I don't care what you background is. If you get on a site that is mixed race, all of a sudden everything is politically correct.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
phixer ddo you ever listen to neal bortz.
On occasion when I can find a station that airs him down here. I agree with most of what he says but agree with O'reily more when it comes to social issues. Disagree with him on abortion and a few others that I feel are in line with the mentally distraught liberal left, (sorry but liberalism is a mental illness) but for the most part I enjoy listening to him. I agree with much of what Bortz , O'reily and Buchannon support. Thanks for asking.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
i can't tell if yer agreeing or disagreeing. all i know is that voting is useless, i hafta do a water change 2day, ate too much fast food, and i can't get this song outt've my head. the one that goes "hello darkness my best friend!"
Tend to agree, often you are meerly voting for the lesser of two evils. No one in my party would ever get elected.
Oh and in order to purge that song from your memory just repeat the words "in accordance with the prophecy" out loud while in public after each verse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Oh and in order to purge that song from your memory just repeat the words "in accordance with the prophecy" out loud while in public after each verse.

That's hilarious!
I hate getting songs stuck in my head.