Just Venting...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Just wondering if you ever plan to vacation somewhere other than an English speaking country. If so, can you speak the language? If not. Good job on contradicting yourself.

Actually, yeah, I've been to

and when I was there I spoke French.
My point on the McDonalds thing was, YOU ARE WORKING IN AMERICA. Why would you think it's okay to speak Spanish, and then get irritated when I can't understand you?


Active Member
TX Reef said:
If I go to another country on vacation, I can struggle with the language thing for a couple of weeks.
alyssia is talking about people who come here to live and don't even attempt to learn english.
Yes, thank you, at least one person quoting me knows what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
If I go to another country on vacation, I can struggle with the language thing for a couple of weeks.
alyssia is talking about people who come here to live and don't even attempt to learn english.
I am an estimator/project manager for a construction company and our concrete crews are all mexicans. We have 3 crews with approx. 8 people each. Only one person from each crew can speak english and that is the supervisor.
I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is when I drive around checking out job sites and I can't even talk to the guys if their supervisor isn't around to interpret.
If I do try to talk to them they just stand there and smile at me.
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, and agree 100%
My employees smile and nod their heads, but when I come back to check on thier work, its not done the way i just spent 20 mins telling them how i want it done. And of course its my job to make sure its done correctly


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Actually, yeah, I've been to

and when I was there I spoke French.
My point on the McDonalds thing was, YOU ARE WORKING IN AMERICA. Why would you think it's okay to speak Spanish, and then get irritated when I can't understand you?

I thought you ment that you were working at McDonald's and he was a customer. I get it now, whoops!
And yes, Francisco, I do... Please don't come to stalk me! I swear I didn't do it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I am glad ya'll agree with me. I almost deleted the post right after I put it up. I guess that is the good old politically correct conditioning I have been given my whole life.
Why is it I feel like I am doing something wrong by writing something like this?
I was actually having a discussion last week with a guy in my office (an African American) about why African Americans feel that white people owe them something.
These punks out roaming the streets at night and breaking the law want to complain about what the government isn't doing for them.
Slavery happened a long time ago and most of these people don't even know their own history beyond the fact that they were slaves. This is just another thing that we, as white Americans, are afraid to talk about.
I have a good friend and black pastor from Zima
e and he put the slavery issue in a way that I never heard before. If your car got stolen and you found it but the owner said he bought it and showed you the details. Would you be mad at the guy that had it or the one that stole it and sold it. Well, a forgotten fact is that it was the leaders of the tribes in Africa that sold the members of other tribes into slavery. White man did not go over there and round them up! That would be about as easy as herding cats!


I am not stalker, just an english speaking person of hispanic desent that stops at that shop whenever I am in Decatur. Last time I was there the lady working told me that a single mushroom polyp was going to be $49.99 or 39.99 the price for all corals.


Originally Posted by grips
I just want to make a few points.
Asian people never complain about the way they were forced into slavery to build railroads (I'm not saying it was right). They have long since forgotten about it and moved on with thier lives.
A long time ago, this country was split in half. Many people died for a great cause. These people where both white and black. This was the civil war and the reason for this war was to free the slaves. MANY people including white people fought and killed their own brothers to allow africans to gain their much deserved freedom. Why don't more people acknowledge this fact?
If I opened a college fund that only white people were allowed to recieve. I would be considered a racist and a bigot. So, why is it ok for there to be a united negro college fund?
Just a few things to think about.
I am a bit suprised that no one has pointed out that this is an ignorant statement above. The Civil War was not a war to "free slaves". The Civil War was fought over States Rights. Thats it! The South tried to sucede and they lost. Slavery was a very small issue in the big picture. GET OVER IT!


Originally Posted by grumpygils
I have a good friend and black pastor from Zimae and he put the slavery issue in a way that I never heard before. If your car got stolen and you found it but the owner said he bought it and showed you the details. Would you be mad at the guy that had it or the one that stole it and sold it. Well, a forgotten fact is that it was the leaders of the tribes in Africa that sold the members of other tribes into slavery. White man did not go over there and round them up! That would be about as easy as herding cats!
I can see where you're going with this, but I don't really think your reasoning is on the right track. I mean, it's still illegal for the 2nd owner to buy the car if he knows it's stolen. Not to mention morally wrong, which we all know/knew slavery was, regardless of who originally started it. On a more general note, I don't really think slavery is the issue today (even though lots of people stand behind it because it's the easy way out) but the overall white privilege that many people (black and white both) believe/percieve whites have. No, we're not evolving greatly as a nation by focusing on it, but just think for a few minutes of all the things whites are entitled to just because they're white. And yes, I am


Active Member
Originally Posted by chutneyjh
No, we're not evolving greatly as a nation by focusing on it, but just think for a few minutes of all the things whites are entitled to just because they're white. And yes, I am white.
Please, please educate me as to what whites are more entitled to, and how they are more privileged than others. I would very much like to know.


Whites are not more entitled to anything, but they get more privileges just because they're white. Just an example: Have you ever seen dark colored band-aids at Wal-Mart. I doubt it. I guess the only people who get injured have white skin, huh? Not like band-aids are a big deal, but it does show how white is seen as the norm in our society. Anything else is considered deviant. Another example: resumes were sent out with traditionally "black" names to potential employers. Even when the "european" candidate was way less qualified, they were overwhelmingly chosen over the blacks. Does racism still exist in our society? Absolutely.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by chutneyjh
Whites are not more entitled to anything, but they get more privileges just because they're white. Just an example: Have you ever seen dark colored band-aids at Wal-Mart. I doubt it. I guess the only people who get injured have white skin, huh? Not like band-aids are a big deal, but it does show how white is seen as the norm in our society.

That is completely ridiculous.
Are you related to that in New Orleans that wants to start a chocolate city?
No one is screaming racism at him.
I wonder what would happen if I tried to create a vanilla city....... :thinking:


Active Member

Originally Posted by chutneyjh
Whites are not more entitled to anything, but they get more privileges just because they're white. Just an example: Have you ever seen dark colored band-aids at Wal-Mart.
I doubt it. I guess the only people who get injured have white skin, huh? Not like band-aids are a big deal, but it does show how white is seen as the norm in our society. Anything else is considered deviant. Another example: resumes were sent out with traditionally "black" names to potential employers. Even when the "european" candidate was way less qualified, they were overwhelmingly chosen over the blacks. Does racism still exist in our society? Absolutely.

Actually, yes, I have. And at EVERY local freaking drugstore. And I live in ALABAMA. SOUTH.
Even when I was in High School, we had coloured Band-Aids.
I wish people would stop LOOKING for reasons to be pissy, seriously. Racism = sales and stocking of Band-Aids?
And no, I'm not flaming you. I am a Liberal Democrat, I'm for EVERYONE'S rights... I just think this is a wee bit ridiculous.


I know you're not trying to flame, but I find it strange that it's the band aid argument that people are focusing on. That was one extreme example. The point I was trying to make is about privilege and how nobody wants to admit that white privilege exists. Or male privilege, as another example. It's been my experience that people who like to claim racism doesnt' exist are the same ones who like to make comments like "well, i'm not a racist, but..."


Active Member
Originally Posted by chutneyjh
I know you're not trying to flame, but I find it strange that it's the band aid argument that people are focusing on. That was one extreme example. The point I was trying to make is about privilege and how nobody wants to admit that white privilege exists. Or male privilege, as another example. It's been my experience that people who like to claim racism doesnt' exist are the same ones who like to make comments like "well, i'm not a racist, but..."

I agree with you. I also think some blacks discriminate against whites as well though. And what about the black power shirts? Can you imagine what would happen to me if I walked down the street wearing a white power shirt??


You are absolutely right. And I think that fear of reverse discrimination comes from the point you make and correlates with the idea of privilege. We talked about this a lot when I took Women's Studies classes. If we really were going to try to achieve some sort of equality as a society, there would have to be a balancing of power, meaning that certain minorities would gain more power (socially/politcally/economically/etc.) and certain other groups would lose a bit of that power. And I think that creates a lot of fear (maybe subconsciously), especially in white males because somehow they know they will lose some of that privilige if we stare to equalize things.